Atheist Comedy: How to CONVERT AN ATHEIST To Christianity

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I'm not an atheist because I haven’t read the Bible. I'm an atheist because I have...

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I was an atheist before I read the bible, after I read it I was just a terribly bored atheist!


If only Christians would read the Bible.


Super funny, many thanks. I did read the bible 3 times and found my way out of it.
Excellent video, I'm so pleased to be free of this silly dogma.
Big thumbs up to you :)


I am a pure blood atheist, never believed in all that nonsense. I read the bible and I became an activist atheist.


Then there is that wonderful loving passage in Hosea 13:16 "The Samerians shall bear their guilt for they have rebelled against their god. They shall be put to the sword, their little ones smashed on rock and their pregnant women ripped open" You don't find love like that in atheist circles. :D


That still leaves Christians with the problem of Christianity being untrue.


Im a christian and i have read the bible and now im aethiest like doom can teach more christianity then the bibly like damn


Aside from the biblical conservatives and literalist, that's more or less what liberal and moderate christians have done. Some will say "god is love!"--as if Yahweh were a big cuddly teddy bear. To do that, they basically have to throw out the old testament...and much of rest as well.

Others who have actually read the damn book seem to think they can avoid Yahweh by just worshiping Jesus, ignoring the whole thing about not having any other gods before the big guy himself. Sure, there's the whole trinity thing...that's nowhere in the damn book.


If God were real, you would not need to be reminded us of it, all of the time, it would be self-evident!
Why has God stopped doing miraculous things?
He used to show up every single day and do things that would make you say "Wow"!
Now all he can seem to do is cure diseases that can not actually be proven in the first place.
If he wanted to get my attention he would restore an amputee, but that would be provable, and would not require delusional faith!
But many of the people who actually saw Jesus perform his miracles didn't believe that Jesus was divine either, and they were there!
I have seen Penn and Teller turn water into wine!
I wonder if the people who Jesus's miracles didn't believe in his divinity for the exact same reasons that I don't believe that Penn and Teller are the Sons of God?
If God were actually real no one would need to tell me over and over again, because I would already know.
