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Do we have a choice?

Does God predestine some to Hell?

Is there any way to explain this from God's Word?

If God is "not willing that any should perish," then what does the Bible mean in saying that "he hardens whomever he wills"? (00:20)

2011NOV06 Q&A-06

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Рекомендации по теме

Dr John for me is the best bible teacher in our generation! Thank God for your life! Glory to God❤


I like to say that predestination is God's business and the Great Commission is ours.


It is amazing that you appear to know the Bible by heart ! I love watching your preaching !Thank you !


I have been watching you for years and you are one of greatest of this days Theologians. Your knowledge of history is phenomenal and your biblical guidelines that you interpret biblically through the context of the scriptures is awesome. I’m a believer of Jesus Christ atoning work that when He said it was finished that work was finished!! I’ve always had this question that if GOD knows the end from the beginning then was it really free choice and you Mr Barnett answered that question tonight and Christ did die for the whole world because it is a free gift and a free choice to everyone because all the apostles Peter, John, Paul, point to that in there epistles and you made the overwhelming argument tonight using the Bible that even though GOD knows the chosen, you clearly and biblically state using scripture that it’s free to everyone who so ever wills! One of the greatest biblical teachings that I have ever heard on Predestination and the atonement work of Jesus Christ for the whole world!!! Love watching you at least two to three times a day. Thank you for your service to the Gospel of Christ!!!


I loved R.C so much. 😢 He knew God and loved the truth. I'm sure he is in heaven finally knowing the answer to limited atonement completely, smiling at John Barnett and praising The Lord for John and teachers like him.


Dr Barnett is a true Bible Scholar and Teacher. The best of all Pastors of present day era.


Dr. Barnett
You are a treasure
Thank you for being there for me


Thank you for allowing my confusion about this subject to be okay. I appreciate the fact that you admit there is no Biblical truth to back up the predestination conflict. You helped me focus on the fact that I am saved!


Pastor John is excellent at Bible doctrine, and that's why I return from time to time to watch and listen to this video.


Dr. Barnett's teaching is always profound, insightful and valuable. I do think his understanding of Pelagius has been unduly framed by Augustine's condemnation of Pelagius. More recent scholars have shed light on Pelagius actual beliefs through his own words, rather than a biased exposition left behind by Augustine.

B.R. Rees, Robert Evans and Ali Bonner have all shown through their research that Pelagius believed as most Christians do, that being "free of sin" involves an active choice each moment of each day. We may be informed, enlightened and guided by the Holy Spirit, however, unless we exercise free will in our lives, we cannot be held accountable for our actions.

Pelagius did not deny Christ's gift of salvation, but rather tried to resist Augustine's Manichean background that led to a non-Scriptural, worldly doctrine of predestination, dual-election, and making God the author of sin. Elisha, Enoch, Noah and Abraham all had free will and all chose wisely to obey the Lord; thus they had free will without divine coercion. That is all Pelagius said on the matter.


"For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved'


I feel better now knowing that I’m not the only one who has struggled with this. It’s been an issue for 1600 years, and that was definitely news to me.


I don't see why anyone has the time and energy to worry about this question. I mean, if my situation is such a mess, and it was, I'm gonna plead for help. I'm not gonna give a thought that He will reject me and I'll be embarrassed too. I'm probably leaving something out but I hope you get the main idea . Like, I'm not ginna seek permission to ask God for help. Thank you for posting this valuable lesson.


Pretty easy to understand.
God exists outside of time so knowing beginning to end, from His POV its predestination.
We exist in time (experiencing time from A to B) so from our POV it's not predestination and HS tells us that.


Thanks Pastor's much clearer now...although God speaks of "the elect" whom he knows from the START...BECAUSE HE IS GOD.... We don't know...BUT THE OPPORTUNITY is for THE WHOLE WORLD to choose is presented to ALL...


Very clear Bible teacher, thank you for your understanding and explanation of scripture. Would love to someday listen in person if you ever come to Washington State 🙂


Doc John. Love love love you for your total dedication of always teaching us the truth. From Pretoria, South Africa. PS. Predestination is a like a door without a handle. God knocks but only you can open the door to invite Him in. Once you're inside, you will see a seat with your personal name inside whosoever accepted Him shall have eternal life" Almighty all knowing timeless God knew even the end from the beginning, Yet He has no end nor beginning.


Wonderful clarifying message. Thank you so much.


Been reading 20 chapters a day starting with Genesis about a week ago. I cannot count how many times a man was talking to God and began with “If I have found favor in your eyes . . “ or “If you have found favor in me”


John 12:32
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
