The Story Behind 'BEING HAPPY!'

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The bestseller that almost didn't happen. Do you ever feel like you want to quit? Watch this.
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Good advice!!! Being Happy is one of the best books I've ever read,


Gidday Andrew, I learned so much from you, when I met you way back, at the very first seminar that you held in Adelaide, and since then have continued to be passionate about learning all about what makes us tick. One thing that I learned is that the truth never changes, and that some truths are so simple that they are easily dismissed as being too simple to be true, or of any use. To compare it to the physical health and fitness world, a simple truth often overlooked, even by world champions and experts, is that exercise doesn’t make you fitter, it’s important, but its the stress part of the process. Exercise makes you stressed, less fit, if you don’t stop, you die, so we have things like ‘persistence running’ hunting techniques. Its when you rest, after exercise that your body recovers and gets ‘fitter’. So many struggle with that simple fact. Remind yourself of how a sun tan works, many people trying to get fitter and healthier are walking around virtually, perpetually sun burned in the health and fitness sense.

So one thing, one truth really stands out to me, and knowing you and your deluxe success story, all the people that you have touched and helped, there’s no doubt that you would succeed.

‘I already knew it could be difficult to find a publisher. So I had a plan.’

And, guess what, the plan, believed, seen and created… manifested, attracted, however we want to explain it, through that lense of ‘I already knew that it could be difficult to find a publisher’. It came true!

I learned that in the very first seminar that you ran in Adelaide. And I learned that from many other astounding people that I have met since. Yet, so often I overlooked that all powerful, unchanging, ever so simple truth. With literally 100 percent foolproof results.

Which I guess, brings us to the lenses. Its funny, when I ride around my home on my motorbike I often wear sun glasses if there’s a lot of bugs around. Often then, I’ll find myself thinking that that I’d better get a move on, as it looks dark and ominous, rain coming. When I take the sunnies off, I realize that no, its actually nice, and how great and vibrant everything is.

Surely it couldn’t be as simple as noticing, examining, then changing or removing the lense, our beliefs and thoughts, which are often unconscious and habitual? And which colour every minute aspect and detail of our life.

One of the wisest people that I ever met, when begged by thousands and thousands of people, year after year, for the secret to everything, used to laugh and say, ‘change your mind and change your life, and remember who you are!’

Then everyone would often moan and say that he was just playing games, and continue to press him for the ‘real secrets’. He would laugh even more!

Then I would laugh, and remember what I learned from you Andrew so long ago! And even better, changing our mind, our thoughts is the one thing always available to us. And it doesn’t cost a cent.



Read this book when I was 14 yo life changing from negative to positive


Persistence is the key.  It reminds me of a story in Napoleon Hill's book "Think & Grow Rich" about two businessmen who dug in a goldmine for days looking for gold, then stopped when it got too difficult for them.  After they sold the equipment to an engineer, he did his own calculations of the mine and found that they had stopped drilling three feet from the gold ore.  I have been trying to achieve my goals and dreams for years, and a lot of people think they are too crazy, out there or lofty to be able to realize.  But I am not going to give up just because people have said "no" to me.  Every "no" brings me closer to a "yes".
