Is Predestination in the Bible | Ask Pastor Mark

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Has God already picked who will be saved and who will be lost? The understanding than many Christians have about predestination is false. Join Pastor Mark Finley as he answers this question.

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Pastor Mark I want you to know that you are responsible for getting me straightened out on the scriptures, really is liberating and changed my life and I must thank you.


Amen x I so love Pastor Mark, he is such a beautiful soul, bringing us the wonderful word of God x much love and God Bless always from the UK xx


I fully agree with you pastor Mark. Logic tells me that repentance would mean nothing if God had already decided who would be saved.Thete also would be no reason to spread the Gospel if our destiny had already been decided.


Pastor Finley, always a pleasure. May our Father in Heaven continue to bless you to be a blessing to us. Amen!🙏


Absolute brilliant answer: Praise the Lord for this revelation.


Great guidance, thank you sir for the explanation. Praise the Lord, blessed be the Lord o' my soul. Hallelujah! Amen🙏


Thanks pastor, that's something I always wondered, thanks for clearing that up


Thank you pastor Mark. I was struggling with this topic for along time now. Now I got the answer. Its totally my choice. God bless.


I can't believe that I had been going to a church that taught me that I would go straight to hell if I died or straight to heaven and a bunch of other misconceptions.


We are all chosen by God but it is in our will to claim it and it is in our decision to believe and accept Jesus Christ in order to be saved. Because He is the the bridge or gateway to


Thanks for this video. I always wanted to know about this.


Matthew 22:14
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

The hardening of the heart takes place and the nudging of the Holy Ghost is felt less and less. Many people commit the unforgivable sin of non repentance, it is the only sin that leads to death. Choosing daily not to repent is a choice that comes with a cost. Although salvation is for all who believe in and put their trust in God's Son Jesus Christ, many people will not believe because the devil has his children as well. We do not know who they are, only God knows. Wheat and tares both must grow up "Live" together until the harvest is reaped. It will not be long.


On the other hand, God knows everything so he knew who would choose him before they were born...🤔🙋‍♀️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


It depends on the seed line there was Adams seed then there is Cains seed


Is that any others who is not destinated to be safe in this world?


Everyone's name is written in the book of life, but they get blotted out as they refuse to walk in the light of His word and will. Only those who do will remain (eg Deuteronomy 9:14; Revelation 7:5-8 -Dan and Ephraim not included, Joseph had 2 potions). that's why it's written that they have been predestined from the foundation of the world.
Jesus Christ is the light that lights every man that is born into this world, John 1:9 so all have equal opportunity to choose or reject Him, and look for their light of their own imagination. Ecclesiastes 7:9.


I respectfully disagree. There is no need for the doctrine of election first off if we’re all chosen. When you read scripture it’s all so very clear that God is gracious to people He came to save sinners. The Bible teaches us that were in bondage to our sins and even dead in our sins spiritually and we need to be rescued and that’s exactly what Christ does He rescues His sheep. The Bible says many are called and few are chosen. It doesn’t say we’re all chosen and we just have to accept that offer of salvation. If that’s the case then why did the beggar in acts chapter 3 among many others get saved?? All he wanted was alms (money) and was concerned about greed in his heart but Gods compassion saved him and he left praising the Lord for his salvation! One thing he didn’t do was accept the Lord so why did he get saved then? The Bible says that we love Him because He first loved us and that His sheep hear His voice and come to Him. God is Holy and we all deserve to go to hell that’s a reality. Everyone that’s saved is by grace and mercy of almighty God. Everyone that goes to hell gets justice for the sin they’ve committed against God. Human responsibility and the complete sovereignty of God are both taught in scripture and therefore both correct. I don’t know exactly how they work together beyond what the scriptures reveal to us but it is crystal clear that the scriptures teach that.

“But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day.”
‭‭John‬ ‭6:36-39‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So let me ask this question did the father give the son everyone in this passage because according to your theology everyone is chosen so the father must’ve gave us all to come to the son and therefore He’s going to raise us all up on the last day because the son loses nothing that was given by the Father and He raises all those sheep up on the last day so now according to everyone being chosen we’re now drifting into universalism. Do you see how this doesn’t fit with scripture? This is just one passage I can show you numerous things consistent throughout scripture from genesis to revelation and I’m fairly new in my walk I was born again a few years ago but God has revealed so many things to me in His word. I’m nobody important just a person who loves the Lord and loves His word and has been taught by His Spirit and I know without a doubt that the scriptures teach the complete sovereignty of God and they also teach human responsibility but ultimately it’s God alone that saves us.


Read Matthew 15:24, he did not come for everyone.


Bogus. You're trying to have it both ways.


This pastor is completely wrong. God chose very..very ..very..few people to be saved before the foundation of the earth. He needs help
