ADHD Coach Explains - When you KNOW what to do, but you don't do it.

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ADHD’ers know a LOT… we just don’t know what to do with what we know. Sound familiar? In this video, I share effective strategies to overcome executive function challenges and learn how to get ahead of your worst ADHD symptoms.

As an ADHD Coach, I see how this disconnection between knowledge and action impacts my clients (and myself)! I hope the tools in this video inspire you to dive into what holds you back, and how you can better help yourself to move forward.


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I'm a veteran, was actually addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with ADHD. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


I find that referring to habits as something that doesn't require thought can exclude LOADS of ADHD folks that don't experience habits that way. Many of us have to think and push ourselves even through our most engrained habits. <3


I am overwhelmed all of the time. Everything triggers me. Yes, i have systems in place. I pay my bills, i put dinner on the table, i keep my house clean and my grass mowed. But it exhausts me mentally to the point that i feel paralyzed, unable to do anything beyond the bare essentials, and super stressed.


My dad was always saying about trying to be "cool, calm, and collected". It was a revelation when I realized that is bass-ackwards. It should be "collected, calm, and cool". Step 1 is to collect oneself, that will give the possibility of calming down, and having calmed down one might be able to be cool.


"where is your adhd getting in the way the most?"



Sometimes I struggle with something I consider deeply personal for weeks on end and suddenly I find a random YouTube video that describes exactly what I’ve been struggling as a sign of adhd 😂


I'm 37 and I have not been able to create any routines that stick long enough to become a habit. I have to consciously think about literally everything I do. It's exhausting. I feel like I should come to grips with the fact that I actually do not have potential, because being able to execute on knowledge and talent and skill is part of 'having potential'. And I don't have that part...


I've had to explain to my boss that I NEED to write a list. He teased me a bit at first....but he did learn it is ESSENTIAL.


43 years old, just realized I’m not nuts… I’m in ADHD full bloom. I have all these issues probably invented a few new ones. Thank you. Now the journey begins


Even before being diagnosed (in adulthood…) I always talked about having a gap between “knowing” and “doing”! Similar to your meat cleaver analogy 😊


"Habits and routines" 😴😴😴 I much prefer calling it systems and rhythm 😊


Wow I love how you describe that. I am feeling like such a failure, all the things I know need doing I’m unable. It’s literally like my brain just leaves me and I can’t make a decision or remember how to do what I know.


Thaaaank you 😊🙏 I just turned 53, I don't even acknowledge what i know, because I'm on my own, my sons were motivation, for a while my grandchildren were motivation, now my family is busy doing there life stuff, now I'm struggling to fight it, I drop on the couch with my phone and don't think about anything, then something unexpected happens, I beat myself up for doing nothing, so I go to a game on my phone to feel better thinking I'll be ready next time, for a few minutes. And repeat, I've just stopped fighting 😔🥺💞.


I am so overwhelmed in burnout I can't even listen to ths video, it's just too much. I'm 46 and feel like I've tried everything. But it always stops at a dead end and if I don't recognize it, I burn out completely. I have to stop this video almost halfway through, and maybe come back at a better time. Going for my adhd assessment in 2 weeks, if they don't diagnose me with adhd I have absolutely nothing left to hang on to..


My son is in quite a predicament. He has to fill out all the stupid court forms himself (went thru three lawyers during a ridiculous kangaroo court in his divorce/child custody case) He has had to muster up an extraordinary amount of executive function! His mental health as well as the rest of his life is suffering. I’m honestly surprised, very proud but worried at the same time.


I’m 73 and my therapist suggested to look into ADHD. It’s tough to realize but makes so much sense. Feel a sense of relief. I travel a persistent self health journey but never would have considered ADHD. Grateful for your work here Carin.


Task initiation. Thank you for these videos!


My executive functioning has plummeted in the last year. Burnout, no support system, horribly overwhelmed and useless. I want to go on disability. Omg the boss situation example is exactly what I’m going through. I see a therapist for cptsd but my main issue of adhd right now. I’m actually probably the most educated person at my job and I can’t do anything. Idk what to do with the information in my head and so I look stupid and useless. Very accurate video.


One of my greatest challenges is not snapping at people who try to help me by slowly explaining some knowledge base to me I already know, because they think if I just understood, I'd be able to do it. If I can catch myself JUST Before that and heart breathe...


I need advice as a gig worker. How anyone with adhd works in an office is beyond me and honestly, I’m sick of office specific examples. I’m on the fringe of “working”, just out here trying to survive day to day with meager income because the diagnosis is recent. Now that I know, I can improve things but people give advice assuming you actually have a proper job, and resources and ppl who can help.
Not married, very poor, have no retirement, no assets and no family support.
