Hyper-Fundamentalists Hate Calvinism - and Prove They Are Far from Historic Christianity
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We have no bones to pick with regular IFB folks who may disagree with us in some areas of Soteriology - but if you attend a church that insists on bashing "Calvinism" every other month, you are probably in a "hyper-fundamentalist" church that has little to do with the faith once delivered to the saints. They are closer to the radical Munsterites of the Reformation period than the old-time fundamentalists like John R. Rice or Lester Roloff. They preach a different doctrine and should be shunned.
@JackHyles @newifbdocumentaries4494
@JackHyles @newifbdocumentaries4494
Hyper-Fundamentalists Hate Calvinism - and Prove They Are Far from Historic Christianity
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