Growing dahlias in the South

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I'm also near Athens, GA and I have tried twice with Dahlias and failed....I think
I have learned from my mistakes. I think they like to grow where my oriental lillies and Queen of the Nile like to soil that stays slightly moist....but not soaking wet. BUT
They need sun but the sun here can be I put them where they will get morning sun then they are protected from the heat of the day by being in the shadow of a large tree....then they will get sun from 3-7:30 or so. My first year I grew them in a spot that was too hot and too dry....then I moved them to the spot I am talking about and they took off. Problem....we had that terrible freeze right before Christmas. We got down to 11 degrees which is really unheard of. I had mulched all my lilies, gingerlilies, elephant ears etc but totally forgot about the dahlias because they were new in that spot....checked on the tubers a few weeks ago and 😢.
Like a fool I am trying again. I did the same thing with climbing hydrangea. Took me three tries....and's happening.


Very good to hear been wanted to grow dahlia but worry about if they wuold bloom


I'm near Athens, GA and just bought some to plant this year. Do dahilias need full sun, or would they benefit from some shade?


Where do you live ? Also do you leave your tubers in the ground over winter z?
