Tenant eviction process during the Coronavirus pandemic

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Tenant eviction process during the Coronavirus pandemic

In this episode we discussed the following topics

▶ Why might a UK landlord want to evict a tenant in a buy to let property?
▶ What are the proactive actions buy to let investors can take to support their tenants during the Coronavirus pandemic and the financial hardship faced?
▶ What is the legal process to evict a tenant from a buy to let property?
▶ How long does it take for a UK landlord to evict a tenant from their property?
▶ What are the rights of tenants during the Coronavirus pandemic?
▶ What is Section 8 and how can it be used to evict tenants from a property?
▶ How might UK landlords use the Section 21 process to evict their tenants from properties?
▶ What financial help can UK tenants get due to the financial crisis caused by Coronavirus / COVID19?
▶ Is it better to support tenants during the recession and financial hardship or to evict them?
▶ How does the UK property law support landlords?
▶ How will the UK property laws support tenants from rogue landlords?
▶ How can the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) support landlords when their tenants are not paying their rent.
▶ Are there any insurance policies that payout in the event of a tenant not paying their rent?

#PropertyExpertPanel #Property #BuyToLet

On the expert panel we had:

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The Laws on tenant eviction is disgusting!
By the time you get the non-paying tenants out you’ve lost your house!
Government control of the private economy... That’s Fascism.


Does the 6 month notice period apply if a landlord wants a business out of their property? I agreed a fixed term deal that runs out at the end of the month, this business houses individuals from a local council. Where do I stand when the fixed term rental period runs out?


What I don't understand is that according to the ohio laws during this pandemic is that I received an eviction notice today and I'm one month and one week behind on my rent and all of the sudden my landlord wants to sell the house I am renting but if I was consistent on my rent he would not have issued this kind of eviction and I heard that they can't evict you until October of 2021. He's even offered to sell me the house for $40k and wants straight cash. This seems to be a sneaky way for landlords to bypass the current covid tenant laws. I don't have that kind of money and he knows this! Can anyone help me on what to do and to get this kind of action stopped?


Ive been paying rent and i get home one day its a 30 day notice to vacate because owners are changing the use of my house from renting to putting it on market for sale. Im ok with moving but i cant find a new place in 30 days thats convenient to our job. What can i doto get more time every house that would work will not be available until after april


Are you lot absolutely understanding the reality of the situation. The government has out everyone in this possition .


I am a commercial landlord. The tenant has closed premises (fast food shop) for last 11 months and has stopped paying rent for last 12months. Last week, he left the door opened for 2 nights or maybe some one broke into the shop. I got telephone call from the neighbour about open door and I contacted the police and tenant. The tenant did not take any urgent action and shut the door after 2 days. The building was left unsecured for 2 nights. I have requested the tenant a viewing to see that there is no damage to the property but he torn upon my written request and sent back to me the photo of destroyed letter. Do I have a right to forfeit the lease by peaceful entry?
Do I need to give notice 146 first, mention the breach of covenant of security of building and if he does not respond then can I make a peaceful entry and forfeit the lease?


Say yes to Jesus.. You've done everything you know how to do, you called a 1000 people and still you have no help. Between Covid-19, rent that is beyond past due, eviction notices piling up and everything else you have to deal with, you are not alone. For once in your life Try "A Sure Thing".

Sinners Prayer:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtor's and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thou art the kingdom the power and the glory, Amen.
Luke 11:2-3

Say these words with everything you have. "Lord Jesus...please forgive me.. for everything I've done. I need you in my life, please save me.

Watch my lord change your life.
