MLM TOP FAILS #72 | Scammer crying about how rich she is, faking before-and-after photos #ANTIMLM

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#hannahalonzo #antimlm #mlmtopfails

I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not contact these people on their social media platforms or send them hateful comments/messages, facial blurring is being used to protect identity. Their videos are being used only as an example of the manipulative and predatory nature of multi-level marketing companies and the claims their representatives make. I do not condone online bullying or harassment.

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Hannah Thaler
PO Box 561014
Rockledge, FL 32956

0:00 Intro
2:42 Top Fail 1
10:26 Top Fail 2
15:33 Top Fail 3
17:55 Top Fail 4
22:07 Top Fail 5
29:20 Top Fail 6
33:26 Top Fail 7



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The first girl sounded sarcastic every time she said “wow”. It’s almost as if she didn’t believe what she was saying. 😂


Say it with me: if someone is telling you to pay them in order to learn how to get rich, then you're the way they're getting rich. No one who has a easy way to make money is going to willingly create competition for themselves.


Asbestos litigation paralegal here!!

I don’t know how old that woman’s husband is but the latency period for mesothelioma is 30-50 years (meaning it can take 30-50 years to develop after exposure). Assuming he’s young, it is likely that he got secondhand exposure as a kid. Let’s say one of his parents was a carpenter or electrician and was redoing drywall in an old building or something. That parent probably came home with fibers in their clothes and he probably inhaled them. We see this all the time actually.

Is it sad and tragic? Yes. Is it the result of “unclean” household and personal items? Unlikely.

I hope they find peace and healing some other way because Monat certainly will not give that to them.


All their videos should begin
“I’m portraying a lifestyle I need you to fund.”


My dad said that when he was younger, there was an ad in magazines about how to become a millionaire…..just send $2, and they would tell you how. Then, when you sent it, you would get a letter in the mail telling you how to take an ad out in magazines about how to become a millionaire. 😅🤦🏼‍♀️


The emotional music in the first one is just very jarring. It’s bizarre. That type of music playing in the background of a touching movie scene really helps a scene, but when you’re talking about money it just clashes very hard and it makes her come across even less sympathetic than she already is.

Edit: Just got to the wound post. I’m furious that they’re using their child with autism for views. Yes, the wound should be hospital treated, but I am livid to see a child exploited like this. Utterly disgusting.


Isn't it funny how the first lady can quote a specific amount for how much she has allegedly earned, but she won't quote how many people she has helped. If helping people is the reason why you do what you do, that would be the most important number to keep track of and share.


Nurse here, I am HORROFIED at the way they treated that wound. My god, it's so painfully obvious that it's getting infected and they keep pouring oils on them...


"What's going to stop you from making a million dollars a month?"
Reality... Reality is what's going to stop you from making a million dollars a month.


The first one is trying so hard to appear as this wholesome, good hearted person. It isn't working, but d*mn it, she's trying hard.


A note about peroxide; it's no longer recommended for wound care. I was an EMT and we stopped using it years ago. Flushing with water and then an antibacterial ointment, and sterile dressing is what we do now, assuming the would does not need sutures.


It always baffles me the extreme tone flipping on the workload. "It's so easy, you can do it in your spare time" vs "Most people give up because its hard and running the business 24/7" Like which is it!!


“Cosplaying as business owners” is a great description.


Making 300, 000 in 20 days, wouldn’t the IRS immediately investigate you?


Fun fact with those before/ after photos. The old-school way to do them is to take the "after" photo of someone fit first. Then they binge on soda, pizza, whatever for hours, bloat-out, and take the "before" photo.


I’ve been with my husband since 1975. We had a large family and ALWAYS avoided junk food, chemicals, sugar, and processed foods. The kids are now in their 30’s and 40’s and their families still eat this way. However, despite having ZERO risk factors for breast cancer, I got a very aggressive form when I was 50. I almost died and realized my stringent lifestyle didn’t protect me. Now the love of my life has Stage 4 prostate cancer and is in the middle of chemo. He has no more prostate, no more testosterone, of course no more hair, and lived the same pristine life we all did. Women like the one who used her husband’s cancer to SELL make steam come out of my ears.


I had a job interview last week, I was so excited and hopeful. Turns out it's basically an MLM but with real state. I left that place so disappointed and sad.


Parabens arent necessarily dangerous, the study that found parabens in breast cancer tissue didnt compare to regular breast tissue. I really reccomend watching Lab Muffin Beauty since she breaks down alot of the chemical fearmongering you were describing. She's a cosmetic chemist and explains how these products break down in a simple way :)


I have several friends/acquaintances on socials that sell MLM skincare, and their before/after photos make me cringe every time. I don't understand how people can be fooled by obvious changes in lighting quality, angles, filters, etc. Fighting the urge to comment gets tougher and tougher.


I respect your integrity and commitment to being respectful, while also acknowledging the harmful things these MLM Huns are doing.
