18 Must Have Items Every Gentleman Should Own

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00:00 Introduction

00:29 Well-fitting suit
So ideally, that's a bespoke suit such as you can get on Savile Row. As a side note, the Japanese word for a suit is SEBIRO which is their pronunciation of Savile Row. A bespoke suit makes a very interesting experience, at the same time, it's quite pricey.

01:44 Quality lighter
Ideally, with a double flame. A traditional brand would be something like a DuPont and if you don't smoke, not even cigars, it's okay you don't need it but at the end of the day, it's each to his own.

02:00 Good umbrella
Obviously, some countries specialize in umbrellas because they have very rainy weather, such as England, or Great Britain, and because of that, you'll find lots of quality makers on that island. Good brands include Brigg, Fox umbrellas, or James Smith.

03:16 Quality trench coat
Some purists swear by the original models from Burberry, others go with Aquascutum.

03:38 Quality corkscrew
Some people like Laguiole, which is a French brand, and they have handmade corkscrews made for sommelier or waiters or people who just use it a lot.

04:27 Linen handkerchief
You can either wear them as a pocket square or you can use them to dry your tears, to polish a glass, or do something else.

05:00 Quality fountain pen with a gold nib
There's simply nothing like a good fountain pen because it's very smooth, it gives your handwriting a very distinguished sophisticated look that can't be replicated with a ballpoint pen or a rollerball.

06:02 Quality toolbox with quality tools
Sometimes, people swear by certain brands such a Stanley, DeWalt, Milwaukee, or Bosch. At the end of the day, you'll have to figure out what is an acceptable amount of money to spend on the tool, however, I find that oftentimes you can find quality tools at estate sales or at flea markets.

06:50 Real camera
I mean something where you can adjust the ISO, shutter speed, and aperture manually so you can take exactly the picture that you want.

07:59 Black dress shoes
It's a very formal shoe that you can wear for business purposes, for funerals, or whenever you need a serious-looking shoe.

08:33 Signature Scent
As you might suspect, I always favor quality scents and I stay away from famous name brands such as Armani or Ralph Lauren, or Mont Blanc because generally, the essences they use inside the bottle costs very little, the flacon cost a little more and profit overall is quite high.

09:14 Serious watch
Some people say a proper watch is the first jewel a man owns and while you can discuss about that, it's definitely something that is part of a classic gentleman's wardrobe.

10:32 Vintage port
It's a Portuguese tradition that when a child is born, you buy a bottle of that vintage year.

10:59 Favorite book
By great, I mean either the first edition or another edition where the author made significant changes.

11:43 Pristine white dress shirt
I think it should be the first one every gentleman invests in because it's something that can always be worn.

12:19 Pair of cufflinks
By that, I mean something that you can wear with different outfits no matter whether it's a business suit or a tweed sport coat.

12:57 Quality belt and a quality pair of suspenders
Ideally, the belt should have folded edges or should be neatly edge painted.

13:49 Signet ring or a pinky ring
It's just a very elegant thing that a gentleman can wear and just like with fountain pens once you have one you will likely create a collection.

14:22 Outfit Rundown

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Gentleman's Gazette
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I love using my linen handkerchief to dry my tears from all the money I spent on it


When you see someone sitting on an umbrella: "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well."


The 19th item is a wallet full of cash.


What you can also hand down to your children:
1. Good manners
2. Respect
3. Love of a father


Nothing says gentlemen like sitting on an umbrella? Lol


'You can use the handkerchief to dry your tears' I guess while sitting on that umbrella seat, right?


I've worked in mens' wear for close to 30 years, and I still find your videos informative and even inspiring. I can't say I agree in every case, but your videos offer excellent insight and advice.


Being a gentleman sounds expensive... (Edit: I did not realize how many people where gonna get serious about this lol. It's just a joke everyone. Being a gentleman is all about attitude and respect. Not about luxuries or expenses.)


The umbrella handle seat looks a little embarrassing when one is sat upon it....


"I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." - Ron Burgundy


7:38 Random fun fact about that photo, the Soviet’s doctored the photo because the guy who was holding the flag had been looting and had three watches on his wrists


1) Suit
2) Lighter
3) Umbrella
4) Trench Coat
5) Corkscrew
6) Linen Handchift
7) Fountain Pen
8) Tool Box with Tools
9) Camera
10) Welted Black Cap Toe Oxfords
11) Signature Scent
12) Watch
13) Bottle of Vintage Port
14) Great Copy of your Favorite Book
15) White Dress Shirt
16) Cufflinks
17) Quality Belt & Suspenders
18) Signet Ring or Pinky Ring


I love that my husband and father in law carry a handkerchief. My father in law offered his hankie to me when I was feeling ill and my husband offered his to our lady friend when she was upset. This gesture felt so nurturing to me and my friend. It is also mentioned in the movie Intern by Robert DiNero’s character for similar reasons. Little things can make a big impact.


how to spot a gentleman i a museum... Its the guy who looks like he has a umbrella up his rear end


Great. Now do a video for us non-millionaires!


The classiest men’s “how to dress” channel. Lot of other channels are tacky.


One of my favorite scores at a department store discount center was a well made lady's short trench coat. I live in a temperate climate and get a lot of use out of it during the spring and autumn. It fits perfectly and wears well. I wear it for casual evening and day wear.


I think a good pocket or pen knife should be on this list as well. It is as essential as a lighter. Nothing big or gaudy, just high quality steel, preferably with a handle made of horn, and no longer than 3.5 - 4 inches in length.
I personally don't smoke, but I do not leave my home without my wallet, phone, lighter, and knife.
Then again, my pocket knife was my grandfather's and he carried it into WW2, so it is something I also plan on passing on to my child as well.
Overall this list is very solid and doable, even if you aren't well off.


I love this channel. I have been looking for a proper men's channel that doesn't cater to trends while trying to sell me cheap watches and questionable skincare. Subscribed.
