Atheist Comedian turns to God after Hearing These 5 Words!

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Once a cocaine and alcohol addict, comedian Jeff Allen, shares how Jesus Christ restored his failing marriage and given him peace and a new purpose for life. Find out what five words turned his life around!

Ecclesiastes 1:2-4:
Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”
3 What do people gain from all their labors
at which they toil under the sun?
4 Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.

Looking for a weekly show that will encourage and inspire your Christian faith?
Every week new Christian testimonies are featured! Once lost, now found!

If you really loved the video Super thanks are welcomed!

I also have a series on Evidence for Jesus that gets into Apologetics. Stick around and enjoy!

Other past testimonies you may enjoy:

1. MIT professor went from declared atheist to practicing Christian. Praise The Lord! Professor Rosalind Picard found evidence for Jesus and The Bible which she just could not deny! -

2. Witchcraft to Christianity: Kat Von Ds inspiring testimony

3. Atheist Philosophy Professor Forever Changed After Jordan Peterson Shares This…

The chosen, Jeff Allen is now one of The Chosen!

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Welcome! Source of content is linked in the description. Atheists convert series now with 18 videos, 1.1+ MILLION views and counting! All featured in a playlist on my channel page. We’re on a journey to 100 atheism to Christianity testimonies this year!

The first 45 seconds or so are somewhat soft on sound. Jump 00:45 and the volume picks up. Comedians name is Jeff Allen.

This series is focused on testimony(journey to faith) - if you’re seeking evidence for the Christian faith check out my series reviewing Evidence for Jesus by Dr. Sean McDowell & World renowned Christian apologist Josh McDowell

Additional clip of his testimony here:
For Jeff Allen’s 35 minute testimony which these are clipped from see description

& in reference to the thumbnail, since someone opined on it:

VIA Whoa is the much older spelling and is the one considered standard. Woah is a newer, alternate spelling that is often considered to be nonstandard or informal. The two terms are used to mean the same things, but woah is more likely to be found in informal contexts, such as in memes.


"You're not smart enough to be an atheist" that is a great line.


I started reading the Bible after about 10 years of the Lord putting it on my heart to read it. Page after page I received the healing I desperately needed which led me to a similar experience where I wanted to hold it up and yell to the world “has anyone read this thing?!?” Gods word is so POWERFUL!


As a felon, a drug addict junkie, an adulterer, thief; God used Ecclesiastes with me as well! He brought me from a prison of dope where my body was free; to a prison of bars & stone where my mind could become free with the light of His Word. He lives!


When I first started reading the Bible so long ago, King Solomon's word's stuck with me the most. I had already read the New Testament and was already born again. But, Solomon's books had the most impact on my life. They still do. That in no way takes away what Christ did for me. When I came across the passage were Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge instead of riches I fell on my face and asked for the same. All I could hear at the time was Jesus's words, "Ask, Seek, Knock. And it shall be given to you." And all I can say is be careful what you ask of God. He may just give it to you. With more knowledge comes great sorrows which in turn brings more wisdom. Solomon was right. It's true. There is nothing new under the sun. Everything is meaningless without God.


I started in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. The truths caused me to read further.


I got saved after listening to the book of Hosea. God works in mysterious ways with every one of us. God used a book about a prophet marrying an adulterous woman, to get me to understand that I need Jesus Christ to save me.


Ha ha that was great!! When he said he wanted to run thru the neighborhood with his Bible up “has anybody read this thing“? Referring to Ecclesiastes! I can relate, my dad got Lou Gehrig’s disease was dying for five years, then finally died; this is during my adolescence years, so it threw me off, I was somewhat removed from reality and Ecclesiastes was there to help me pick up the pieces!
Been serving the Lord for 40+ years with extreme apologetics ; never lost an argument on YouTube using psychology and science from the Bible!

praise the Lord Jesus Christ !

Thank you for showing this video of this comedian


The more you learn about God and His Word, He gets bigger, I get smaller and dumber and I realize He’s everything we need. To have Him is to have everything He is


He's not alone. That book has always been one of my favorites. It moved me in a way like no other.


At the age of 74, I am getting close to finishing reading the Bible all the way through for the first time. Now I wish I had read it 50 years ago. I will start rereading again as soon as I get done with this first reading. Adieu! (To God!)


Finally someone who loves Ecclesiastes! Top 5 in OT for me.


I often say I would be in jail or a psychiatric hospital, if I wasn't a Christian Praise GOD 🙏 thank you for sending Jesus.


When Jeff says someone grabbed him and said "God used the book of Ecclesiastes to lead you to Jesus, " reminded my of:

John 1:45-46
45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”

46 And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Philip said to him, “Come and see.”


I thought I was saved for 15 years because I was led in the sinners prayer and told I was saved. I read the gospels but that was it. I was raising a young family and going to church was just what we did. We were Christians after all. Life went on as usual. My husband and I got divorced, I met someone and had another child, remarried my ex, we divorced again.. I went to bars with my friends, had the mouth of a sailor, was an immoral woman and all the while believing I was heaven bound when I died. That is until 2001. The Lord had been drawing me and finally I gave in and read the Bible beginning in Genesis. I was fascinated by the story unfolding before me. Exodus was the book for me. I wondered, who is this God I claim to believe in? He opened my eyes and showed me His character and I understood who He is (holy, righteous and just) and what I was (depraved, evil and wicked at heart). As I kept reading I felt the weight of my sin until I couldn't take it any more. Suddenly the gospel made sense and I cried out to the Lord and in His great mercy and compassion He rescued me! Please do not use the sinners prayer ever to lead someone to Christ. Explain their condition before a holy God so they will see rightly why they need His forgiveness. The sinners prayer is not biblical and anyone who gets saved after saying it didn't get saved because of it but in spite of it. Jesus said to repent and believe the gospel. Grace and peace ❤️


"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.". (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV).


Amazing! God is GREAT!! JESUS IS LORD!!!! Love love love!

Many blessings! ❤️‍🔥


This guy, Marcus D. Wiley, Michael Jr. and Tim Hawkins are my favourite comedians of all time! Watch them all, laugh and be blessed 👋😂👍✨


This put a big smile on my face. Thank you.


Praise Jesus, our Lord God and Savior!!! How wonderful the way He works!!!!
