Naruto's Biggest Plot Holes!

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Edited with Love by: @RiddleMMD (facebook)

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Yoshi Studio Music - Made In Japan

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Tenten not having enough screentime is a major plot hole.


Explaining away all plot holes would be a raw ass video


And the sole reason Momoshiki destroyed Sasuke’s rinnegan is so he couldn’t escape the dimension they were in. They made a big deal about how they would be stuck if it wasn’t for Boruto’s karma.


Simple Hagoromo summoned back not only team 7 but all of the tailed beasts, which propably could not be reverse summoned due to requireing huge amount of chakra


Maybe Sasuke used his rinnegan powers to enable cross-dimensional summoning in that moment 😅


Mine is Naruto being hated by the village and being lonely but like every memory cutscene he’s chilling with half of the Sasuke Retrieval team. And the graduation exam from the ninja academy.


The first thing that comes to mind for me is that just because something is possible or works a certain way doesn't mean that every single character knows about it, would think about it in the heat of the moment, or is specifically capable of it even if they check the previous two boxes. It could even be that such things could backfire due to not being as good of an idea to do in the moment as the reader/viewer might assume and the character(s) are aware of this. Anime fans have a bad habit of considering characters not doing certain things in certain scenes plot holes when in reality people don't always have perfect efficiency in thinking about and successfully executing the optimal strategy to find success in whatever they are doing, and it's always easier to think of this kind of thing in retrospect than it is when you're there in the moment, especially under pressure. This is something that writers are aware of and sometimes do write into their stories as intentional character flaws to make their characters more human.

That's not to say these kinds of scenes can't be plot holes. They absolutely can, especially if it's something that should have been obvious to the character in question. All I'm saying is people shouldn't be so hasty to jump on every single scene like this as a plot hole when it could very well be the writer(s) wrote it like that on purpose for the sake of their intended characterization of the characters within the plot. Before immediately considering this kind of thing a plot hole, consider whether it makes sense for the character(s) in question to know about, think about, and be capable of performing the particular actions that you feel would have given them an advantage, as well as any potential reasons why doing so might not be as optimal as it seems at surface level and could actually be a bad idea to attempt.


Chakra limits.

They weren’t just summoning team 7, they summoned the Bijuu as well.


I still wanna know what type of sage hashirama is 😂


This plot hole kinda has the easiest fix that I’m surprised neither Kishimoto nor the anime went with.

Sasuke has access to the animal path now. He could have just made a second bird summon.


What about Nagato able to bring a whole village back to life but not his best friend? Or the Senju clan being non existent in every generation after Tsunade's brother.


You just pointed out the only time we have seen cross-dimensional summoning is when Sasuke summoned his hawk to the lava dimension and when Hagoromo summoned team 7 back to the real world. This means we have seen cross-dimensional summoning happen only when the user possesses a Rinnegan, which could mean that a Rinnegan is required to successfully perform cross-dimensional summoning and that’s why it never happens otherwise.

It could be a power specifically tied to the Rinnegan, or it could even be tied specifically to just Sasuke’s Rinnegan and Hagoromo’s Rinnegan. One of Sasuke’s Rinnegan powers is already tied to dimensional travel, which might be part of what enables him to cross-dimensionally summon his hawk at a much smaller chakra cost than what it took for Hagoromo to cross-dimensionally summon 4 people (each of whom has a large if not gigantic chakra pool, making it harder/more chakra intensive to summon them one way than it is to summon the bird the other way).

There could also be (unspecified) issues causing it to be significantly easier to summon from the world where the hawk is into the lava dimension than it is to summon from Kaguya’s dimensions into the real world (i.e. there is some kind of force similar to gravitational pull that is stronger one direction than it is the other direction). Also, Sasuke’s summons the bird while Kaguya is alive, and Hagoromo summons team 7 after she is sealed, so her current status could have an impact on what it takes to cross-dimensionally summon (i.e. it takes more chakra to do it because she is sealed, or more chakra to do it because the dimension is collapsing on itself like a black hole; Hagoromo would have known sealing her would have this effect, which is why he planned ahead to have access to all of the kage’s chakra when he summons team 7).

Plot hole filled.


The reason they didn't revers summon is probably because they didn't think of it or they just didn't have enough time to think of it before hogaromo summoned them


I chock it up to the ninja world's culture, making them blind to obvious choices because they have been working in a specific way for so long. This is actually quite common in cultures like theirs, such as is demonstrated in modern, day Japan, which Japanese culture is what the ninja world was based on.

In modern day, Japan, many children for the last fifty years have been given an exceptionally large number of books and school supplies to carry back and forth between their home and school often having to walk distances with all these supplies.

In the late 90s and early 2000s, when a few intelligent children decided to figure out how to create a dolly to carry all of this extra weight back-and-forth from school and home. Many adults were upset because that's not how they did it when they were young. They threw a conniption fit and did not like the concept of these children coming up with a new idea. That is how the culture influences mindset. Generally speaking, far Asian cultures are not given to inventiveness or creativity. It's not a part of their mindset. This is transferred over into the ninja world of Naruto. So, it is very difficult for individuals to invent new concepts or use existing concepts in a new way to benefit themselves and make their lives easier.

So because of the culture and civilization basis for the ninja world, none of them are likely to sit down with the different types of space-time, jutsu, and summoning jutsu and try to game the system. It's not something that will cross their mind in the vast majority of cases.

Naruto's father is actually being a noted exception to this who created a space-time jutsu that allowed him to teleport around a battlefield in real-time.


Hagoromo needing the previous kage's power to help perform a jutsu when he has, presumably, infinite chakra... that's a plot hole.


While not plot hole it's wild that the village didn't use reverse summoning to evac combatants during wars or spying missions. Imagine Everytime a puppet users hiding dpot was located and their puppets no longer can defend them, i just reverse summon away


Well that's kind of easy, basically every animal that could have reverse summoned them were also trapped in the infinite Tsyukiomi. It doesn't help that in a vs Obito situation, the Kamui dimension in particular does not seem very conducive to escape via space-time ninjutsu other than Kamui, as when Madara decided to head there to get the other Rinnegan, he had to drive by snatch Kakashi in order to get Obito's other eye.


The only way i've been able to justify it is duration and chakra limit, standard summoning taking a perpetual toll on the chakra reserves of the summoner as long as the summon is with them. So with summoning T7 and all the Bijuu, for the rest of their life (the Bijuu being immortal) would take a perpetual amount of chakra for the rest of time.


How is this a plothole? It's just based on the "man but this doesn't seem right" typa headcanon.
It was kinda obvious from the beginning that Summoning Jutsu is a teleportation/space-time Ninjutsu.

It's still inferior to every other teleportation Jutsu. It firstly depends on the users skill (how they utilise and what all contracts they have).
It has many limitations as well.

I mean as a Boruto advocate you would have know about Koji using this as a means to escape.

Comparison summoning of literal ghosts with it is just crazy


Sasuke's Animal Path of the Rinnegan connected to his Hawk
