My adoptive daughter who abandoned us for her richer bio dad suddenly showed up to my husband's..

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My adoptive daughter who abandoned us for her richer bio dad suddenly showed up to my husband's funeral demanding a share of the inheritance. She said thats the least we can do for her, but when I handed her a paper my husband had left behind, she was ashamed and regretted everything.

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The fact that she hit rock bottom is the only reason she is acting the way she is. Stay strong and i am so sorry for your loss.


Elena's intentions are crystal clear from the fact that she brought a lawyer to the funeral


That girl is the reason so many people are so hesitant about adoption


She was only sorry after finding no inheritance. Tell that gold digger to dig somewhere else


Her apologies mean nothing after showing up to the funeral, with a dang lawyer, and aggressively demanding her inheritance. Had she shown up alone to grieve (without a lawyer) and been nothing but kind and apologetic, and never even mentioned any inheritance, then yeah, her apology would have at least have meant something. OP might have even forgiven her. But inheritance? Nope, not under any circumstances. She made her bed.


Throw that contact information away. Had she not been cut off by her wealthy bio family she would have never bothered to show up at the funeral nor apologize. All she's after is the money, it's all she wanted then and it's all she wants now.


The only reason Elena wants back is because she wants inheritance from the adopted mum. It's quite literally her last throw of the dice so she can maintain the lifestyle she had before her bio parents cut her off. If i was the adopted mum i would literally put in the will not to leave Elena anything. She seems vindictive enough to contest the will.


OP should never contact her. She’s shown her true colors. Never invite that snake that was once your daughter back into your home. She will try to take everything you’re worth once you die under the guise of rekindling familial bonds for the time you were alive.


Its so funny that her bio family used their wealth to get ber back but then kick her to the curb for only wanting them for their wealth


should have called the cops for disturbing the funeral


She should have kept in contact with the adoptive family. She needs to get her affairs in order. She will get an inheritance from the biological family. She will be fine in the long term.


pathetic really that some people can throw so much away for flashy clothes and expensive alcohol. Enjoying the finer things is one thing, but the people in your life and your dignity and values are so much more important.


I doubt she's genuinely sorry. She burned all her bridges and she's desperate to find someone to enable her. If she was genuine, she wouldn't have come to her adoptive father's funeral with a lawyer (real or fake) to immediately demand inheritance. She wanted to get what she thought she was owed and leave. She came in with clear contempt and annoyance with her adoptive parents. There is no love in the girl for anyone but herself.

The irony is, she is less responsible than her bio parents. The girl's bio parents may have been addicts, but they were responsible enough to realize first that they were in no position to raise a child, then to clean up their acts, then to actually get to where they are now. That is an amazing story. I imagine they had no idea she was doing all that behind OP's back, that she likely lied to them, either telling them her adoptive family was terrible, or telling them her adoptive family was okay with it, or some other BS story.

I want to believe in the best in everyone, I really do, but the way she acted? No, I think she's giving a sob story.


She is there for the money and playing the long game


Elena is probably just playing the long game hoping to get some money from op will


OP mentions adoption because her and hubby wanted to do some good for the world. My immediate thought is "no good deed goes unpunished"


Ok, here is the thing: How did she turn out like this? I feel like OP left out the part where they spoiled her rotten as a kid, because this shit doesn't just come out of nowhere and as far as i know this has nothing to do with genetics. So it must have been something in her upbringing


Unfortunately, this is just one of those situations where nature completely beats nurture. Elena is one of those people who is impressed by money and status, so of course her biological parents were able to buy her attention. Elena distanced herself from OP for 8 years. She doesn't get to just randomly come back with a lawyer in tow expecting money.


Can’t u forgive her without giving her the money.


I think I would reply to that text message with “k”, in lowercase
