MLM TOP FAILS #5 | Truth about “free” Monat Vegas trips, #ANTIMLM content creators are called haters

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I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not contact these people on their social media platforms or send them hateful comments/messages, facial blurring is being used to protect identity. Their videos are being used only as an example of the manipulative and predatory nature of multi-level marketing companies and the claims their representatives make. I do not condone online bullying or harassment.






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That point about using different products: my esthetician literally told me 2 other brands to buy as more affordable alternative to the brand SHE MAKES COMMISSION ON. I bought 2 products from her and 2 from cvs and what sold me on her products was the fact that she wasn't afraid to give me alternatives.


Imagine telling grown adults they don't know how to wash their own hair 🤦‍♀️


You know who "hurt me" that made me engage in anti-mlm content? The former "friends" who tried to use me to join their team so they could make money. People who contacted me out of the blue pretending to care about what I've got going on in my life, only to interrupt me with a pitch. Yeah, that hurt.


7:05 "Didn't wash properly" this reminds me of when LuLaRoe blamed their customers for not knowing how to put on a pair of leggings.


"This is their desperate attempt to heard and seen" says people in MLMs who BEG other people to join their cult using a death, their weight/medical condition, a miscarriage, etc!!! NOW THATS being desperate to be seen and heard


A real impact on the community would involve volunteering or getting involved with an organization that does good works for the community, not selling shampoo and building a team with the focus on making money.


She’s right about bullies. I tell my first graders, if it’s coming out of someone else’s mouth, it’s telling you more about that person than you. BUT, anti-MLM content is NOT bullying. Case in point, Jessica Hickson, who often reacts to her own content from her MLM days (at the top). We don’t even usually hate the huns, as they are often victims themselves. How many times has Chelsea Suarez literally shed tears at their stories?


I got sucked into the "Pre-launch" to Audere a few weeks back. I immediately regretted it and could not have been happier when I got an email from the company saying that the pre-launch had "broke" the bank and they had to refund all the "recruits" below #1000 and they had to do another buy-in. I, of course, took this second chance and did NOT buy back in! Phew! That was close!


“Now that you’re hot...” OMG, that is so unbelievably rude!!!


I just love when Monat huns say “you didn’t wash your hair right”. Like…pretty sure washing your hair is pretty simple. 😂


The second girl blocked me because I asked her to put captions on her stories because I’m HOH. She always assumes everyone is a hater.


I don't understand how Monat can make Vegas seem like a luxury trip. It's one of the main US cheap trips.


6:58 "Monat didn't work for my hair"
"but you didn't follow the 500 steps"
...It's shampoo, it shouldn't be that deep.


Re: the MLM ads - if you are getting paid from the ads, you have probably made more money off the MLMs than people actually in the MLM. Also, I got the woman who keeps pushing her "training" on how to build a following/downline, and youtube asked if I liked the ad. Hahahahahaha, no.

How exciting about your wedding - glad it was a great day after being delayed - what a year!

I also tend to get a cold or something after a stressful buildup to an event - once it's over, I want to crash for a week!


The Monat "detoxifying" thing sounds a lot like what those Lipsense salesbots would say to explain why the product made peoples' lips burn & peel: it was an "exfoliating" pd. where the stuff was getting rid of all the "wax buildup" previous products had left behind. No.


My daughter is 6 and can wash her own hair just fine. I did not have to explain it to her multiple times….easy concept! Also congratulations on your wedding! 💒


Also regarding the Monat "free" trips - they will also be working during it and spending LOTS of money on the new products being released! New subscriber! Loving the content! Congratulations on the wedding!


To the “free” trips: my dad used to be an elementary teacher, and we got to go as a family to a teaching teaching convention in San Antonio. We went on a budget, but the hotel room and the travel was covered, and meals were partially comped. My husband used to work with a distribution company and has been on multiple work trips all over the world. I got to tag along to Germany once, and our hotel, cabs, airfare (not mine, but his), and meals were either comped or prepaid by the company. That’s how 9-5s and corporate jobs work. They are normally paying for travel and travel related expenses when they require their employees to travel. And it really is a fully paid trip. They don’t require you to hit or maintain “ranks” to “qualify” either.
Mlms aren’t anything special or better than a corporate job. If you want to travel with your company, then get a corporate job. You may get to go to Europe, Asia, or actual metropolitan centers in the USA, and take your spouse for cheap/free. Las Vegas can be done on your 2 weeks vacation and paid with your one week’s salary.


My husband’s 9-5 sales job award was grunge to Punta Cana and stayed at an all inclusive ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ resort. Every restaurant was included as well as any spa service, plus excursions. That is an award! And we booked our own flight.


RN here - you may be having some adrenal fatigue mixed with inflammation from the stress of fight or flight (leading to adrenal fatigue). It is super common especially in us women. I had it horribly my last semester of nursing school. It may serve you to look up foods to support your adrenal glands, cut back on dairy (increases inflammation and mucous production), and LOTS of water! I am happy you are on the mend, and maybe these tips can help with any future episodes!

P.S. - LITERALLY had an MLM ad play right after your PSA about no control over ads played and them wasting money on this audience. *Karma* 😆
