How to Iron a Dress Shirt | Art of Manliness

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I didn't grow up with a dad, so I never learned how to do basic things. Now YouTube is my dad.


i asked my mom to iron my shirt, she said I'm here


Yeah, this is something I wish I learned in school. We had a class called "home knowledge". Don't know how to translate that but the idea is to give the student a baseline of knowledge of cleaning your home, cook food and clean your clothes. Thank you Art of Manliness for making this video! =)


My mom passed when I was young and dad was never around so I appreciate this, thank you!



1. Read the shirts label.
2. Prepare the iron - ensure it has water in it and stuff.
3. Check for stains, if it does the heat from the iron can make the stain worse.
4. Moisten the shirt - will enable you to dry iron the shirt without using your irons water. The best time is to pull out a shirt right before its in the dryer. Or you could use a spray bottle.
5. Iron the collar - Demonstration at 1:00
6. Iron the button cuffs - Demonstration at 1:15 . First you want to iron the inside of the cuff and then move onto the outside, you don't want to iron over the buttons because that will leave a mark.
7. Iron shirt front. Demonstration at 1:38
8. Iron the yoke - Demonstration at 2:05
9. Iron the back of the shirt - Demonstration at 2:15
10. Iron the sleeves, make sure the sleeves are flat - Demonstration at 2:31
11. Inspect and hang, spot iron if necessary.
12. Iron shirts in batches.


nice to see all the single  men gathered in one Place!


You had one huge mistake at the end.  One shirt facing one way on a hanger and one shirt facing the other.  How can you live with such madness?


I watched this after ironing. How ironic.


Nice video! I’ve been ironing my husbands clothes for years. One game changer was adding homemade cornstarch into the mix. Really keeps the shirt super crisp👌🏻 And helps a lot to not allow stains to sit in the fabric

A cup of distilled water + one tsp of cornstarch + 2 drops of essential oil. (Cornstarch stinks after a while) mix well pour in a spray bottle. Shake well before spraying & don’t over spray lol


Finally I can call myself iron man. Thanks


I haven't ironed in ages so this has been a lifesaver, it's my graduation ceremony tomorrow and I can't wear anything over the robe otherwise I wouldn't have bothered ironing. Thanks!


Men don't iron because we find it either pointless, boring or both.  When we do iron it's usually due to superficial external pressures, or because we're in the Military. However, ironing has two very interesting side effects; it helps to improve one's self-awareness, and it increases one's attention to detail--the latter being the reason for ironing in the military.

If you find yourself in a situation when you need to iron, then make it as painless as possible. Once you get the hang of it, you'll find that ironing has a calming, almost meditative, effect.  You may even begin to look forward to ironing and may also start to view ironing in the same light as waxing your car on a Saturday.

How to make it painless? If you're doing your own ironing, then chances are you are also doing your own washing. There are a few points that others mentioned and that the video overlooked or under-stressed that I wanted to share/highlight.

- A good ironing job begins in the washer. Use the correct settings.
- Don't overload the washer. Clothes need to move freely in the water.
- Don't overload the dryer. Clothes need to tumble freely and expand.
- Don't use a cool-down dryer cycle if you plan to iron.
- Don't wait for the dryer to "buzz"; remove and hang shirts while they are HOT.        (Optional:  Rig the dryer to continue tumbling with door open while you remove shirts.)
- If you forget, the dryer will stop and shirts will cool and wrinkle. Restart the dryer, and    toss in a damp washcloth.
- Set up ironing board in front of the TV, internet radio, or in garage if dryer is near your workbench. I've even ironed outside in back yard with my dog.
- Begin ironing the back of the shirt on the square end of the ironing board.
- Move shirt to tapered end of board to iron the front panels one at a time.
- Iron collar, then end with ironing the sleeves.
- For a sleeve top crease, pinch the under-arm seam where the seam meets the shirt. Lay the entire sleeve flat and starting at the seam, iron the sleeve working from the seam (under-arm) to the top (over-arm). (Note: Some sleeves are not oriented properly when set into the armhole. So, before you press the top crease, make sure the crease will align with the center of your shoulder).

Hope this was helpful.


Boss asked me to iron my shirt or be ready to get less hours which led me here. learned to Ironed my dress shirt from this page and it did well. Cheers. Learn a new art.


I'm a girl and I'm learning how to iron my dad's dress shirts. Thanks for the tutorial, it was very helpful 😄


Coming from someone who has had to iron a shirt for just about every workday for 17 years; go from collar, yoke, body to sleeves.  If you mess with sleeves and cuffs before the body, you'll just get wrinkles and have to re-iron.  I also use a spray bottle to moisten the shirt rather than steam.  In my experience, most iron's will start barfing out rusty water after a few months that stains your shirts.


A word to the wise:

a) Buy a good, quality iron, not a cheap one. Black & Decker sells their classic version at a good price and it'll last for years IF you take care of it. I still have mine after 30 years of average use. If you're going to put water in your iron, try to use distilled water. Tap water, especially if you're in a hard water area, will leave mineral deposits inside your iron's reservoir. Over time, it'll ruin your iron's heating elements and gunk up the iron's vents making it useless.

b) Keep your iron clean. If you use spray starch or any kind of fabric spray, it will tend to form a build-up on the bottom of your iron resulting in it dragging or sticking to the material. Distilled water in a spray bottled works well too. You can use tap water, but again, watch out for mineral deposits clogging up the steam vents. If it does need cleaning, mix a ⅓ vinegar. ⅔ water solution, pour it into your iron and let it set for an hour or so. Rinse it out two or three times - you'll see all the crud come out when you're done.

c) Buy a tube of iron cleaner, relatively cheap and found next or near the spray starch at your supermarket. Use a small amount to wipe it down after every use, especially if you happen to do a lot of ironing. If you don't have any, keep it clean as best you can, but don't use anything that will stain material the next time you iron.

• I learned how to iron shirts from the best: the US Marine Corps.


i can't believe so many guys cannot iron a shirt or even tie a tie. My mom was the only woman in the house. It was my Dad and 2 brothers. She said she wanted to make sure me and my brother...learned how to cook...learn how to wash, iron, and fold clothes...and a little sewing if we had a rip on a garment. She used to tell us there is no guarantee you will get married...and if you do get married...there is no guarantee your wife will know how to do these things. One of the best skills I learned how to do.


I just ironed my shirt and this tutorial was pretty helpful. All you have to do is follow it closely.


When your mom was a bigger man than you were all along.


If you use the "throw it in the dryer because I don't have time" method, toss 2-4 ice cubes (depending on their size) in with the shirt. They will melt and create steam, helping to remove wrinkles better. Also, starch can be really rough on the fabric and shorten the life of the shirt. Use with caution.
