3 Ways To Brainwash Yourself for Success & A More Meaningful Life

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In today’s episode, you’ll learn 3 surprising steps to help you unlock the unlimited power of your mind, grounded in exciting research.

You were meant to see this today.
There is a reason you need to listen.

You can feel inspired, energized, and in control again, if you know how to turn on your mind’s superpowers.

Your mind has unlimited potential, and there are larger possibilities available to you, but you haven’t been taught how to unlock them.


Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had a sense that life was conspiring to help you?

That there are signs that you are on the right path if you know how to look for them?

That things are working out for you?

You deserve to live a life filled with meaning and purpose. Today you’ll learn 3 ways to make that happen.

This episode is a companion to Mel's brand new free training, Make It Happen.

This training is designed to help you make your next 6 months extraordinary. It includes a 29 page workbook and 2 video trainings that use the latest research to help you get clear about what you want and create a plan to make it happen.

If you liked this episode, listen to this one next: This One Study Will Change How You Think About Your Entire Life

I’m just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I’ll see you in the next episode.

In this episode:
00:00 Intro
05:10: What is synchronicity?
09:30: What if these mundane events were actually really special signs?
11:00: The first reason seeing synchronicities changes your life.
12:40: The second reason seeing synchronicities changes your life.
13:35: This is why you chose to listen to this episode today.
16:05: Do this fun assignment with Mel today!
18:55: The FIRST skill you have to learn to make synchronicity work for you.
19:40: What is referential thinking?
22:00: Mel stated what she wanted, and guess what happened.
28:15: Do this BEFORE the next time you go shopping.
28:55: Amy stated what she wanted and this is what happened.
34:25: How does believing THIS actually help you?
37:15: Synchronicity brought Mel and her family to Vermont.
42:10: The SECOND skill you have to learn to make synchronicity work for you.
46:00: Here’s what happens when you keep practicing these skills.
47:00: Create one of these to help boost your mood anytime you need it.
48:40: The THIRD skill you have to learn to make synchronicity work for you.
49:15: Imagine someone you love who’s no longer here with us.
52:40: A glitch almost prevented The 5 Second Rule from being a bestseller.

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Looking for my books on Amazon? Here they are!

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You don't know me Mel and we will probably never meet in person but I wanted to let you know that you have been a key person to helping me survive a very difficult time in my life. Thank you and god bless you and your family 🥰


I want to share how powerful this technique is because this happened literally 24 hours after listening to your podcast last night.

As I was walking home from work tonight, I decided to walk to the next train station.
All of a sudden I pass a sign on the road that says “Bar Be Spoken”. I couldn’t explain it but I felt such a huge energy from this sign. I continued to walk but the sign was calling out to me and I thought, I have to go inside “I have to go and claim it”. I entered the bar and saw two people sitting at the end of the counter so I take a seat right in front of the bartender.
I have barely just taken my jacket off when another man enters and takes a seat on the other end of the counter. I can’t explain it but I just knew that this was the person I came in to talk to.

I live in Tokyo so small talking with strangers is not something that’s very common. Instead I try to small talk with the bartender to engage all of us in a conversation but it didn’t really take off.

I drank my glass of wine and paid my bill thinking that maybe I had been wrong about the whole thing so I excused myself, saying that I had to go home and prepare for a movie shoot that I had in the afternoon the next day.

The man then asks, are you an actress? And I answer that I’m aspiring to be one. The man looks at me and says “cool, I’m a producer, why don’t you send over your portfolio?”

As we keep talking the synergies kept on coming. His old team had been the team on my very first commercial job that I ever got. He had been the producer for some of my favorite TV shows. He had studied film at the University that is located right next to the station where I live.
And his production company has their office literally 1 block away from my current work place!!

It was exactly like what you described about your sister-in-law.
We had a good chat, and we shared contact information and I’m sending him my portfolio.

I’ve been pursuing acting in Tokyo for over 5 years and I am sure that I have set something in motion!!


Thank you for the reminder Mel!
Driving in Ireland on business I had to drop my boss off at Dublin airport, then head south to see an account in Cork. I hadn't driven in Ireland before then, so I had no idea the state of the roads once off the main drag, and I hadn't booked any accommodation. So I headed north up through the centre of Ireland, to another call. After that I continued heading north, and I was looking for a good place to stay. Well there were few places except a pub which did have rooms but it looked like the kind of place I'd put the back of the chair against the room door handle! So then I started thinking "Sandie you should have booked, you're going to end up sleeping in the car." But something kicked in, and every time I thought that, I changed it to "Somewhere up ahead there is a fabulous hotel waiting for me." I kept repeating it. Eventually I came to a wee place called Cavan and needed to fuel my car. So I asked the garage employee there if there was a hotel nearby. Yes he said, it's called the Cavan Crystal. So I found it, the car park was full to bursting. But I found a space and went inside. I asked the receptionist if they had a room available? Yes, they did! I saw the tariff rate on the wall and thought gosh, it's above my company expense rate (but I'm thinking whatever, I'll pay the extra myself). But the receptionist said I could have the room AND a meal for less than the room rate! I got to my room - a beautiful room with a massive bed. I went downstairs for dinner, and it was a 3 course meal complete with aperitifs and amuse-bouche in between! I sat there with a cheshire grin on my face, absolutely exhausted after a 350 mile drive, but I KNEW there was a beautiful room in a 4-star hotel somewhere up ahead! I believed there was. I knew it. I don't know how I knew it. For those that have never been in Ireland, at that time in the middle of the country, there were hardly any places to stay, and no hotels on my route. None.
I believed. And it happened.


It is NOT A COINCIDENCE that someone handed me this message today---because I have actually done what she says my entire life---but didnt know that others may be doing it also. I have been able to do one impossible thing after the other...doing what she says to do. I will probably spend the remainder of my life doing and teaching this whole thing---Im already 79 years old. It is not complicated, and not difficult. But the joy and satisfaction it brings is worth whatever one has to do to experience it!!!!


You won’t believe what just happened. I was trotting while listening to this episode. I come back home, my dad opens the door and I was about to go in when he grabs a little present jewelry bag from the floor and asks me if I dropped it. And I tell him no, let me see what’s inside. When I open it, I couldn’t believe what it was. It was a red bracelet to protect energy that I’ve been wanting to find for months for my one year old son. It is new, it was in a little bag and it is precisely small so it does fit my little boy! 😮 I asked my family and even the nanny if it was hers and nope, no one knows where it came from. I CLAIMED IT! Haha and realized that I made it happen. And it wasn’t a coincidence that it came precisely at the time when I was finishing listening to this episode! ✨ thank you for what you do and for lifting up my spirits! ❤️ may it return to yourself multiplied


As I was listening to this at work, I got surprise flowers delivered from my husband.


It’s not a coincidence that I was saying I needed to find something to listen to while I’m trying to be more productive around the house instead of watching TV and I stumbled upon the Mel Robbins podcast! ❤❤❤


We were in Frankenmuth MI, standing in front of a leather shop and I said “I would love to find an old school leather cigarette case like my aunt used to have.” Since smoking is not acceptable anymore, I never thought they’d have one. But they did! I’ve carried that thing with me everyday and I still believe it was magic. ❤


Wow... I was having a bad day on Saturday, thinking l would never meet a good man. On a wim, I went out to a private club. l just joined for dinner. I had planned to stay an hour when a man walked in, we started to talk and we danced all evening. I took it as a sign that the universe was letting me know that there are good men out there. I don't know if I will ever see him again, but I am going to align my energy, that I am going to find a good man. It could be the man I met. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Amazing!! This happened to me when shopping for a dress for my mother’s 80th birthday party. It fit her like a glove and she loved it. It made her radiate love and happiness. At that moment we decided the theme for her party. It was the most beautiful party🥰


My husband had passed away, I was very depressed for about a year, then my family had a family reunion in Ohio, I didn't feel like flying back to Ohio, from Northern California, but my sister's coach me into flying back for the family reunion, it was one of the best things I could had done.
After the Family Reunion, we went to our brothers restaurant, he had music that night, and that's when I met the Sweetest man ever !
He came over and asked me to Dance.
Then asked for my phone number.
Found out his daughter had the same name as my daughter, her anniversary was on my Birthday !he had several siblings that had the same names of my Siblings. also.
I put my house up for sale in California, and it sold right away!
My realtor even bought my car !
We had 19 years together., until he passed from Parkinsons with Dementia.
We had so many wonderful memories together.


A while back, I would have thought this was MUMBO-JUMBO, but I've been studying this same thing through the lens of The Bible. THIS IS SPOT- ON!!!


I sort of gone out from alignment for a while … Mel, you literally poke me saying wake up ! I found this universal rule many years back listening to Abraham hicks. Thank you Mel !


❤ you, Mel!!!

Easter Sunday, as I was driving to a cat rescue, in Southern California, where I volunteer, I was headed towards the biggest darkest rain clouds.
Most of the work I do, at the rescue, is outdoors, so I was dreading my shift.
As I was headed towards these huge clouds, I sang, (to the tune of an oldie) - "Go away pretty clouds".
By the time I got to the rescue, it was a little cloudy + NO HUGE dark grey, almost black clouds!
I worked my 4 hour shift without any rain.
AND did a happy dance, when I finished my work.
An hour later, during our volunteer potluck, the black clouds were, again, upon us. Then down came the hardest downpour + hail.

I believe in synchronicity AND thanking the universe for when it does happen!!!


I simultaneously hearing mel and abraham hicks video here on youtube. And it complements each other, day by day. Would be ecstatic if esther hicks and mel robbins can do an interview 🙌🏻❤️🥰


You are a miracle magnet because you are a miracle.💖


Thank you, Mel. This was so powerful for me today. I see your podcasts come through, and I do not typically stop what I am doing at work to listen at that moment. Today I did, and I truly believe I was meant to listen to it right at that time. My fiancé passed away on February 25. I have been telling myself things always happen for a reason, which aligns with "something bigger must be happening." I have been asking for signs personally showing he is with me and he is happy, which I was not seeing. My daughter has been sharing with me over the past week that my Grandson has been saying, "Hi Papa, " waving, and laughing; so this was a sign I was receiving through my daughter, which is absolutely incredible...even though she is creeped out a bit. :) Today I realized I have been seeing signs...I have been watching for cardinals or eagles. Today I finally had this big, beautiful eagle flying towards me when I was driving to work. Then a little bit up the road, I saw two geese (I believe they were geese) flying. I have been seeing two geese pretty much since it happened, which I have found strange that I keep seeing them together. Today, I believe I saw the eagle because that is what I was looking for, but then the most magical thing happened; I saw one of the geese and then down the road a bit, I saw the second one. I now believe that was actually my sign that Gary is now with his dad, but it took the eagle to draw my attention clearer towards the geese...Gary and his dad are flying high happily together. Now, as I continue to grieve, but also continue to be thankful for the time we had together and lessons learned, I will be focusing on "something bigger must be happening." As I was going through this, I had someone say to me, "I know it is hard to believe, but I believe God's Hand is in this." "Something bigger must be happening."


Note to self:

Three practices to experience synchronicity and experience more meaning in your life:
1. State it and claim it!
2. Mastering your energy (and use it to your advantage)!
3. Find a bigger purpose!


At 21:05 I smirked before you mentioned smirking, it’s the small things that make you realise that we as people experience much of the same feelings and in that moment alone something just clicked for me. You really ate that up !!


These techniques really work! I have one small tiny tattoo of a ladybug on my wrist to remind me of my mother because she loved them so much. So as part of step three, I asked the universe to see a ladybug yesterday and as soon as I got done with the podcast, my best friend, who I haven’t talked to in weeks, sent me a picture of a ladybug, crawling across her finger because ladybugs remind her of my Mom too. I almost fell out of my seat! Thanks, Mel!
