Homeskoolin’ Bonus Round, “Dog Ears & Dog Years”

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Hello friends….just thought you guys might get a late nite kick outta the tone genarated by this gnarly old P-90 that has recently floated across my transom (hello Janine).

I truly wish this beat up old gig warrior from a distant world could talk….i wonder what this student model golden era Gibson has witnessed in it’s life….

i tried to ask it, but it just stared at me, mocking me with it’s stately limed mahogany countenance.

To be continued….
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I can remember when I could only afford one guitar. I think I was happier.


Back again, this has become one of my favourite homeskoolin videos it seems. 👌


My bro, 11 months older than me, gifted musician, loved drums the most. My best friend on this planet…all my life!!! We played in bands together professionally thru the 80’s…started with rich kid birthday gigs, then high school proms and dances when we were in 7th and 8th grade, then traveled and played. He was in perfect health 3 months ago. Lost feeling in his legs, then up to waist, then chest, neck…bad, bad neurological shit. He passed away Friday, June 17th. I turned him on to your channel back in garage/Covid days…he loved music and he loved him some Tom Bukovac! You appear to think you have this little channel that people may/may not enjoy…music, guitar and whatnot. You need to know you’re fucking enriching lives sir…It’s the “YOU” part that draws people in and keeps them. It’s YOU!!! Thank you for who you are and for what you do Tom!!!
RIP Kevin!!! I love you bro!!!


8am Monday morning sitting in my garden in southern Spain eating breakfast listening to Uncle Larry. Tell me life ain’t good?!


I am of the firm belief that the Les Paul Jr. is the best sounding rock n' roll guitar ever made. Simple, straight-forward balls.


Back again, still my favourite one. Funny how certain music hits different with different people. 👌


The great thing about playing guitar is that it takes you to places that others can't reach.


Uncle Larry sure likes the key of F(key of Love) and the key of has helped my playing in those keys.
Also helped me play chords I would have never thought of too! Thanks Uncle Larry!


55! Wow….amazing guitar Larry. You always find the best shit out there. I also love that Brazilian Rosewood. Your comment about quality of guitars changing after the Vietnam war started was an eye opener for me. I never put 2 and 2 together but the timeline matches up perfectly and it made total sense as soon as you said it. That was a cool piece of info. As far as the axe…nothing like an old LP TV junior. They have an extremely pure rock n roll sound. Every single one I’ve heard played the right way sounded like a total rock machine. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of mileage on that one and a lot of inspiration. Loving all the content lately. Keep it coming if you can…Oh and I watched that video with Guthrie on Bret’s channel…man that was the best video I’ve seen outside of your channel in a long, long time. I’ve been practicing moving those 4ths around the neck. There was a ton of informational gems in that video and some of the best playing I’ve ever heard.


I wanna thank you generous sir, for something unexpected....
I had a 3 hour gig at the local Elks club, my wife and I, she plays flute, I guitar an sing.
I felt my execution had more purpose, attitude from not copying what you do but more from how you approach your playing( Articulate, creative, focused, purposeful). I felt like my confidence and creativity was a touch more unrestrained as a direct result of your most righteous perspectives that you have graciously shared . Thanks from the bottom of my heart, would love to shake your hand someday.


Your music always has eyebrows!!!! So expressive!


Unrelated - I went back and looked at some of the first 20 or so Homeskoolins. Fabulous.


I rarely read the comments cause they can be so frustrating. But today, I see you are having an awesome affect on others as well. I've told you before you have pulled me thru the last 2 years. You have become a friend I would defend. You are blessing so many people around the world Tommy. Keep up the great work...ya lucky bastid! (;


Dang that riff just blew my hair back dude. Sweet stuff Larry, thanks for sharing this nugget of awesome.


Over time, I've owned three LP Jr's: a '58, a '59, and a '60. All gone now. Wish I had that '60 back. It barked. Light weight for the model, and intonated well. Missing that single P90 guitar in my collection. Must rectify. Thanks for the quality content and the inspiration!


I’ve seen every guitar hero I’ve ever had play live and if I could choose one guitarist who’s playing ability I could steal it would be Uncle Larry Bukovac’s.


This is just awesome, 4 times through, just great!


Good on you, staying off the tide pods. And that '55 is looking pretty smart, too! ;-)


Having different guitars always gives the notes and tone's i desire.


That's great you got that old beast of a Gibson Tom. Time and Tide wait for no man! 😉
