The Call of the Wild by Jack London | Audiobook

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Jack London's "The Call of the Wild" is an incredible story about loyalty, betrayal, trust, friendship, and the hardships of life in the far north. And all of this is described from an unprecedented perspective - the entire story is a series of heart-gripping adventures of a sled dog. A memorable tale with a deep, instructive message that provides excellent reading satisfaction for readers of all ages.

Buck, a mix of St. Bernard and Scottish Shepherd, is a strong and resilient creature, ideal for pulling dog sleds in the frosty Alaska. However, even HE fights with all his might to survive under the yoke of inexperienced, harsh, and often cruel human hands and the consistently deadly nature. When he is sold to a dog trader in the autumn of 1897, his peaceful life comes to an end, and arduous struggles begin. Fate throws him from place to place, transfers him from owner to owner, showing the dog the entire range of human and animal behaviors in extreme situations. As events unfold, his wild nature also awakens in the canine hero - a desire for unlimited, human-uncontrolled freedom and liberty. The call of blood increasingly calls him to break free from the harness and return to his roots.

*Table of contents:*
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:13 Chapter I - Into the Primitive
00:23:31 Chapter II - The Law of Club and Fang
00:44:26 Chapter III - The Dominant Primordial Beast
01:16:35 Chapter IV - Who Has Won to Mastership
01:36:47 Chapter V - The Toil of Trace and Trail
02:10:08 Chapter VI - For the Love of a Man
02:39:33 Chapter VII - The Sounding of the Call

*Created by:*
🎙️ Narrated by Arthur Lane
✂️ Edited by Martin Gold
🎨 Graphic by Jordan Harvey

🖋️ Author: Jack London
📅 First publication: 1903
📖 Genre: Classic literature, Adventure fiction
🎧 Version: Unabridged, Full/Complete
📝 Subtitles included


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It is a rare pleasure indeed to hear the words of Jack London flow as they do from the mouth of this reader. They held me spellbound at times. I almost forgot the savage horror of this tale as I listened. Thank God, the viciousness of carnivores is not natural. God created all things good and gave to each his proper vegetable food. One day, paradise will be restored, and the wolf and the lamb will lie down together. This is the state of things that will endure through endless ages, because God loves peace and order, not brutality and blind passion. This fallen world, the consequence of man's sin, marks a short a parenthesis in time that only exists for the greater good of the redeemed, and the eternal glory of our awesome God! Thanks for the excellent reading!


Chrismas morning. Up and done some art and about to take my Buck on a hike. He's a collie and called Rory. 5 years ago I would have been half dead from alcohol by now. My dog brought me back to health and life. This has always been a favourite story. It means more today than it ever has.


Favorite book evverrr! Buck is a total chad.


Beautiful reading with a good pace and beautiful voice. Thank you❤


Love Jack London! I would love to hear more!


Marvellous, couldn’t stop listening ❤
