Hypnosis can unlock your unconscious mind | Albert Nerenberg for Heretics

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This hypnotherapist claims he can replicate the feeling of cocaine, alcohol, and even sex within anyone’s mind.

One of the things that made Sigmund Freud famous was his suggestion that most of our thoughts are unconscious. Today, neuroscientists estimate that 97% of our thoughts are unconscious.

Most people are uncomfortable with their own unconscious, but we have more tools than ever to help unlock and understand these hidden thoughts.

Hypnosis is heretical because we are afraid of our deeper selves. Albert Nerenberg explains why he believes in the power of hypnosis to change us.

Read more of our stories on unconscious thoughts:
Brain implant translates thought to text
Brain implant lets man with locked-in syndrome share thoughts
We can now hear an AI robot’s thought process

Watch our original series:

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Where is the full interview this is very interesting


I'm a skeptic and a believer. I know it works. But not exactly as they sometimes make you think it does.


Scariest iv ever been was 3-4 months ago, when I tripped and became aware. I knew I was aware, and I'm aware that I'm aware. It was scary, cuz u see the path of ur life, and what ur soul is doing to basically try n survive. The whole thing about the brain predicting the future is true. I see that, and then I would feel the emotions of wat other ppl would think of me. I could feel every single emotion. Felt like a supercomputer. Smoke a lil, I still know I'm aware. Smoke a lot, I'm so aware it feels like the body is currently in hell.... The gust of wind that comes in my room is connected to a thought, the the sharp pain you randomly feel is connected to a thought... When scientists say, "everything is connected" this is wat they mean. And it's scary, the whole thing about the soul is true. I would like to replace soul with, subconscious tho. I don't just become high, and enter lala land. I become high, and the only difference is my state of awareness, all my thoughts, I'm aware of. I just enter right where I am in reality. I just know I'm a soul in the human body instead.
What's more frightening is knowing that everyone is like this... And if u look up different experiences of weed, some say everything makes sense, some say they feel like they are falling in hell, some say they have bad thoughts, and anxiety. Most of these people only report one of those symptoms.. And they don't get the full picture... Well I did, and do if I smoke, and it's scary. Scariest thing about there, I promise u that. That's why I don't smoke no more... Too much knowledge is not a good thing sometimes. Cuz u may forget that article u read about something when sober, but if u r aware like I am, ur brain is using everything its ever read and seen, to make decisions in life. When u r this aware, u get scared because u know the predictions, and sometimes it's against ur personality, and that brings fear. Ugh I'm so done.

My point is 97% of our thoughts IS indeed hidden, it's not just thoughts..those human emotions they talk about... Ego, super ego, casting, etc... It's all real.. U will see what I mean, if u trip, and become aware like I am when high.

Anyone else experience this?


I listened to hypnosis for leanring langauges, ans it changed my life. So many strictures of my own making removed, relased, and just changed. My dreams became vivid, and more easily seen and remembered.


if the only pieces of information I had about this dude was the cut of his shirt, my two guesses about what he does would be, Chancellor of a Galactic Federation in 3022...or present day hypnotist


I'd be interested to see MRI comparisons of brains on actual drugs and on "hypnosis simulated drugs". Like, not because im skeptic but because it's an interesting concept I'd like to understand


I remember your excellent and dedicated work at the addiction center; that must have given you a lot of insight into the addiction psyche.
I also remember how out of a whole graduation class, you were the only one who hypnotized me!
I look forward to explore my subconscious with your help 💚💚


On the topic of flight. In highschool a friend tried to hypnotize me. He successfully got me in deep trance. I was brought out of it because I felt 8 pairs of hands pushing me down and heard the teacher's voice. I had miraculously floated off the table.


Good luck finding a hypnotist that is not a scam here in Greece, or in general.. Good hypnotists are so few :/


I believe it's a coping mechanism, we need focus on "important stuff" to not get distracted


Hypnotic drugs sounds fascinating. I struggle with addiction and the "what if game" of "what if I have withdrawals?"


Just started reading The Expectation Effect by David Robinson so this mind body connection stuff is he's on about is very intriguing


I was never interested in hypnosis so I couldn't have imagined it is so capable


I’m willing to try. I spent 9 months researching other unorthodox therapy.


1:27 Not for me: Something happened to me after a trip. All of what his saying is true. Along with the human emotions. I'm aware of all that. And it's terrifying, feels like a super computer, powered by our body, the time is in our breath, and we do illusion reality. Our decisions are made by everything we have read, and seen. All of this, I'm aware of... And Ik I'm aware of it, when high. I keep telling myself, when high... "humanity, won't understand, or will think I'm crazy" Thank God for science, because we will figure us our in the future.... Or u could just talk to me.

I'm kinda waiting to get noticed by scientists etc, cuz this shi is real. And more and more cases will start happening as THC becomes stronger.
Also 3:07, no u do not want to be aware and feel in control of ur subconscious, it's way too much brain power, and the emotions are too much, u will panic. This is why people say don't smoke too much, they become too aware, and the decision... Because the brain associates emotions with the negative images, words, pass experiences, it's using to make the "right" decisions in reality. The negative experiences bring way more pain than the positive, in fact the positive experiences don't even bring much emotion, all I feel is the absence of negative emotions. Negative, emotions can be anything from ur heart speeding up, to ur foot tangling, to feeling like an kidney is about to bust. All that shi is happening as I'm speaking to people, ur just not aware, and sometimes it becomes so strong it does enter ur conscience state. Ur chest pain, means something to the subconscious, it knows what decisions and thoughts made that happen, ur just not aware. Ur random shiver means something... It's all connected. I never asked for this state of consciousness when I tripped, but it happened... And scary, and I pray humanity will figure it out in the future. Ik we will. U prolly think I'm high, rn, I'm not... But I did have a flash back of how I was when high, and it's bringing back the memories... That's the other thing... BTW everything humanity does and say, is us trying to figure this state of consciousness out... Is it random I ran into this video... Nah.. U may think, lol😂 some poor farmer in Africa died, and nobody knows him, how is he helping humanity figure this out.... Well that's the thing... Him living for u, didn't affect u, its not supposed to...it will affect the next person who seen, talked or heard of him... And that affect will keep going... At the end... It will make sense... This is why AI is the final front teir for human....its gonna be able to see and tell u the timeline of humanity. And you will believe it. When high, I'm aware, I know I'm aware and I know, I know I'm aware. Freaky.

Edit: The part about humanity trying to figure itself out, is just what I think is happening, I have the urge to tell humanity about it, when high.(that's me right not, typing this out) The part of me that's predicting, reality is just thoughts. I'm aware of the divide, me, and the me in thoughts. For example, last time I was high.... The thoughts were to go get help, and of course it was making predictions about how my life was going to changes if I did go in to get help. It was pulling and just logic about how I may get kicked out of my house.. I may go on meds and have adverse reactions. Etc... I saw all of the calculations it was making to the best of its(my) abilities and knowledge. Of course the aware me(the one speaking to u rn) was saying to itself... Ur fine.. Ur just high, u don't need help... Welp the brain will ruin ur reality, to make u go in..it did, with bad imagery, and negative thoughts. So I ended up going in... The moment I stepped out of that hospital....after setting an appointment I felt better.

When high what brought real fear is knowing that what that the predictions the thoughts was making, was unstoppable, its the real me in there. And the fear when my aware self, did not want to do the path I saw the real me set. But remember the brain can be wrong... It's only making decisions based on ur knowledge. Remember how I saw the brain thinking about how I may lose my house if I went into get help? Well I told a friend that, and he said I could get help online... So that right there is an example wat the brain(the real me) thinks is gonna happen, but gets rerouted by new knowledge. At maybe a couple puffs from a joint, u are able to control urself, cuz the aware me doesn't get the full picture, but two bong hits and u will see visionary of being a soul falling into hell.. U have a feeling ur life is going to end soon...u don't know when, that's for me anyway.. Some else might feel like it's in the distance... But that's why we say the subconscious knows when it's gonna die.... Because it does...trust me when humanity figures this out... It will make sense. Everything will. I don't even wanna take more than 2 bong hits. I will probably see way too much.... I may even act possessed because it will be too much for me me to handle... Who knows what people who panicking on hard drugs are seeing. What else would make people turn violently, and try to eat ur face, panicking on the ground, when on meth..

I don't smoke no more like I said, but I do start to become internal, like I'm high, when I scroll thru Instagram. It's like I'm scroll, and thinking, and the thoughts are not even related to Instagram. I only stop scrolling when I noticed I'm internally thinking. This happens to other people too... I think we call it, mindlessly scrolling. Those who do that, are just not aware of the inner thoughts. If they did they would notice their thoughts are opposite of wat they are looking at

It's freaky out there, and we will only know when we die. But there's differently more to human beings. Thanks for reading.


97% of our thoughts are unconscious? Where is his clinical evidence for this? How do you make a claim like that without substantiating it? This talk to shows me, once again, that hypnosis is largely boogie boogie


I wanna hear what's out there as well...the crazy stugf


I feel like he is misunderstanding the difference between brain activity and thoughts


He meant everything already programmed, stop making things over complicated. Just Do It!


This show is getting more and more weirder.
