Pharaoh's Hardened Heart: A Divine Paradox #bible #biblestudy #god #curiosity

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We may never understand God’s way!! His power is beyond our knowledge!!


Funny how none of these miraculous historical events were recorded in the highly meticulous hieroglyphs of Egypt or The Library of Alexandria during that time period, almost like it was made up.🤔🤨


Pharaoh didn’t go after Israelites after he’d allowed them to leave. But on the way out they raided the villages along the way and stole all the cattle, livestock, valuables etc which was not in the agreement so Pharaoh retaliated, justly so. This theft was described in several descriptions of the exodus around the time. Also, Moses went by way of the sea of reeds, not the Red Sea. As a high Egyptian official he knew the tides Of the Red Sea. The water may not even have gone away totally, possible for people to wade in and go across but probably very difficult for wheeled vehicles to cross and they were trapped when the high tide returned. Pharaoh would not and did not lead the pursuit but sent one of his oldest sons, who was general of his army. If the pharaoh was Rameses ll, the king’s oldest son died well before his father and could have died in the exodus. Named Amonhir kepeshef, he was the first born of pharaoh’s favorite wife, Nefertiri. And a favorite and heir to Rameses. The son is shown with his father roping cattle in the Abydos temple. His name means ‘Amon strengthens my arm.’ His death probably made Rameses really mad.


So, you are saying that God is his own fault. Using pharaoh to make himself mad. Ho yeah, and he wants the Hebrews to praise him for bringing ten plagues to the Egyptians. Sounds like a bully to me.
