The Truth About the Bricked Wii U | Can You Fix yours For $8?!

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Just unbricked a WiiU with this method! Very useful video. Nice and easy! Thank you!


Here's to hoping that all bricked Wii U's are a software error and not actual NAND failure. And fixing just 30% of systems is a great start. Some success is still a success when it comes to keeping electronics out of e-waste.


You're a hero to the retro community Voultar. Thank you for tackling this issue for all of us.


The fact that this fix doesn't require opening the wii u is absolutely amazing. I have 3 wii u's, a white, black and zelda editions and I would hate for them to be dead. Doing the good lord's work again


Little advice for people who might have had the same problem as me with the wii u not displaying image and getting a black screen as soon as you plug into the Raspberry Pi. Good News (Maybe) there might be a way to still do it. The Wii U doesn't show it but you are actually in the menu! What you do is you click the right buttons in the right order (Remember to count your presses) and then turn the console off and it should work. thats what i did, hopefully this comment can help someone in the same situation as me


This is really cool and might be a Wii U life saver in general! While I may love the original Wii more than the Wii U, I still have a very soft spot for the WiiU and it still has some things over the Switch! It’s still very scary to think that not turning on a Wii U after a long time would brick it, but with methods like these, I’m starting to feel like these Wii Us will still be alive and kicking!


A note on pricing: $9 shipped is probably a good deal if all you're buying is a Pico, but if you've got other electronics to include in a larger order, the unit cost from official retailers is $4 ($5 for the version with presoldered headers).


This amazing, I really hope this video gets out there to a bigger audience the world needs to see this.
Even though my Wii U still worked after 4-5 years of not playing it, I'm going to purchase this in the event of it ever happening.
Thank you.


What can also kill a lot of these is factory resetting these while using Cold Boot Haxchii. It works by changing the boot title to the DS one that Haxchii is injected into. When the system is reset or the title is deleted, that software gets removed but the boot title ID does not change, so the system is pointing to a file that doesn't exist.

Tbh Nintendo could have prevented this by having the OS title ID be the default in the event an error like this occurs and refresh the boot title id when booting through that secondary check. Then the setting would essentially be in two places on the NAND and be way less likely to corrupt. But there'd be no reason through normal use besides NAND corruption why the title ID can change so they probably overlooked it.

NAND hardware degradation can happen, but usually there's warning signs as parts of the OS are corrupted but not all of them.

There's newer exploits that inject themselves into the health and safety app. The benefit of these is that that app does not get removed on system reset and cannot be removed by the user. And they're written such that if the needed files are not found on the SD card, it will just boot into the normal OS.

It likely is possible to replace the NAND chip, but the problem is that the Wii U encrypted keys haven't been cracked, so it's impossible to create a "doner NAND" image. On the 360 you can extract those keys from a NAND dump, so as long as the NAND isn't completely fubarred, you can dump those keys and generate a fresh one easily. Even if it is fubarred, I believe you can still generate one but it's limited to offline.

If you have a NAND dump from before the NAND hardware fails or software breaks you can flash it back to the Wii U though. Or solder an SD card in and use that.


I'll be checking my Wii U. I hope to never come across this issue, but if I do, I'll know what to do next. Thanks Voultar.


Massive respect for you Voultar. Nobody seemed to be looking into this, and you show the interest of not only diagnose, but help and prevent the issue from happening.
You got a subscriber from this, and thanks again


I have a strong suspicion that 95% of these issues are soft-locks, not a true brick. Most people wouldn't even know how to report a problem, so everything just gets lumped - and everyone... the users, media, re-tweeters ... all just want attention.


It's so insane to learn about this news and then watch it slowly rise up in the videogame community and now seeing hackers finding a solution.


Bro thank you so much for this! So today I’m getting my Wii U to work again but I heard about the Wii U can get bricked if you haven’t used in a long time and you can’t do anything about it so I started to hyperventilate. I looked everywhere for a solution to it then I found your video. Without you I couldn’t endure the fact that my Wii U got bricked and now I know the solution. I can’t explain how I feel right now but all I can’t saw from my heart is you’re just a hero that everybody asked for in their life!


A man of the people. When we needed him the most, he answered the call!


Thank you for taking the time to make this video. This gives hope to anyone who has a bricked Wii U sitting around.


Thank god there's a fix for this, although my Wii Us aren't bricked yet, this video is so helpful.

Let's all thank Voultar for this.


For those who love the Wii U and support the physical sancity of horses, you are a true hero.


I have waited on a fix for 5 years, THANK you, I hope I can finally fix this.


Coldboot Haxchi stopped working for me after the 5.5.6 update, so i tried reinstalling and ended up soft- bricking my Wii U. I didn't have a Pico but I did recently pick up a V1 switch for modding Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Ran the switch fork of UDPIH and was able to recover my Wii U! This video is a must for those delving into Wii U homebrew. Shout out to those who made this possible!
