Siddharthan Chandran: Can the damaged brain repair itself?

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After a traumatic brain injury, it sometimes happens that the brain can repair itself, building new brain cells to replace damaged ones. But the repair doesn't happen quickly enough to allow recovery from degenerative conditions like motor neuron disease (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS). Siddharthan Chandran walks through some new techniques using special stem cells that could allow the damaged brain to rebuild faster.

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I got a nice laugh since I'm both a rocket scientist and a person with brain trauma. On most days I cry but got some humor this morning... I write quantum theorems on reverse gravitation yet since my car accident I sometimes have no idea where I'm at when I get out of the grocery store. It's interesting. But I have faith in my brain's ability to come back better than ever with my daily meditation practice, delicious organic nutrition, and my amazing therapists at Boulder Brain Recovery. 😎💛


Fantastic talk! As a stroke patient, I must tell you that I have hope for future benefit of such studies :) Thank you


I have sustained a TBI and I have, fortunately pretty much recovered, my one piece of advice, that I've come across, is to constantly expand your mind with knowledge.


I'm going to tell you right now; the brain most definitely repairs itself. It used to be hard for me to put cohesive sentences together and now, at forty four, I'm able to learn and remember better than ever before.


This is literally how you can get people and especially young people into science


Fantastic level of hope for us brain injury patients & I hope to look forward to brain stem cell treatment to regain the use of my left arm & hand, improve stability & walking & regain what essentially was a 'normal' life. I think this speech gives us all more hope for the future for so many neurological conditions & improve millions of lives very soon.


We need more doctors like this, doctors should be scientists of biology but today they are just salesmen.


Smart fella with a good heart .. all power to him


We need more innovative people like him, thank you.


My grandmother has alzeimer, and thanks to this man, and other like him, maybe when I'm a grandfather...I won't. :)


In 2010, I was diagnosed with Ataxia and since then, I've been saying the same thing he is now, but without much scientific knowledge to back up my claims. I am very glad this man can better explain this.


The reason this happens to peoeple's brain is because the brain isn't used in the right way but instead it's bombarded with stress, anger, and lack of relaxtion.. that's why meditation is so powerful


I wonder why these abnormalities such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease seem to present themselves in areas of increased substantia nigra, and what would be the practical results of regenerating lost neurons from these areas using the fruits of this research...nice! Keep it up! Try to gather as much support as possible in order to raise the masses' awareness towards this branch of science.


True hero!!! You guys are hope for humanity


My name is Anthony carney and I had a mojor stroke 10years ago and I lost my left side I was into my fitness &sport big time for the last 10years I have been just sitting I tried a lot of bevies to try to get back walking again but a sports injury has put me back to the start. I have been flowing brain stem cell treatment on line &it’s looking good 👍 I hope it becomes available in the nhs soon I still have my dreams &I can’t give up this is a fight to the death I am a. Strong man living in a broken body keep doing this great work I am 64years old I believe I can still get a jop &get of the sick 😷 it was great to hear what u where talking about I have put my myself up for a volunteer in this field but no 🍀 Anthony 😊😊


Why isn't this video haven't been talked about in 2021. Honestly this is amazing


I love an optimist, we need more can do`s in this world.
We hear to much can`t do, should`t, would`t do and won't do. 


Thank God, such people to be among us.
Thank you prof. and all of your colleagues, you have planted big hopes.


If you ever had damage - well I should say injury you would know if it could repair. The Nueropathic pain I go through on a daily basis sometimes lets me believe YES our Brain can repair itself.


Turmeric, ginger, rosemary, garlic, oregano, kale, watercress, water melon, dandelion, swiss chard, spinach, molasses, beans, water, exercise and believe in God's Word.
