What Do British People Think Of The French? | Easy English 78

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Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.

Producers of this episode: Mitchell Hargreaves, Isabell Hargreaves-Schmid

#learnenglish #easyenglish #easylanguages
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Difference between a French and a Brit? Brit is a warm German and French is a cold Italian. There!


After the battle of Dunkirk, my grandfather who was a British officer, remained on the French coast after the main evacuation. Some local fishermen risked their lives to help him, they discretely hid him from view, gave him clothes so he would look like one of them and they took him back home across the channel at night in their fishing boat.


The French are very proud of their culture. They should certainly be admired for that.


As a Brit living in France, we have been welcomed and accepted, love France and admire how proud and protective the French are about their culture French 🇫🇷 ❤


As a French person, I was expecting carnage in this video so I'm so pleasantly surprised about British people's opinion of us. LOL
I watched Easy French's "What the French think about the Brits" and am so happy to have found this video in return from Easy English. It's heartwarming to see that both sides thought past the stereotypical "French people hate English people!" and vice versa, because it's simply not true. Our governments might like to keep up that idea, but it's not true. I've been to London twice and have had a really pleasant time both times.
I will say that although some French people might seem closed off or standoff-ish in being willing to help out or talk to someone speaking English to them, it's most likely because the French person doesn't understand everything the English person is saying (feeling like the person is speaking too fast maybe...) and even more likely that the French person is embarrassed/scared to speak/reply in English because of feeling like their English language level won't be good enough. Some Parisians are completely rude, this I agree with. But most French people outside of Paris don't set out to be deliberately rude.
Personally, I love British culture as a whole (except from maybe some food dishes, haha :) ) and to me there's no better sense of humor than the English sense of humor. British comedy series are hysterical.


The French are great in my experience. Iconic history and culture, and lovely people.


I'm an American, and I've been to Paris a few times; I didn't have any problems at all and felt welcomed. All I had to do was attempt to initiate conversations in French, and they all immediately accommodated me with English. They were really quite gracious and lovely. I adore Paris!


What I most admire about the French is that they admire and respect intellectualism, they study and understand philosophy and having a discussion with them is enlightening. This ensures they understand their life and stand up for their rights. The English distrust intellectuals and this robs us of so much richness, debases our culture and makes it so much easier to be manipulated.


I'm French and i was waiting for the word "arrogant" to be pronouced ! Here we go at 5:47


I love France and the French people. Love from a Brit : )


Wasn't ready for so much appreciation for the French, it's a change !


I’ve just returned from a two week break in France. My grasp of the language isn’t great but I did my best to converse in French.
I met one impolite person in France and he was a fellow Brit, I wasn’t surprised. I have found the French to be welcoming, friendly, patient and tolerant, at least in comparison to what I’m used to in England. I took a riverside stroll with my family and ended up spending half an hour swapping life stories with a random French gent who I’d never met before, two days later, back in England and my neighbours can barely summon a hello. My favourite thing about France and of course there’s lots to love, is the people.


What do I love about France? Their food 🧀 and their joie de vivre 🇫🇷
Qu'est-ce que j'aime du Royaume Uni ? Leur humour 👀 et leur musique 🎸


We love you english people ! 💙🤍❤️
Lovely family with the girl and the boy ! Very smart !


What do the British think of the French
1) That they are much more sophisticated.
2) That they are simultaneously addicted to both cheese and Gaulois.
3) That every day starts with a quote from Jean Paul Sartre.
4) That they would rather die than not drive a Citroen.
5) That they are annoyingly good at football.

Special Bonus Point for BBC 4 Viewers: That Engrenages was their best ever export.


Whisper it quietly, but I'd say there's no other nation that we have such high respect for than France. Despite our many differences, we're perhaps more similar than we'd both care to admit. A fantastic nation with fantastic people and culture. Salutations d'outre-Manche.


I always think that the british hate us, but each time I see videos concerning their views on us, I see that they are lovely.
Love the british from France 🇫🇷🇬🇧


Do the Brits who say that the French don't want to learn another language speak another language themselves? Because according to some studies, the rate of multilingualism in the UK is by far the lowest in Europe. ~just sayin~ I'm pointing that because it's not the first time I hear it.


With the language thing I find it interesting, I've got 4 very close French friends who are all learning English at, shall we say, a later stage in life and we've discussed this in depth. It has come across to me, and this is from both sides French and English, me being English, that at school etc they felt embarrassed when trying to speak English as they were criticised or made fun of by their peers and it was exactly the same for me. At this point in our lives with a bit more maturity the opinions of others is not important and the fact that we can speak each others language has enriched our lives massively, with the ability to understand each others point of view, ideas and experiences we have all realised we are pretty much the same.


Thanks for all these nice and positive words, love from a froggy
