WATCH THIS EVERY DAY To Brainwash Yourself For SUCCESS & ABUNDANCE! | Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty

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What does it take to change your personality? In this episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Dr. Joe Dispenza says people have more potential than they give themselves credit for. Empowering people to discover their potential and reveal what’s possible has become Joe's life work.

You'll learn how to effectively fight your victim mentality, fully embrace and envision the future. "When you're changing, you just stop talking about it. You're just too busy being it."

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Jay Shetty is a storyteller, podcaster, and former monk who wants to make wisdom go viral. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a monk, and truths he has learned to make others’ lives better.
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The first 10 minutes of the video already had me tearing up. I’m sitting in a train station in England alone (Newark northgate), it’s 12:13 pm annd it’s surprisingly warm. I’m under the sun while a cool breeze moves my hair around from time to time. I’ve been feeling empty. Lost. Dead almost. And as I wait for my brother to pick me up in the station, I’ve been thinking of how I should rearrange myself to look and sound happy and present. I specifically took a train that would get me here 30 minutes before he would pick me up because I needed time alone, even if I am essentially alone 24/7. I was somehow brought to this video. The tears come from the pain of breathing again after holding your breath for so long. The relief. The realisation that it’s all in my head and that I can change how my life is. Obviously this is easier said than done, but I choose today to be my day 1. And I leave this here for whoever needs it….and to stay accountable. Thank you ❤️


Whoever is seeing this i believe in you homie keep going


I went from homeless to millionaire in 2 years from this guy. Gratefull.


"I'd rather feel guilty, I'd rather feel unhappy than be in this discomfort." really hits me.


When I suddenly feel anxious, I just say to myself: “This is from my past.” I know exactly what/where this was, and I know it’s from the past and that was NOT the present. I have far more resources to deal with it now.


Joe speaks the truth. In 2006 I was homeless, broke, depressed and felt as if my life was just almost over. My mom ended up letting me stay with her for a few weeks. One morning I was watching Ellen, and as soon as I turned it on, she was introducing Bob Proctor and John Aseraff. They were talking about the new movie back then called The Secret. I ended up borrowing the $20 for the movie, watched it, then applied it. In about 3 days I was contacted by a guy who wanted me to do an animated music video for him. Long story short, I had no clue this man was worth over 6 million dollars. He ended up giving me a project list that earned me over $100K in only 9 months. I never made money like that. I am living proof that the Law Of Attraction works, and now I teach it. 🙏


“When the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change then we will change.” 9:18


My journey started when I got divorced after 24 year marriage. I took over my life and said I will be debt free by retirement. I enjoyed my life but my mind was always on my goal. I threw every extra penny into my financial planner said I was doing great and not to worry, but I kept going. No one to take care of me but myself! I made my dream come true!❤


When I “catch” myself slipping back into anxiety and overthinking. I tell myself “I don’t care” and really mean it when I say it. And I think of the God I serve and know that he is bigger than this and I don’t need to worry or overthink. I switch my focus to something else

Edit: Thank you to everyone who read or liked this comment, I hope it had a positive impact on you and your journey!… I feel weird asking this but, would anyone like to see a YouTube channel (from me) with topics like this comment above? I feel as if I have so much more to tell.


'When you change your energy, you change your life, you just gotta stay there." - Dr Joe Dispenza


I found Joe Dispenza in 2016. My life changed after that. I realized I have been living in a groundhog day repeat of emotions and predictability for the past 20 years. if you always do what you always done, you will always get what you always got. After reading his books my life changed. I have manifested so many positive things in my life. Instead of waking up and saying "what bad things are going to happen to me today?" I wake up and cant wait for the unpredictable blessing I will receive. " Changing your mindset is a struggle. As Dispenza states, we are running off a program we have conditioned our body to accept for years. We love the familiar because it's predictable and we can at least know what our outcomes will be. There is uncertainty in taking a leap of faith so that is wht most stay stuck in their situaton.


This mans work changed my life. I first applied it for 3 months. I was focused on owning my own home since I was flatting at the time and this seemed like a truly massive goal. I got very specific. Things like 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas (so I could rent out a room and the renter could have their own living space), the location, etc. After 1 month I felt this shift, I felt like it's time to let it go because it is done. So I did and began to focus on something else. 2 months later I get a call from someone I knew saying that they heard that I was saving for a house but I was still 3-4 years away from having enough money for a deposit. They said that they were selling their house and would sell it to me and be my guarantor so I could get the loan without the full deposit. That way they could sell their house at a rate they were happy with while also giving someone a head start in life. I remember sitting on the floor after that phone call realizing this stuff works. There was no way I could imagine this version of how it might have happened. I took that generous offer, rented out two rooms to pay off as much of the mortgage as quickly as I could and was able to set him free from being my guarantor after two years. 10 years later I sold that house for over double what I paid for it. And yeah, it had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living areas and was in the location I dreamed it would be in.

The thing that I feel makes this stuff truly work is not just doing the visualization, recreating the feelings of already having achieved it, etc. It's also doing everything you can to BE it. I did things like find out which bank I would go with, create a budget of how I would manage my finances as a homeowner, figure out what would be the highest interest rate I could handle financially, which insurance company I would use, which power company, which lawyers, etc, etc. All the things you would do and BE as a homeowner. I believe that when you are fully aligned with that you wish to create, when you are ready to receive it, the Universe/God gives it. If this gift came any earlier without getting ready for it's arrival I can't say for certain I would have been able to make it work. "In it's own perfect time, for the highest good of all"


This teaches us to become more conscious of the creators that we are ... we didn't come here to survive... we came to create ✨️ thanks to all the teachers ..


I read a book: "The Power of your subconscious mind" by Joseph Murphy, when I was 15 years old and my life changed. I got all the things I wanted in my life, and I became the person I wanted to become. I am 42 today and I am pushing even more now.


As I’m watching this video, I’m reading the comments and I feel comfortable enough to share my thoughts for once. All of you are amazing for being recommended or stumbled across this interview because you are looking for a new way of thinking to reality like myself. I can comfortably say this video is the answer I’ve been looking for. I love you all and keep growing!


Dr Joe is the best!!! Reading his book becoming supernatural was the beginning factor that changed my entire life. Now I can manfest anything I desire and I know that I am the creator of my reality :)))) Whoever is reading this, YOU ARE MAGICAL AND DIVINE AND YOU DESERVE TO CREATE ANYTHING YOU DESIRE!! IT IS YOURS!! xoxo - Milana


I've learned this from Louise Hayes. When you have a bad moment, be it a fight with some1 or some1 giving you a hard time. I say " ALL IS WELL, EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD OUT OF THIS SITUATION, ONLY GOOD WILL COME & I AM SAFE" make this a mantra & you will start to move towards a better future. Good luck & God bless. Thank you for your amazing videos. Love light & peace🙏💞


This worked for me on overcoming an addiction i had, everytime the craving starts to manifest i tell my self "look here it is, they'll need more than that to beat me" the more aware i am of the feeling that feeling starts to disappear because it doesn't exist in the present moment, it only exist in my mind.


It's a blessing to be alive to watch this


This video is just a glimpse. To understand the full picture, get the forbidden book Whispers of Manifestation on Borlest and discover what's hidden.
