Silver Dollar Fish Care (Need to Know)

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Aquarium Silver Dollar Fish care is East if you understand it correctly. Tank mates for silver dollar is almost anything you can think of (unless it eats it). Silver dollar fish growth is very slow so be patient.

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Wait just one pellet every few days!? I feed ours once or twice a day a few pellets he let's me know he's hungry by staring at the little door at the top of the tank lol...he is also very picky and only eats the pellets when they are falling. not floating at the top or sunk at the bottom so I feel like he misses a lot of them.I suggest get to know your little buddy and judge it as you go...good luck.

I really think it depends on your fish, what kind of filtration you have, the size of your tank, the tank mates, how many plants are in there, etc. There is no right answer.

However, I will say that the fish in my daughter's room gets forgotten about often and he is thriving and has been for years. I feed him when I go in there to put away clothes and he doesn't always get fed in between. He is old and happy and his water parameters are perfect, so I try to just let him do his thing.

My fish eat twice a day and I know I put more in than I should. My female is a fatty but my male isnt. My female is in with other fish though, so that’s why she gets more. Some has to reach the others lol. I would say that the guy at the store met everyday.

But for me what I find to be the most annoying is the fact that my male Silver dollar fish can't seem to live. My tanks have been properly cycled. I have natural plants in my tank. Three of my fish are female so because they're kept in a small tank there medicated. Pet stores in Taiwan used to do that but now they don't do it anymore. So now all the betas are kept in small drinking cups. if you check out my YouTube channel welcome to the wild I believe I posted a video about that.

I acclimate the fish properly too but I don't know. All I know is it's pissing me off and it's making me want to start my own beta shop.
If I had my own shop I would pretreat all the fish for bacterial fungal infections and parasites. And my fish would have the best diet possible. I would have a selection of 300 fish.

Since we are on the topic of feeding (so sorry for jacking your post for a second) what's the recommended feeding schedule for a Giant? I just got my first giant today and I know he will require a bit more food. My regular betta used to get 2-3 pellets in the morning and 2-3 in the evening, blood worms or brine shrimp on Saturdays, no food on Sundays.

You have to realize their stomach is the size of their eyeball they don't need to eat 2-3 times a day and they are fine not eating 2-3 days. But its up to the individual owner. I feed mine 4 pellets a day.

So I feed my guy 3 pellets in the am, and same at night, sometimes its blood worms at night, but recently I posted his photo, and someone said it looks like he is starving. So here he is, he's active, and I think in good health.

I feed every other day. That is all. We have had 2 bettas in 2 years and the one we have now we got in Oct. The the 1st one was our 1st and he got terrible fin rot and we didnt know about IAL and thawed frozen daphnia at that time like we do now. We feed frozen (thawed in a little tank water) different foods every other day like....blood worms one night, daphnia another, brine shrimp another (remember- all frozen, thawed in a little cup of tank water, and I use plastic reptile feeder tweezers to feed him with just like he's a baby and he loves it, food doesn't get wasted).

Sometimes I may give him a few pellets in the morning because he likes those too but not very often. Everytime I open the lid like a hundred of the darn things go all over the place even when opening the tiny jar really slowly, makes no sense but it always wants to make a mess. But thats how I feed the betta and also I feed my other tank with a cory catfish, a molly and 3 guppies the exact same frozen thawed foods. Oh, and a few bottom feeder pellets for the cory.

Every fish is different, and the foods are different. If he sold you the pellets they push here, feeding more than one pellet will make them constipated because it's mostly vegetation and bettas are more carnivores. Read the ingredients on the food. If it's not primarily protein sources like fish, shrimp, insects, worms, it's going to constipate your betta.

If the top 3 -5 ingredients are fish meal, shrimp meal, worm meal, insect meal, etc, then the pellet should be small enough to fit in the mouth. Feed 2 - 5 pellets. Some bettas are super active and need more food. Some are more sedate, and don't expend as many calories. Watch the tummy, and the body. You don't want a big fat tummy, you want a well proportioned and muscular fish.
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Got 5 in a 55 gallon all natural set up got them with tiger barbs, guppies, Molly's, glo tetras. A silver shark, and a eletric blue ram. All been good here.


I'm so glad I found you, my silvers are so beautiful and calm . we moved last year and we were left them by the previous owners, we have just bought some black widows and clown lochers and iam so pleased they are all getting along 🥰 i honestly think they are happy that we got them some friends 😭🥰☺


I think the best behavior can be seen when the silver dollars have the tank for themselves. I have them in somewhat low lighting and they school great! Their colors pop out and eat very well too. In my opinion they have better behavior in comparison to a tank setup with other cichlids as tankmates.


I have 4 silver dollars in a 95 gallon community tank. I have a lot of water movement and they love it. They like to swim back and forth into the current.


I have a single, 18 year old, rescued silver dollar. He's, as you'd say, extremely insecure. Or as I'd say, he has strong opinions and is very in touch with his emotions. He's got rasboras and otos as his emotional support fish, and that's made a ln enormous difference in his stress levels.


Kept dollars for a while we have one female red hook which is so relaxed it has chilled my others in the group to the point where they come to my hand and I can hold them! Best tip is small tank and hand in everyday until they stop freaking out, then they can go into large mixed aquariums, stressed dollars are such a shame as they are suicide prone


I ordered 4 young silver dollars from Aqua Huna. They only had packs of 4. I got 55gallon. I got some platys and guppies. I hope they'll be ok since only having 4.


We have 2 silver dollars in a 55 gal bow front and yes indeed they are rather shy and skittish.

I had to add some black cardstock to the outside sides of the tank so they wouldn't freak out so much with us walking by. I've also moved the plants to the front so the can hide behind them better.

I wish I could afford a larger tank for them and I could add a few more.

Good advice on the lower lighting btw and something I need to fix.

On a side note they love steamed peas squished out of the husk as a treat and shrimp pellets.


I have 3 silver dollars and yes they are very nervous fish, they light low light and somewhere to hide.


I have angelfish with them. They get along together


I transferred 1 silver dollar from a 12 gallon community tank into a 40gallon turtle tank. I might have to pick up a few more so they could thrive together.


Hey great video! I just picked up six small silver dollars today...will they be cool in a 45 gallon for 6-9 months?


my silver dollars like algae wafers, they steal them off of my Pleco, then spin them around in their mouth, nibbling at the edges until there's nothing left


Wow thats a reaaly professional aquascape you got going on there. Those drainpipes are stunning. Why dont you throw a few baseball caps in and finish the look off.


you should cap you substrate with sand, this works great.


Amazing video dont be soo hard on yourself your your own worst critic 💘 ya man. Those cichlids are ALL looking stunning man


Great video, thank you 💐. I have a question please, I bought two new silver dollars and one of them is acting ok, while the other one is breathing fast and stood still on the upper corner of the tank, so is it normal on the dollar first day in new tank to do this ? Will it be ok or I'm going to lose it? 😭


I almost adopted some fully grown ones at petstore today but i got preditors shoved together n its good as is surprised im getting away with peacock umbuna GT JD and 3 different pikes!!! But i learned my technique of keeping the environment changing usually every 2 weeks they re dig re establish territory


I have 2 silver dollars and they're always hiding in the corner. My question is, if I buy more silver dollars, (stripe or dotted) would they be livelier and swim around with them or would stay skittish for the rest of their life?


Hey mate your videos are awesome you have taught me heaps keep up the good work
