Coming Out Tips

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Lets talk about coming out.

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Instagram: @andrewgoesplaces
Snapchat: andrewsneighbor
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No, don't stop - I don't think you're rambling - you've got a great conversational style. It's very relaxing.


You seem like a really chill guy...something very relaxing about your vids. It would've been cool to hang out when I lived in Memphis. Keep up the good work!


I agree with your tips! Andrew this will help many people!


Gratifying that you took the time to share such a personal experience with us all. No embellishments held back no punches. it is what it is and not the same for everyone. The support and love of your family and friends around you is a testament to you as a person and how you affect each and everyone around you. Keep it flowing


Thanks for sharing your tips! Even though this is a few years old, it is still helpful to so many people


I am actually touched by your video, although I had seen a lot "coming out advises". It helps a lot! All the things you told in the videos, are the efforts that you made to help lots of people especially teens out there. Thank u. Thanks to all you guys who work hard to make the world a better place.


andrew Your style and personality is so calming and intellegent. You really translate a sense of everything is going to be alright and here is why. Keep up the good work. Hey not that it is any of our business but because you have been out 10 years where is the long term relationship? It is my theory that the older you get the harder it is to find a LT companion. Just because those looking get into relationhips and are not available. What are your thoughts on relationships and you? Also i think your mom just wants the best for you and discussing relationships with her most likely makes her happy that you are happy


Great tips Andrew! I'am 47 and came out 27 years ago. I give conferences in highschools to talk to kids about homosexuality and bisexuality and those are the exact same tips i give them... Good job!


There is something about his way of speaking that is very calming. And his lips, damn they are pretty!


I just came out to my parents and sister last year and I am so happy to have the most supporting family. When I told my mom, yes she cried but then she realized that I took out a lot of weight off my shoulders ad she was happy and then she told me the next day that we have to celebrate this.

My father told me that he felt relieved when i came out to him because that means that I am happy and I am right the way I am. Sorry for the redaction English is not my mother language.

Greeting from Mexico.


Thank you for this video! I’m 26 I’ve been raised as a Christian and I still am a Christian, but I know I’m gay. I’ve been struggling with this for so long now. I don’t know how I’ll ever come out but I am taking it one step at a time. My family won’t support me neither will quite a few of my friends, so it’s definitely complicated for me to open up about it.


Andrew, I didn't come out until I was in my 40s.  Never told the parents...things were difficult enough, and they were older.  However, at work, I try to make all our gay employees feel as though they can talk to me about anything, and I defend them when others have negative things to say.  It's important to me.  While I haven't told other employees that I'm gay, we all should be treated equally, no matter whether we're gay or straight.


If I had kids .. I'd never want them to feel that they have to ' Come Out ' because of their sexuality. I'd 100% want them to say I'm bringing my partner over for dinner or for whatever. I don't care if they were straight or gay. They'd be my child & id love them unconditionally


I love watching your videos!! You're so calm about everything and such an example! (And you're handsome) ;-)


How many different states/countries have you traveled to?


You are amazing :) keep doing your thing!


I came out by accident. I was older, 35. My stepmother figured out years earlier. This was in the 80's. In a small town in Michigan. I left a VCR tape in the player called "Bottoms Up. My dad pushed in the tape, "no pun intended" And blew a gasket. Thank God for for my Sep mom. He was an old WWII guy. He never really came to came to terms with is it but all the other family did. I was dealing with a guy that was born in 1918. Old German Catholic parents. Raised in the 30's, and was an MP in WWII to remove the " Queers" from the ships as they came in to the Philippines. He wouldn't talk to me about this !!! Didn't know how. I'll give him that but here I am, His son that he thought so much of, .... you would think. .... something.


I coning out because of you thank you. you help me


Andrew I love your personality. You are very mature for your age. You are the type I would love to have as a friend :)


Very good advice.  Have enjoyed all of your recent videos!  Looking forward to your Q & A.
