Finding the Perfect Finish

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Experienced craftsmen and women all have a "go-to" finish -- a versatile wood finish that takes minimal time and effort to apply. They use this for most projects, simplifying their finishing needs. These needs vary, so Nick shows how to find your personal go-to finish from the hundreds of choices that are available to you. He starts with some basic "coating chemistry" to reduce confusion and help you make an informed choice. Then he walks you though a simple experiment designed to compare the characteristics of popular commercial finishes.

0:00 Intro
1:58 Why Apply a Finish?
4:11 Coating Chemistry
5:32 Coating Processes & Applications
8:52 Spray-on Coating Application
9:35 Brush-on Coating Application
10:00 Wipe-on Coating Application
11:24 Surveying the Available Finishes
13:00 Tested Finishes
14:44 Finish on Glass Test Discussion
15:14 Food Safe Finish Discussion
16:47 Testing the Finishes (Method discussion)
21:08 Hope's Tung Oil Results
21:33 Tried & True Original Linseed Results
22:12 Minwax Tung Oil Finish Results
22:50 General Finishes Wood Bowl Finish Results
23:20 Minwax Antique Oil Finish Results
23:43 Minwax Wipe on Poly Results
24:17 General Finishes Arm-R-Seal Gloss Results
24:46 Baloney-IMHO disclaimer!
25:20 Rudy's Original Wipe-On Finish Formula

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Рекомендации по теме

In my humble opinion (I have been at this for 65 years) this instructor/teacher is one of the top three on YouTube. Sincere, thorough, to the point and keeping it simple.


This has the feel of a pbs show. It was done great and has all the hallmarks of being professionally written. With the I'm just about to tell you but hold on technique and was worth not fast forwarding. We are blessed to have you making these videos.


You should know that this is the most informative and easy to understand demonstration of different finishes on the entire platform of YouTube. Thanks for what you do, it helps thousands of people be more comfortable with their creativity🤘


As a "book-smart" engineer struggling to get into the very "real-world" art of woodworking I appreciate the comprehensive information given in these videos. The thorough discussion of the terminology, mechanics, chemistry, and theory behind what is being done helps me retain and compile the information as more than just a series of disjointed wood facts or recommendations. These are long videos but in the end I learn far more in 30 minutes here than watching ten 3-minute videos on the same topic. Thank you for your work Sir!


What a fantastic, well thought out and delivered educational presentation! Please do the woodworking community a huge blessing and NEVER Stop the level and quality of your sharing. With all sincerity…..Thank You!


I am a retired chemist who had to deal with thousands of MSDS document. Just loved your compilation of possible toxic consequences, but especially the “Finishing Phobia “ at the end of the list.


As a retired painter (42 years in the trade) I completely agree with reading the back label of coatings and still do to this day. I always pour the product from the front side of the label as to not obscure the info on the back. I would like to caution persons on the proper drying and disposal of wiping rags, whether solvent-based finishes as well as solvent-based stains including especially linseed oil. ALL RAGS MUST BE LAID OR HUNG FLAT TO DRY COMPLETELY BEFORE DISPOSAL TO AVOID SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION, once dry and hard, can be thrown in the trash.


Believe me, My girlfriend and I must’ve watched about 16 videos about finishing and stains; and I must add that watching yours, I got a heck of a lot more knowledge than watching those 16 videos. So; we would like to thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experiences. You’re a great teacher Sir.
Even though I don’t know much about woodworking and stains and finishes, I was able to pick up everything you said on this video; and I’m sure I’ll be using the knowledge I received from you, very soon.
GOD bless you my friend, and again; thank you so much for this beautiful video. I’ve just subscribed to your YouTube channel. I can’t wait to see what else you have in your channel. Peace!


Wow. Just wow. I have watched A lot of YouTube videos on a variety of subjects. And this stands out as one of the best put together, No nonsense, no stupid anecdotes, well informed, and pertinent videos I have ever seen. And honestly, I don’t say that lightly. Thank you so much, you’ve got a new subscriber!


You, sir, are an absolute hero! I am a housewife in a 125yr old farmhouse full of old and abused woodwork. I am trying to save it, but I never got a woodshop class (and I constantly kick myself for that misstep). Everything I know is from helpers at the local mill, my own trial with too much error, and the internet... And unfortunately the latter can be very untrustworthy.

I came here to find out how to salvage my recently discovered red oak beadboard that had been painted, glued and then hidden beneath wall panelling after the former residents gave up on it. Obviously, its damaged, but after stripping and cleaning, using oxalic acid for the many stains, now I am at a loss.

You are a saint for producing this detailed instructional video that tells me all the options and pros/cons.


0:00 Intro
1:58 Why Apply a Finish?
4:11 Coating Chemistry
5:32 Coating Processes & Applications
8:52 Spray-on Coating Application
9:35 Brush-on Coating Application
10:00 Wipe-on Coating Application
11:24 Surveying the Available Finishes
13:00 Tested Finishes
14:44 Finish on Glass Test Discussion
15:14 Food Safe Finish Discussion
16:47 Testing the Finishes (Method discussion)
21:08 Hope's Tung Oil Results
21:33 Tried & True Original Linseed Results
22:12 Minwax Tung Oil Finish Results
22:50 General Finishes Wood Bowl Finish Results
23:20 Minwax Antique Oil Finish Results
23:43 Minwax Wipe on Poly Results
24:17 General Finishes Arm-R-Seal Gloss Results
24:46 Baloney-IMHO disclaimer!
25:20 Rudy's Original Wipe-On Finish Formula


I am only six minutes into this video and I can already tell that this presenter is exceptionally knowledgeable and skilled at teaching. The information clarity and density here is remarkable.


This video contains an insane amount of super useful information for just 27 minutes. Thank you for imparting your knowledge to the world.


I'm not a woodworker but you immediately became my favorite YouTube channel. Keep it up!


Your presentation is incredible. Very informative. Interesting to listen to. I couldn't have imagined I would enjoying watching a half hour on finishes so much. Well done sir and thank you for your hard work and for making this video and presenting the results.


Nick, I worked as a Industrial Coatings Rep. for a major paint/coatings company for almost 10 years. Your explanation of coating chemistry was GREAT. Everyone should understand that part because then they can properly evaluate any product for coating/painting/finishing anything. The only other thing that I would add or emphasize is to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. You would be amazed at how much effort goes into the instructions that go on the can and very few people read it, then complain when the finish doesn't work like they wanted it to. But, a fantastic video. Keep up the good work.


Hands down the most comprehensive and accessible video on wood finishing I've ever seen. That mixture of information, production quality and on screen charisma is not easy to pull off. Thank you, sir. Much appreciated.


Thank you for this! As a beginner to woodworking, I can't tell you how valuable this video is to me. I'll be coming back to watch this many more times!


Excellent presentation Nick. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again you are by far the most thorough, easy to understand, and informative teacher on YouTube. Thank you for being you.


I’m a resident physician, meaning I’ve spent about 20, 000 hours over the last 10 years learning from thousands of the most educated and intelligent people on the planet.
And this man is easily among the top 1 or 2 teachers I’ve ever encountered.
Articulate, interesting, technically precise yet simple language and concise.
