6 Reasons Why FoF is Ignorant

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Responding to Faith on Fire's: 6 Reasons Calvinism is a Cult
#calvinism #christianity #jesusislord

6 reasons Calvinism and reformed theology is a cult. I respond to two comments left on my channel, one listing reasons why Calvinism is a cult and the second comment defending Calvinism as not being a cult but Biblical
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I have been in reformed churches for 58 years. Shunning is not a thing. Maybe in a hyper Calvinistic church it could be.


Imagine perverting John MacArthur's comforting words in the second clip in such a disgusting and horrible way. FoF is disingenuous.


People like FOF give the impression that they are ' perfectionists ' In their videos, they seldom mention the words ' sin ' and ' repent '

The Gospel ( good news ) is all about turning away from sin by repenting of sin and believing that Christ died for your sins.

The gospel is NOT about ' making a decision ' for Christ. We are not saved by OUR DECISION.
This makes our decision ( a man-centered intellectual assent ) being hopefully sufficient for God to agree with. It is not.

Calvinism is not about human 'decisions'
It is about sinners
being regenerated by Spiritual new birth from the Holy Spirit.

It is not about being correct and perfect like so many man-centered preachers on youtube.


Brian is someone who severely lacks discernment and honesty. I called Brian out in his criticism of Justin Peters, saying that we (Calvinists) hate women based on Peters rebuking the book 'Jesus Calling' written by Sarah Young. Brian claimed he never said that.


I think a lot of these anti-Calvinist guys have never even read Calvin. They certainly don’t seem to understand the history, how the 5 points were a response to Arminius’s followers.

And they don’t seem to understand how man-centered their view is. It’s a sad state of affairs.


Good video so far, I look forward to finishing it later. Thank you for sharing.


The only reason anyone thinks Calvinism is wrong is because of the ancient worship of the false idol of a free will, right out of Genesis 3. It's the knee jerk response of the sin in the flesh, that old man who tails against the new. Thank you for what you do.


He definitely wins the goofiest CDS argumentation awards here on YouTube. I just covered him also. Extremely sad.


I have had my run-in with him with his terrible theology.


Every one of his videos is against Calvinism I asked him once to make a different video and he quoted from Jude and completely blew off the fact that faith is much more then just attacking Calvinism he seems like a grifter just for calvinists to watch his videos.


😂😂I gotta say... crossing his face in the thumbnail is hilarious


I think the proper label for the criticism of John's shepherding of that woman is - "Perverted". I noticed this in a conversation I had with a provisionist, they were asking why God would teach and admonish people to use Goldy wisdom and to pursue righteousness in how they live their lives if people can not "lose their salvation". I was like: You understand Christ is a good Shepherd right?


Brian is so bad in his exegesis it should be embarrassing to anyone who follows him. If you honestly stop and listen to what scripture teaches cover to cover it is monergism.


That answer from MacArthur, of whom I don't watch much, I know I know, sacrilege - but, I do dig R.C. Sproul, Apologia Studios and numerous associated with them brothers!! Also love the old school brothers like Jonathan Edwards, Spurgeon, Owens, Pink, Tozar, and the list goes on AMEN praise the LORD.

Having said that, MacArthur's answer was biblical and beautiful.. what's the problem, other than the guy who's making nothing an issue wants click bait for his videos -- not cool man!

There is more hate and aggression against God's Sovereignty over everything than ever before, and the saddest part is that it's coming from supposed "Christians."

---How many church goers "believe" everything about Jesus and are still not His? Now that's odd isn't it?
Does man save Himself by crying out from his sinful flesh, or is salvation ALL GOD from start through eternity including faith?

God's will does not mean every singe individual that ever lived - did God not appoint Judas to condemnation? How about those Egyptians who drown in the sea? You have to take the entirety of Scripture not just passages that fit your mind.

Is the LORD God Sovereign or not?

---Hahahaha good point Rogue: Jesus forced Lazarus to life from the dead -- Hahahaha!
Why do they hate Christ saving His sheep since we can't do it our selves? Would he also hate someone stopping a dog from biting a child without the child's permission?


Maybe it should've been call 6 reason I cannot believe the bible or the God revealing Himself therein FOF?

Actually Rogue, we and synergists believe the same thing as to who are saved; those who believe/all the believing ones will be saved. What we disagree on, is *who* limits that salvation; God or man. Either God does by restricting His grace to give faith or man does by refusing to believe. Since the latter is not something man can change (like trying to truly believe the sky is lime green when in reality it is blue), the former; God determines must by default be the truth.

What FoF means by treating them like heathens IMHO is we treat them like false prophets, correcting them and rebuking them and their doctrines. Why I think this is is because we have a very different view of God. Their's is one who wants all saved, our's wants only those He has chosen. We really disagree at a very fundamental level, the level of who God is. So while we have a lot in common, we have major differences at a level that cannot be reconciled without them abandoning their false doctrines. Only God could change hearts in this way IMHO.

Also about the wind in John 3, we hear the wind, it has an effect on us, we know it's there from these effects, just as we know when someone is born again by the effects the new birth has on them. We see the change in them and their behavior. Also the wind/Spirit goes where it/he chooses/pleases, we don't direct it. Like when it picks your house up, just try telling it to stop that! We don't know where it going or came from; It is a mystery like why God chose this one and not the other. So is everyone who is born from above. In other words; we are chosen in a effectual way by the Spirit and we do not know why or who will be next. But that is the way it works for *everyone* according to Messiah.


I thought your video said 6 reasons Calvinism is WRONG lol. I'm getting into this video great job so far, I enjoyed the MacArthur clips to prove the other side wrong


5:00 Wow that was embarrassing. John MacArthur is asked what the Gospel is, and with his decades of training and study, this is what he rambles about for four minutes? Is this John Biden? Smokes. That was awful. My kids do way better than that when they’re asked that question.

And look how disingenuous MacArthur is in what he does say. He asks, ‘how would you feel if I promised you you would get a rich paying job? Or that you would get married and have kids?’ As if he knows who in his audience is elect and who is reprobate. That’s the issue here. MacArthur is lying or being disingenuous with his audience here. He doesn’t believe that the promise is actually, effectively for everyone. And he hides that here in this video.


This guy is bearing false witness against us like it's a hobby


This video came up in my video feed so I made the mistake of watching it all the way through. This guy is SO ignorant not only about Calvinism but about anything Christianity. He's lies and exaggerates...makes accusations that are hyperbolic and not based in reality. He's just opinionated. I confronted him on his what seems to be open theism. Of course he said I was a liar. When I tried to explain to him how why what he said made it sound like God is waiting for people to pray a certain thing before He knows how He'll respond he just didn't get what I was saying. I removed the video from my watch feed so hopefully I won't get any more of his videos.

By the way, I don't know one person who holds to pre-millennialist eschatology that is not a cessationist including me. I don't see how one has anything to do with the other.


MacArthur does preach the Gospel, but what he means and why non Calvinists mean are two completely different things. And I think you know that and are avoiding the underlying issue intentionally.
What MacArthur and Calvinist teachers believe is that when they preach the Gospel they are only calling to the elect who are potentially being irresistibly graced as they preach. If you’re not being irresistibly graced then it’s going to fall on deaf ears. And that’s such hogwash. That’s not the Gospel of the Bible. The Gospel is open to all who call upon the name of the Lord. For as many as received Him… Why doesn’t John limit it to the elect? Because Calvinism is bologna and is not the Gospel of the Bible.
