CHE Webinar: Exposure to DES During Pregnancy and Multigenerational Neurodevelopmental Deficits

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Webinar from the CHE EDC Strategies Partnership: Exposure to DES During Pregnancy and Multigenerational Neurodevelopmental Deficits. A recent analysis published in JAMA Pediatrics investigates exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy in relation to third-generation attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This paper presents results from the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHS-II) cohort. Dr. Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou, Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, describes the study design, statistical analyses, and findings. March 20, 2019.

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My mother was given and took DES after it had been banned (in early 1972). She took DES when she was pregnant with me, during her first trimester. I am female and had trouble becoming pregnant due to my “T” shaped uterus. Through fertility treatments, I was finally able to carry a pregnancy to term and now have a really wonderful nearly teen boy. He has ADHD, ASD, Bipolar1 and health issues. It’s a bit daunting to think that my mother took something that is causing grief in my son’s life.


Des daughter here and a recent breast cancer survivor 🙏


I developed twisted testes in 1967 and had to have surgical correction done on both testicles.
I developed Papillary Carcinoma and had my thyroid surgically removed in 1974.
I also have Asperger's Syndrome.


DES daughter in 1960 2 emergency births. My Son 1987was diagnosed ADHD. My Daughte 1997 has had a miscarriage. And is now pregnant again 7.5 months along. Prayers please


Interesting! My Mom took DES and my oldest daughter has a diagnosis of ADHD.


My mom is a DES daughter. I’m not sure if I have adhd, but I have always struggled with paying attention. My cousins have been diagnosed with it.


Thank you. DES, very nasty, although it has to be said at least there has been some action on this particular chemical. The problem as I see it, is that we are increasingly surrounded, all day every day, by more & more proven & suspected man made endocrine disruptors. How exactly are we supposed to protect ourselves & future generations from this onslaught ?? Thanks again, important and very suppressed information.


When is anyone going to speak of the connective tissues problems women have with fibrous tissues on organs in abdomen for daughters and granddaughters of DES? These women had problems with cystic ovaries, etc. In addition to a fibrous tissue that continues thru life even after a total hysterectomy. Also high estrogen levels show on bloods tests although no ovaries are present. Physicians need to get on board with this because most have no knowledge of DES.


We are great candidate's first year exposure two sets of twins. Only 3 surviving females. 1967 and 1961 birth dates.
