How To Look Expensive When You Travel

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I would love to see a table manners video


I work at a cafe in an airport, and although I never fly, some things I'd also recommend, and from a little past experience:
1. Wear shoes you can easily take on and off. Idk about Europe, but here in the US going thru security, you need to take them off, unless you are part of pre-check, which you can sign up for online I believe.
2. Bring your own empty water bottle! Since any liquids over 3oz aren't allowed through TSA, and since you want to stay hydrated, this way you don't have to pay like $3 for a water bottle afterwards. Just fill it up once you're through security.
4. Obviously don't bring skincare or makeup that is over the allowed fluid ounces either, otherwise it will get thrown out sadly.
5. Bring some sort of cardigan or jacket to wear bc it's always freezing in the airport, in any season. Layering is your friend.
6. Don't be like me and only find out during a 14 hr flight to know if you get air sickness; if you ever got car sick as a kid, take Dramamine before your flight takes off. We wouldn't want to ruin our flight (or clothing) puking, very unladylike lol.
7. Give yourself enough time. Not just to catch your flight, but if you plan to eat at the airport, make sure you have enough time to check your teeth and use the restroom before your flight takes off.
Happy travels!! <3


I would love to see your closet and how you have everything placed and divided


Idk why anyone hates on her, she’s really considerate of everyone’s different opinions. This travel advice is stuff I’ve always believed in, so I’m biased to like her lol
There are other things I don’t agree with, but can we all appreciate this woman for her effort and time put in to give advice to others? I love it! ❤️


The most classic intro on YouTube 'my dear elegant ladies'


A simple scarf or shawl that can double as a coverlet if it gets cold on the flight or in airport is something I always take with me. It can also be wrapped up and used as a pillow and easily folded to slip in your bag if it gets too warm and stuffy. It’s my must have!


Please make a video on what to wear when you just need to run some quick errands or even stay home :)


wonderful video! true story, my husband who travels a lot for business told me one day "I'm going to start dressing up more when I travel because everytime I'm dressed up people just treat me differently. They even allow me extra pounds." so I started doing the same. The difference has been amazing. One day I was over the pounds and they allowed them, then the same day I left the passport on the counter and that nice girl came all the way to the plane to give it to me. Another day there was a huge delay and a lady that I had had a few words with saw me and invited me to wait with her at the bar. She did not let me pay for anything and that included diner and wine. Goodness, try these things they do work. I'm upping my travel game :)


Every time I watch your videos I realise how naturally elegant my mum is. She is never flashy and she doesn’t always buy big brands however she always buys quality over quantity and looks well turned out whether at the airport or at a big event. Being from Australia, a very “casual” country I didn’t really appreciate it growing up. Thank you for helping me appreciate her <3


I want to add that on longer flights, you may become sleepy. The thought of a stranger watching me sleep is creepy. I bring my large dark sunglasses, and put them on when I feel sleepy. Hides my eyes perfectly. I also wear a nice large scarf that can serve as a coverup for my front, my arms and legs. I think being covered, especially when sleeping during the flight is important. Lastly, my motto is when traveling, “Keep it classy!”


My problem with wide leg pants is the bathroom on the plane. I don’t want my pants touching any part of the floor


Honestly, the best and most comfortable clothes to wear when traveling are long or medium length dresses. Specially if they are not tight, it gives you a lot of movement, no pressure on you lengs and easy to go to the toilet, plus it works for both winter and summer. I usually wear them with loafers of mules. It really is a game changer


I am in my eighties and lived Chicago when I was young and one automatically dressed appropriately but then there were always items in the newspaper giving tips on this.. times have changed so much and the style now is to not care what anyone thinks. But it is good you are making an effort to bring back good taste


A wise lady once said '' the only person who doesn't have to look at you is yourself''.. So I always spare a thought for .


Always put an EMPTY water bottle in your carry-on purse or bag so once you get past security you can fill it. Staying hydrated is so important when traveling.


Hi, Ana. A series on non designer bags and shoes on the $100-250 range would be ideal. Most women early in our journey cannot afford designer bags or shoes, but we still want to look good.


I bring antibacterial wipes for the airplane table and more, and a face mist, (Chanel Hydra Beauty is amazing), to freshen up my overall energy :)


I watched a video of a flight attendant instructor who said to NEVER WEAR SNEAKERS, polyester, or hairspray. If you survive a crash, the aforementioned items melt on you if there's fire. I'm 80 yrs old, and I love your videos. Thank you.


I always bring a scarf and tuck it in the top of my tote bag so i have something to use as a shawl or mini blanket.


You covered everything. I'd add this: Do not wear too much perfume - this bothers many of us on a flight.
