MLM TOP FAILS #70 | Exploiting young children for a Young Living pitch #ANTIMLM

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This month I received...

#hannahalonzo #antimlm #mlmtopfails

I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not contact these people on their social media platforms or send them hateful comments/messages, facial blurring is being used to protect identity. Their videos are being used only as an example of the manipulative and predatory nature of multi-level marketing companies and the claims their representatives make. I do not condone online bullying or harassment.

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0:00 Intro
3:43 Top Fail 1
14:37 Top Fail 2
17:34 Top Fail 3
26:52 Top Fail 4
34:42 Top Fail 5


Hannah Thaler
PO Box 561014
Rockledge, FL 32956


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(I really appreciate stories that are broken up into paragraphs, that have punctuation, and are proof-read! I will not feature stories that are too difficult or time consuming for me to read due to errors)

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I've only watched the first story, but ... her daughter chose candy, so she got punished with NO DINNER because she was "grouchy" afterward. I'm not a parent, but withholding food from your child as a punishment seems extreme and honestly a bit scary. I really hope those kids are okay and grow up to have a healthier relationship food than their mom.


“You have to eat it.” How disgusting to turn your child wanting to try a new thing into a punishment. Heartbreaking.


That first “mother” is 100% the type who, in 20 years, will be genuinely wondering why her kids all went no-contact with her! 🙄


As a child who dealt with bedwetting and accidents due to a bladder condition, I cried watching that child be humiliated and blamed for an age appropriate accident. If she's really so sensitive to choclate that it causes accidents, she needs to see a pediatric urologist, not be used in an MLM promo video. That poor child.


Yeah, MAYbe the kid peed her pants because she was nervous as all hell she was afraid she was going to get punished, ignored, or emotionally withheld from because she chose the candy. And well well, the mother DID withhold and punish.


“Here have some poison three year old…. Oh you feel yucky because you took the food I your MOTHER offered you? Well that’s your fault, you self inflicted that upon yourself”.

Way to erode trust mom.


The kid feeling bad after the candy probably more because they realized Mom was mad at them for being bad and doing something wrong than the candy.


Reminds me of a time we all went camping. A friend of a friend saw me giving my son cucumbers from my plate as we were having lunch. She said “your son eats vegetables?” She then gave her son the cucumber slices and he was reaching out for it until he saw her grimace and say “you want that? Yuk”, of course he declined. Later on that day I found out all of her three children were on medication for constipation.


I am absolutely sickened that someone one would withhold food from their children because of their quote-unquote "grouchiness" as punishment. Food is a basic human need - you don't withhold it. Frick, this pisses me off to no end.


Thank you for saying what you did about people filming on their phones while they are driving.

As someone who rides a motorcycle, this behavior scares the shit out of me. Not paying full attention behind the wheel is just so senseless.


Omg. Shaming your kids makes me wonder what the hell happens when they're NOT on camera. And she is threatening not to feed her child, too? What kind of 8 Passengers BS is this????


My school (I'm a teacher) has a policy against food rewards and punishments because it's so dangerous to mental health. You don't give treats because a child has been "good" and you don't take away food because they have been "bad." You certainly don't punish a child for what they have or have not eaten.


Ruby Franke is now awaiting trial for CA - & also used taking away dinner as a punishment. I think that speaks volumes about what should happen to the first woman in this video.


That first woman is a monster. If this is what she proudly posts online and the kids act this weirdly, I honestly can't stomach the thought of what goes on behind the scenes.


That first mom is a piece of work. If she truly thought candy was “poison” then she would not have given it to her daughters as an option.


As a survivor of narcissistic abuse…..the first mom is torturing thise sweet angels. They are gonna grow up with eating disorders. Oh and the withholding dinner…..thats abuse too. Its the worst feeling watching your family eat while yours is shoveled into the trash infront of you. I feel for those children immensely.


This whole "filming yourself while driving, ranting about your pyramid scheme" is common enough that my husband, who only every now and then overhears me watching anti-MLM content, has now taken to saying "must have been a hun" when he notices bad/ distracted drivers.


the first clip is KILLING me. manipulating and low-key abusing her kids in the name of some MLM! disgusting!


Without even going into how gross the first clip is, just the fact that one of the sweets she offers the kids is a sour candy that the kids probably wouldn’t choose anyway is an immediate tip off


The first story made me wanna call cps. Such awful, gross behavior like im so upset. Im literally shaking right now. I atruggled with an eatint disorder since age 9. My kids are both toddlers and i encourage heslthy food of COURSE and when my kids eat their veggies i tell them I'm proud of them! But we also have candy and cake and whatnot. Not every meal, but in appropriate portions in moderation. And guess what? They're healthy and thriving. But the psychological damage has begun for the kids in those videos is so deep and disturbing