Why Belgium Can’t Form A Government (Again)

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It's been two months since Belgium's mega-elections and despite it all, a government doesn't quite appear to be in sight just yet. In this video, we're taking a look at what's taking so long, and what might happen next.

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00:00 - Introduction
01:01 - Context
03:12 - Why Belgium Can't Form a Government
05:29 - What Next?
06:52 - Sponsored Content
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If someone explained you belgian politics and you understood it, that person explained it to you wrongly.


Things are going great by Belgian standards


Bro, Belgium with a functioning government is the exception. What are you talking about?


Belgium on its way to break their own record again: "My goals are beyond your understanding..."


I get why their former government is called a Vivaldi. Cause it takes at least Four Seasons to cobble it together, with a high likelyhood it will only last Four Seasons


Real news would be if Belgium could form a government. This isn't news.


5:12 Prévot hasn't actually been appointed as the lead negotiator, he's been appointed as conciliator and is meant to resolve the disputes between the parties so that De Wever can take up his role as "Formateur" again


As a Belgian, this situation doesn't scare me at all, it's perfectly normal.

Give us time, we'll figure it out !


In Political Science, there are 3 kinds of Government; Monarchy, Republic, and Belgium


It's OK. They have plenty of spare governments.


BREAKING NEWS: Belgium cant form a government.
In other news, water is wet.


I’m Belgian & this is very embarrassing to watch. Besides that, government or not, our daily life still goes on & we don’t notice it that much


I'm once again learning what's going in in my country through an English-language channel.


when politicians look out for their own interests instead of the ppl. They argue about who should drive, while the car is heading to the ditch.


As a belgian the only mistake i noticed is that De Wevers succesor Prevot his role is not to negotiate but to mediate.

One thing that I think shouldd've been added: You briefly mentioned mayoral elections on october the 13th but these elections are in a few weeks so every compromise a governing party makes can be hold against them in the next elections.

Some other things that can be added:
- Since you translated the NVA, CD&V and MR you might just translate Vooruit to Forward.
- These 5 parties not only form a federal majority but also a Flemish and Walloon majority. MR and Les Engagees have already formed a governement and NVA, CDV and Vooruit are discussing a Flemish governement. This would work way better then the last five years where NVA worked with CDV on regional level but was in opposition to CDV on federal level.
- It's not only Georges Louis Bouchez being pro-rich that caused some problems but also the way he somewhat childishly reacted to it.
- The party Vooruit also has some problems with going in the Arizona-coalition since it will be the only left party in a centre-right governement. The Walloon Socialists, the commnunists and the socialist union ABVV have all said that Vooruit should step out of the negotiations.
If that happenes the only other option would be the Flemish Liberals Open-VLD. But they dicided to go in the opposition since they lost a lot of seats and try to renew their party. Another problem is that with Open-VLD there won't be a Flemish majority, something Bart De Wever has always pledged for and critised in the previous governement.

Overall these 5 parties know that there isn't a better alternative and that they have to work together.


As a Belgian myself i say this happens with every election


Fun fact: government formation in Belgium these days is conditional on being able to find a silly name for the coalition: Arizona now, Vivaldi previously!


As a Dutch person from the Netherlands I don’t understand Belgian politics at all, except for one thing. “It’s already the fault of the Sossen”.

Don’t ask me what a “Sossen” is though!


If you can go more than a year without forming a government, you don't need it.


Even lettuces can't compete with Belgian coalition government discussions.
