Manage Employee Discounts with Bepoz POS Systems

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Employee discounts are popular perks in the retail and restaurant industries. An employee discount benefits both your business and your employees. This perk keeps employees happy while also ensuring the bulk of their spending will be done within your store.

An issue arises with employee discounts when these employees abuse the system. It is not uncommon for a well-meaning employee to share their discounts with friends and family members. This abuse costs you money and lessens the significance of an employee discount.

Should You Use a Push-Button to Manage Discounts?
The easiest way for employers to manage employee discounts is with push-button technology. In most cases, employees only need to press a simple button to be granted the discount. This is quick and simple. It is also not ideal.

Run-of-the-mill push-button discounts cannot be customized for individual employees. All employees receive the same discount regardless of their status. They also cannot be tracked. Too often, employees push the button to give discounts to family and friends. Without knowing who accepted the employee discount it is nearly impossible to track who might be abusing the perk.

The Best Way to Manage Your Employee Discounts
Bepoz has a solution. Our advanced discount management solution offers the ability to track every time an employee discount is used. This helps you in multiple ways. You know which employees are using the discount and how often. You will be able to tell if they are using the employee discount for only themselves or for themselves and others. You can also learn if the perk is one that is useful to employees.

The Bepoz employee discounts system removes any need for managers to sign off on a discount. Managers do not have time in their busy schedules to approve every employee discount, which is why push-button technology is so popular. The Bepoz system is just as easy but tracks every discount to the individual. Managers and business owners can look over the data that is collected by the system to see which discounts were used by each employee at any given moment. You can even see which products or services were purchased with the employee discount.

Tracing POS Employee Discounts – Let The System Do The Work

Your current discount management system may not offer room for flexibility. POS employee discounts do not have to apply to every item in your store or restaurants. Bepoz employee discounts allows you to limit the use of this perk. For example, you can prevent employees from using their discount on alcohol, clearance items, luxury goods or items that are in limited supply.

Conversely, you may wish to offer POS employee discounts as a perk only on select items. Perhaps you want your employees to be given a temporary discount on seasonal merchandise. Maybe the perk is offered as a bonus to employees who perform particularly well at their jobs. You can also setup employee discount groups. This enables grouping employee discounts in levels, which is an added incentive for excellence in performance.

Bepoz makes this possible. Perhaps most importantly, Bepoz makes it easy.
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