Viral Muslim TikTok: Jesus Denied Being God!

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A clip from an older debate with sheik Ibrahim Abdullah resurfaced on TikTok. The clip has hundreds of thousands of views. Abdullah claims that Jesus denied being God in Luke 18:18 during the story involving the rich young ruler. It's common for unitarians to trot out this cherry picked verse to argue their point. But it's not a good reading of the text.

Jesus film clips from Lumo Project.

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"And we're proud of that" never ceases to get old.


"Jesus denies he is not God"
Double negative, thus:
Jesus claims he is God.
I agree.


JESUS in Luke 18-19: Why are you calling me God, as only God alone is good?
Also JESUS in John 10:11: I AM the Good Shepherd.
Good = God
Good = Jesus
God = Jesus


Too bad Thomas called Jesus my Lord and my God...
AnD wE'rE pRoUd Of ThAt!!!


I actually was convinced and became unitarian for a year. Your videos cleared thing up for me. God bless.


Jesus tested people all the time to see their reaction. I always considered Jesus's "why do you call me good?" question to be another test. It was a way of asking "who do you believe I am?" as well as a way of asking "what do you believe is God's standard for goodness?" The answers to both of those questions were very important in determining whether the rich young ruler would enter paradise or not.


Jesus doesn’t deny being deity rather He asks the man, “why do you call me good when there is no one good but God alone?” Jesus isn’t denying deity rather He is questioning the man’s assumptions on “what must he do to inherit the eternal Kingdom of God” and Jesus responds with there is no one who is good but God. Meaning that no human can get to Heaven by their own works/effort because we are all sinful people and none are good but God. Jesus proclaims to be the “Good Shepard” Jesus also declares Himself sinless. Jesus also proclaims to be God through many titles that God can only posses and do only that which God alone can do and be in relationship with the Father that which no human could be in.


Don't miss that fact.
That muslims pervert the words of Jesus.
Muslims claim that Jesus said: "Don't call me good"
But actually Jesus replied: “Why do you call me good?


"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." - John 10:11


Notice how the muslim guy twists the words of Jesus. Instead of saying why do you call me good? like the actually verse states he twists it and says don't call me good.


In my opinion, Jesus was stealthily saying he is God. The young man clearly didn't think that, or was disappointed in not being commended by Jesus, so he turned away.


As a Christian I don’t care how many evidence Muslim find or how many people they convert to Islam. I will always believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and he died for my sin. I have seen a lot of evidence that proofs that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven


I mean Jesus constantly referred to himself as "The Son of Man", from the prophecy of Daniel.
Who is worshipped and served by all nations and people. And who else gets to be worshipped by everyone but God Himself?

Anyways, good stuff!


He called himself “the good shepherd” in John 10. There’s the “good” for you. As well, shepherds were common ancient representations for kings.
Also, Jesus called himself THE good shepherd, which would’ve associated him with the King of Kings in Psalm 23.


I always interpreted Jesus' response here as "since you obviously only regard me as a teacher, it would be wrong for you to call me good."


If I had a penny for every time I had to explain this to the mzm bible scholars 🙄


The worst thing is that an unbeliever will see this and fall for it hook, line and sinker. We really need to spread the true gospel and word of God


"Why do you call me good?"
He is calling out the religious leaders on their hypocrisy.
"There is only one who is good"
Jesus is saying if you truly believe that I am good, and only God is good, why do YOU call ME good!?
He is turning his flattery on its head to get to the root of the issue.
That despite what they have seen, they are willfully ignorant of the truth that Jesus is the Christ, God in human form.


Coming from a majority Muslim area this is useful. Even according to Islam Jesus performed miracles, healings, exorcists ect. While Mohammad did not.


Testify is right; this verse proves that Jesus is God.

Luke 18:18–20
Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God."

Jesus did not say He was not Good. Instead, He reminded this man that Only God is good.

So if Jesus is Good, which Jesus did not deny, then Jesus is God.
