Learning Parkour with No Experience

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I know I just scratched the surface of this one but it's been a TON of fun!


Really nice progression in such short time. All moves are well performed. Just remember to tuck in your chin to your chest in the roll :)


By his forty’s he’s going to be a cyborg ninja wizard, I’m telling you.


Your ability to learn moves here is really inspiring! I really do wonder how you are able to do so many different skills so quickly. However, I myself am an avid enjoyer of parkour and as such have a few critiques.

First thing really is the safety roll. You mainly are just doing a somersault which is very dangerous, you could hit your head, slam your back or shoulders into the ground, hurting your spine, and also slamming your hips. Origins parkour has a really in depth video on the safety roll. Stuff like placing your arms diagonally to bring your shoulder blade to the ground and the roll movement itself and the exit of the roll. It’s really for your own safety as you don’t want to get hurt as you have shown with your comical skateboarding skit.

next thing is your kong vault. This is more of a minor thing. Firstly you’re taking off with both feet. The kong vault is more of a dive into the thing. When diving you want to take off on one foot, it’s much easier to run into the dive and gain distance. Next is where you take off with your feet. You don’t want to dive too close to the obstacle as you may actually be diving to much into a sort of half front flip with may introduce serious injury. Toby sugar, who you know with the famous clip of his double Kong, has a permanent injury because of another one of his double kongs. He dived to close and ended up landing on his hands instead of his feet, resulting in him losing his something related to his finger tendons. Next thing is bring your legs way up which I see you’re intuitively doing which is great! Then the exit of the kong vault you’re doing absolutely fine

P.S. this is just slight criticism, also just mainly looking out for your safety, as you tend to hurt yourself like in other wonderful videos. Parkour is a very dangerous but rewarding sport and like seeing that you’ve taken on this challenge with yet another wonderful video! Keep up the great work man, I’m always astonished with how you learn all of these skills so quickly!


"We need to focus the chakra to the bottom of your feet"
That killed me


Awesome that you learned that much in such a Short time 😀🤙 keep on going! 🏃🏻‍♂️
I‘m happy that my lazy vault tutorial helped you, but you forgot to use your second arm 😜


i love this part seeing a happy Italian accent 0:30


I like how he says he doesn’t wanna hurt himself then procedes to put in a bunch of clips of him getting hurt 🤣


This mans gonna learn how to breath in a place with no oxygen one day and say "it's all about practise"

Edit: tysm for the like bro i really like your videos please keep it up!!!


"We don't wanna hurt ourselves"

*Flashback to every physical skill in the past year*


"To do a horizontal wall run, you need to focus your chakra on your feet"

big facts xD


Still can't believe randomly searching how to pick lock lead me to this


Your progression is insane.

As a kid who loves parkour and used to do parkour before covid hit, I wish I had to chance to go downtown and just spend hours and hours practicing and getting better.

Great work.

The only flaw I noticed is that when you went from a vertical wall jump to your hands and then your feet, you pushed your self up with your knees. I don't really suggest doing this, as you can lose momentum and speed. You may also hurt yourself. I would suggest never using your knees in parkour.

P.S > This is just criticism and in no way do I intend this to be a mean comment. Keep up the great work Mike!


2:39 he finally revealed he's a ninja from the hidden leaf


5:21 he really do be flying like a bird though 😂


He’s training himself for the biggest international bank heist, and making money off it


this morning i was like, "when is mike gonna post?" thx for the entertainment


As a person who is doing parkour for years, I have to appreciate your courage and also how well youve been moving forward and the most enjoyble thing was to watch how happy you were and how you enjoy doing it. Big respect and praise for doing it.


Its great to see you this big on yt Mike, I came here when you had around 180 k subs, always wondering why you weren't bigger, and here you are mate🔥🔥 ITS ALLLL ABOUT PRACTICE💪


Mike in 50 years:

Im gonna learn how to controll the time with no experience.
