Installing python 2 and 3 on windows

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to install python 2 and python 3 on windows, you can follow these steps:

1. download python:
- click on the "download python" button.
- scroll down to the "looking for a specific release?" section.
- download the installer for python 2.x (e.g., 2.7.18) and python 3.x (e.g., 3.9.7).

2. install python 2:
- run the python 2 installer that you downloaded.
- make sure to check the box "add python 2.x to path" during installation.
- follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.

3. install python 3:
- run the python 3 installer that you downloaded.
- make sure to check the box "add python 3.x to path" during installation.
- follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.

4. verify the installations:
- open command prompt by pressing win + r, typing "cmd", and pressing enter.
- to check python 2 installation, type: `python --version`
- to check python 3 installation, type: `python3 --version`

here is an example code snippet to demonstrate the installation:

running the above code in a python interpreter or a jupyter notebook will display the version of python 2 and python 3 installed on your windows system.

remember, python 2 has reached its end-of-life and is no longer actively supported. it is recommended to use python 3 for new projects.


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