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Why did God harden the heart of Pharaoh? Daniel will discuss the story of Pharaoh's hardened heart, the implications of a hard heart, and the theological debate around free will and God's justice.

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In this video, Daniel takes a close look at a big question: "Why did God harden the heart of Pharaoh? We'll explore the story in the Book of Exodus to understand why God hardened Pharoah's heart and how it affects our view of free will and God's justice. Did Pharaoh have free will, or did God take it away when He hardened Pharaoh's heart?
Join Daniel as he answers these questions from a biblical perspective and see what the Bible says about God's purpose in hardening hearts.

Daniel talks about what it means to have a hard heart and why God hardened Pharaoh's heart to accomplish his will. Can God harden your heart, and if He does, can He also soften it?

Daniel looks at these questions to help you understand more about our own hearts and our relationship with God. By studying Pharaoh's heart and what happened because of his hardened heart, we learn important lessons about free will and God’s actions.

This video will make you think about God's justice and His purposes. Is God fair when He hardens hearts, and what does this mean for our faith? We’ll explore the Bible story and what it teaches us about our own spiritual journey. Join us for a simple yet meaningful discussion on one of the Bible's most interesting questions.

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I admire your editing skills as well as your position in teaching scripture and well thought out interpretation. May he keep you strong in spirit and protect you from evil.


I've been following your channel since 2019 and i learnt a lot. I used to be that Christian that didn't really care or understood about my faith and my relationship with GOD. And through your videos i started to understand, i started to seek GOD. And GOD starts to open my eyes. Until today i still learn to be HIS follower. I love GOD and i know i will never be a perfect human being. But this video is a warning for me, even though GOD love me, i cannot take it for granted. Even though I have been saved by GOD, as a sinner there's no excuses but to put GOD first in all aspect of my life. Often i compromises my sins because of the believe "i cannot be perfect" but today GOD warns me through this video. Even though I'm a sinner and will never be perfect, i have to pick up my cross. I don't want to harden my heart and i don't want GOD harden my heart. Thank you FATHER IN HEAVEN for your love and your mercy, to reminding me everyday. Thank you Daniel for your ministry, may GOD bless you and your family abundantly. AMEN


I'm blessed only God knows how much I praise Him, $80k every 4weeks! I now have a good house and can now afford anything and also support my family


I use to be a drug dealer and partied every weekend then I almost died in a car accident. Jesus put me back together and performed many miracles so I'm now a walking talking miracle and a living testimony. Jesus is King.


God I choose you.Please help me . I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and Saviour.God protect me and save me.Amen .


You have done a very good job on this topic. God is totally fair; just; and rightous. But the people who question on His actions usually tend to forget one thing. God is Holy and we human beings are not. The redemption of Christ is the total act of Mercy that none deserve. I praise God for not getting what I deserve. Amen.


god bless you dear bro...love from pakistan


Thank you Sir for this video, I can feel God is working something in my life Sir and your Video helps me Sir, Thank you for letting God use you for his great and wonderful purpose, Godbless Sir🙏🥹❤️


God I am going through a lot of hard times .Please save me o god.


Please pray to the Lord to save us, me n my family from the evil one.


Thank you Daniel and your team if family bless you I love yous too


When God created man, with all His knowledge not limited by time, He knew that man would sin against him and in that case, why did he give man free will if He knew it would cause them to be separated from him because of sin?


Thank you very much for this teaching! The Holy Spirit opened my spiritual eyes, to understand that God is in Control and i can not do anything to influence his plans, his timing, his ways etc. All i have to do it TRUST him, cause he is a loving Father, he is powerful, he is omnipotent, he is the Almighty Creator of the Universe, he is souvereign ❤ And his words say "All things work together for good to them that Love God" and he repeats almost in the whole Bible that we should trust him, that he loves us. I suddenly feel free from anxiety about the future, free from Anger etc. cause i know that he is in Controle in every situation in my Life ❤ His Holy Spirit is wonderful. A great Teacher. God bless you ❤


Another brilliant video!!! Thank you GOD BLESS


I been hurt at god for many years. Some parts of my life will never remain the same ever again and that’s fine. More than a couple of times I ripped and destroyed my bible which meant so much to me. Those bibles was with me for a long time. I feel like god doesn’t forgive me and that he turned his face from me for awful things I’ve said in the past that I never meant to say but out of hurt I did. I went through so much in my life and still am till this very day. However, my comment is not to attract attention or for anyone to even reply back to me but keeping me in your prayers means a lot to me. Thanks 🙏🏻 😊 💔


I am severely mentally ill and deal with spiritual agony daily. Please pray


Who appointed Jesus to be high priest forever?
Psalm 110:4 Jeh ovah has sworn an oath, and he will not change his mind: “You [Jesus] are a priest forever In the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek!”
Hebrews 5:5 So, too, the Christ did not glorify himself by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by the One who said to him: “You are my son; today I have become your father.”


Thank you again for your insights into what God's reasons were for hardening Pharaoh's heart. It helps me understand that God had to harden his heart from what it was. Which means it wasn't hardened or totally hardened before God changed it. Though people can still choose of their own will to reject God and harden their hearts towards Him or not. God is sovereign and can harden someones's heart if He chooses. This does not mean that that person could not be redeemed within God's provision, for God is just and good.


This was a question I was asked a bit ago and I didn't have a good answer for. Thank you for making this video. Can I also ask your opinion on what the Bible teaches on what I think I observed recently?

Recently I noticed that when God removes peoples free will "hardened Pharoh's heart" they are being judged. Like you mentioned, after Pharaoh hardened his heart "chose evil", then God "hardened Pharoh's heart so he wouldn't let the Israelites go" and performed the 10 'judgements' on Egypt. If I remember correctly, each judgement was a judgement of each of the false gods Egypt worshiped, and Pharah was "supposedly" the representative of all these gods. I haven't done an exhaustive study of this thought, but if I go through my memory of scripture I can come up with a few examples.

1) Adam and Eve were judged for eating the fruit God commanded them not to eat of (sin) then they lost their free will to live in and eat from the Garden of Eden (judgement) [Among other judgements]
2) Each time Israel was concurred by another nation they lost, some of their free will 'captivity' since they turned from God.
3) Jonah said "NO" to God about witnessing to Ninevah. He was then swallowed by a great fish and spent three days and nights in its belly. During this time, Jonah prayed and repented. I don't think the story uses the word Judgement, but God took Jonah's free will away for 3 days by putting him in the belly of a fish for disobedience (which sounds like judgement to me)
4) When Cain killed Abel he was judged. God confronted Cain and declared that he would be cursed and driven from the ground, which would no longer yield crops for him. Cain was sentenced to be a restless wanderer on the earth. (he lost his free will to stay in one place and grow food)

Jesus said he didn't come to judge but to Save those who were lost. During his 3-year ministry, Jesus only loved us and displayed grace but warned us of a future judgement.
Jesus warns us of the future judgement where those who don't accept Him as Saviour will be judged "loose their free will entirely".

It seems like there are two purposes for "judgment". Maybe there is a bigger concept here of different kinds of judgement, maybe the word discipline, because it seems that some judgements could lead to repentance (repaired relationship with God) and some lead to eternal separation from God (maybe just judgement at the end of our lives).

I think we take for granted some of the Biblical words like Judgement, and assume people know what we are talking about when we say them. When I asked people what it means to judge, I noticed that most people really don't know what it means. There is so much wisdom and freedom in understanding and accepting God's foundational words and concepts.

When God gave us free will, I heard He can't just take it back without a good reason. If God's removes free will, we have lost our ability to love Him. Love requires a choice and actions. In this age of robots, robots only follow our instructions and therefore have no ability to love or rebel. God didn't make robots but made humans in His image, with the ability to love Him (free will).


Daniel thank you for the video.have a blessed Sunday and week.and may your wife have a blessed Sunday and week also.and also your crew
