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Worship leading for the first time can be a daunting task. On the surface, worship leading looks simple. Just pick a few songs, practice a little with the band, and you’re set to go. But like any leadership position, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make sure your worship gatherings go smoothly. In this video, I’m going to share 10 tips to help you feel prepared and confident to lead your church in worship, even if you are a complete beginner.
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Hello fellow leaders.... I NEVER pictured myself a leader of anything coming out of college as I hated and was terrified of the thought of leading and being responsible for something big. But when I joined the band with a passion for singing at our small church, I slowly started leading more songs as the leader at the time liked the sound of my voice (at least I think he did) like one time I remember we were practicing the song "Raise A Hallelujah" and I had to be the one to lead the chorus since I was the only one in the team that could reach the powerful notes. Practice went amazing and I hit every note without hesitation for the first time in my life and afterwards he said, "Wow that was incredible. If you keep doing it like that.... I have a good feeling about Sunday." Whenever I have trouble singing or doubts about leading worship I think back to that amazing moment when I had the most confidence while singing I'd ever had.

But the main thing I'm getting at is... sadly he left the church due to God putting him on a different path, people of the church started talking about the leadership role of the band as no one was leading just yet until one lady said, "Isn't Jaimee next in line?" I mostly thought it was a little funny how she'd put it but then others started agreeing with her and then I got asked if I wanted the chance to lead the band. So after asking everyone what they thought and if they were happy with the idea.... I agreed. It's about half a year since I became leader and even though it's stressful organizing lyrics, updating the music chart with any key alterations for songs and so forth, I think it was where God wanted me to be. An artist at home and a Worship Leader in the church. I'm still needing to build my confidence as I'm totally shy when it comes to actually leading people and acting as a leader in the talking side of things but when it comes to the responsibilities, I do my upmost best to please the people of the church and to make God the focus of worship as it should be. I'm still very much at the beginning of my faith journey in getting to know God personally but I'm beginning to see why more and more people choose to follow Him wholeheartedly. It's not easy... by a long shot! But from what I hear, it's totally worth it.


Always great content. No matter where we are in the spectrum, we all need a reminder about getting back to or starting with the basics. :)
I actually can sing everything Chris Tomlin did and LOVE to, but Jake is one in your congregation can, so follow his advice on the keys you choose...
My advice: OVER-Communicate the vision and mission of the church often. Then plan the music with THAT in mind. If your music matches the vision and mission, you're in the right spot. I may LOVE the deepest worship song about the Holy Spirit with the long spontaneous worship moments, but if I'm in a "seeker" model church, that doesn't match the mission and vision. Stick with what will speak to the congregation you have.


I'm a beginner and this really me me a lot!!! Thank u. God bless you more!


Hi, I am going to lead worship for the 1st time. Thnks for the video
I am from Nagaland. India


Thanks for tips. I started one year ago to conduct a kid choir in Brasil and, even now, this video help a lot


Thank you :) Biggest challenge right now is adding contemporary worship to the traditional stuff. There's so much more to think about. I'm perusing your vids for advice. I really need to have a conversation with someone who's done all of this I plan effectively.


About to start leading worship at my high school's house church and this really helped a lot!


Hi I'm a first time worship leader


thank you, I really needed this. God bless you. 😊


Great tips. One question I do have is how to get and keep band members when everyone is busy with work, school, kids, etc?


This is my first time of worship in the church and I would like to know more tips. Thank you so much and God reachly bless you


Thank you so much. It's my first day leading worship this Sunday. How do I calm down my stress 🙏🙏🙏


Your content is really amazing, just subscribed!! 🙌


Hey ! Thank you for the tips for im leading worship for the first time and pray for me


I want to be a worship leader so how do I start and how do I grow my confidence in leading worship


I am in praise and worship experience, how to exhort effectively in leading praise and worship?


I notice my voice shakes and l drag songs what can l do?


Please do you have a YouTube video of you leading worship?
Also thanks for the pads you gave away for free. It has added a lot of flavor to our worship at my local church


What do you use to organize your chord chart music when you play? I have a lot of songs printed, but looking for a way to be more streamlined.


Question- As someone who is experienced in music, but not in leading, what advice could you have for managing the rest of the band? also, how do you select songs?
