Excel 2019 VBA Intermediate Tutorial

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Excel 2019 VBA Intermediate Tutorial
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Who it's for: Business Analysts, Data Scientists, and everyone in between looking to write their own rulebook on what’s possible in Excel.
What it is: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language for Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. VBA is used to automate repetitive processes and frequent actions. Even more, it can be used to build tools that otherwise don’t exist in Excel.
What you'll learn: In this series, users will be guided through the foundational concepts of VBA in Excel. Users will learn to build macros from the ground up, starting with recording macros that require little to no code, and working towards building their own macros using crucial VBA concepts such as Loop, If Then, and other complex functions.
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Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Introduction to Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions 2:06
Variables - Overview, Naming Rules, and Conventions 3:48
Variable Declaration Methods and Scope5:35
VBA Data Types 7:40
Option Explicit Statement and Removing Variables from Memory 9:26
Concise Ways to Declare Variables 13:43
Declaring Procedure Level String Variables and Reviewing Intrinsic Functions and VIN Characters 17:19
Assigning Values to Variables Using Intrinsic Functions and the Line Editor 21:14
Testing the Sub Procedure and Introduction to the With-End With Structure and the Offset Property 28:26
Creating a With-End With Structure that References the Offset Property and Testing the Procedure 33:40
Troubleshooting the Procedure and Re-Testing It 37:44
Saving Files as Macro-Enabled 40:50
Overview of MsgBox and InputBox Functions 41:24
Modifying an Event Procedure to Include a Message Box 46:56
Testing the Message Box Function 51:44
Modifying a Sub Procedure to Include an Input Box 52:56
Testing the Input Box Function 59:45
Overview of Object Variables 1:01:03
Using Object Variables in a Sub Procedure 1:02:38
Testing a Sub Procedure by Stepping Into It 1:10:33
Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions Recap 1:15:04
Introduction to Controlling Program Execution 1:18:24
Controlling Program Execution and Control of Flow Structures 1:19:02
Boolean Expressions, Logical Operators, and Comparison Operators 1:21:10
Overview of the If-Then Constructs 1:24:40
Using the If-Then-End If Construct 1:27:01
Creating a Function Procedure Using the If-Then-Else-End If Construct 1:30:32
Calling a Function Procedure from a Sub Procedure 1:34:47
Testing the Function Procedure and Modifying the Code 1:37:54
Creating a Function Procedure to Extract the Year from the VIN 1:39:55
Testing the Year Extraction Function 1:43:30
Creating a Function Procedure Using the If-Then-ElseIf-End If Construct 1:44:14
Creating a With-End With Structure for Concise Code - Testing Procedure 1:47:47
Select Case Overview - End Select Construct 1:50:29
Creating Functions Using the Select Case - End Select Construct 1:51:20
Creating Functions by Using a Text File 1:55:13
On Your Own - Creating a Function to Extract the Make 1:58:24
Testing Final Three Function Procedures for Extraction 2:00:11
Overview of Looping Constructs 2:00:56
Using a Do While Loop to Populate the Spreadsheet 2:04:14
Creating Procedures to Append and Clear Info on Sheets 2:08:20
Testing the Append and Clear Sheet Procedures 2:14:19
Avoiding Errors by Using an If-Then-Else Construct 2:15:01
Using the For-Each-Next Loop 2:22:58
Controlling Program Execution Recap 2:27:46
Conclusion 2:28:51
#excel #exceltutorial #exceltips #vba #excelvba
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Who it's for: Business Analysts, Data Scientists, and everyone in between looking to write their own rulebook on what’s possible in Excel.
What it is: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language for Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. VBA is used to automate repetitive processes and frequent actions. Even more, it can be used to build tools that otherwise don’t exist in Excel.
What you'll learn: In this series, users will be guided through the foundational concepts of VBA in Excel. Users will learn to build macros from the ground up, starting with recording macros that require little to no code, and working towards building their own macros using crucial VBA concepts such as Loop, If Then, and other complex functions.
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Username: manuals
Password: password
Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Introduction to Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions 2:06
Variables - Overview, Naming Rules, and Conventions 3:48
Variable Declaration Methods and Scope5:35
VBA Data Types 7:40
Option Explicit Statement and Removing Variables from Memory 9:26
Concise Ways to Declare Variables 13:43
Declaring Procedure Level String Variables and Reviewing Intrinsic Functions and VIN Characters 17:19
Assigning Values to Variables Using Intrinsic Functions and the Line Editor 21:14
Testing the Sub Procedure and Introduction to the With-End With Structure and the Offset Property 28:26
Creating a With-End With Structure that References the Offset Property and Testing the Procedure 33:40
Troubleshooting the Procedure and Re-Testing It 37:44
Saving Files as Macro-Enabled 40:50
Overview of MsgBox and InputBox Functions 41:24
Modifying an Event Procedure to Include a Message Box 46:56
Testing the Message Box Function 51:44
Modifying a Sub Procedure to Include an Input Box 52:56
Testing the Input Box Function 59:45
Overview of Object Variables 1:01:03
Using Object Variables in a Sub Procedure 1:02:38
Testing a Sub Procedure by Stepping Into It 1:10:33
Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions Recap 1:15:04
Introduction to Controlling Program Execution 1:18:24
Controlling Program Execution and Control of Flow Structures 1:19:02
Boolean Expressions, Logical Operators, and Comparison Operators 1:21:10
Overview of the If-Then Constructs 1:24:40
Using the If-Then-End If Construct 1:27:01
Creating a Function Procedure Using the If-Then-Else-End If Construct 1:30:32
Calling a Function Procedure from a Sub Procedure 1:34:47
Testing the Function Procedure and Modifying the Code 1:37:54
Creating a Function Procedure to Extract the Year from the VIN 1:39:55
Testing the Year Extraction Function 1:43:30
Creating a Function Procedure Using the If-Then-ElseIf-End If Construct 1:44:14
Creating a With-End With Structure for Concise Code - Testing Procedure 1:47:47
Select Case Overview - End Select Construct 1:50:29
Creating Functions Using the Select Case - End Select Construct 1:51:20
Creating Functions by Using a Text File 1:55:13
On Your Own - Creating a Function to Extract the Make 1:58:24
Testing Final Three Function Procedures for Extraction 2:00:11
Overview of Looping Constructs 2:00:56
Using a Do While Loop to Populate the Spreadsheet 2:04:14
Creating Procedures to Append and Clear Info on Sheets 2:08:20
Testing the Append and Clear Sheet Procedures 2:14:19
Avoiding Errors by Using an If-Then-Else Construct 2:15:01
Using the For-Each-Next Loop 2:22:58
Controlling Program Execution Recap 2:27:46
Conclusion 2:28:51
#excel #exceltutorial #exceltips #vba #excelvba
(C) 2022 Learnit, Inc.
Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.