Regression assumptions explained!

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See the whole regression series here:

0:00 Introduction
8:08 Linearity (correct functional form)
14:10 Constant error variance (homoskedasticity)
19:18 Independent error terms (no autocorrelation)
25:08 Normality of error terms
30:31 No multicollinearity
37:35 Exogeneity (no omitted variable bias)

Jeremy's Iron Podcast

In depth videos:

Other videos to come!
Рекомендации по теме

i learned more about assumptions ( actually understand them, why we need them) in this video than my actual Graduate level stats class!!


Why aren't my statistics classes at Uni like this one? Such a smooth visual and intuitive explanation. Best explanation ever, I'm so happy! Thank you!


This is so underrated. Should've get more views. Most of the people probably didn't stay for 47 mins. Poor people. They don't know what they missed.


It's really absurd that I've paid so much for my undergrad degree but the amount of knowledge received there isn't quite comparable to the vast amount of knowledge received on the internet and all these only at a fraction of a cost. I'm at this intersection in life where I'm considering whether I'd pursue a master's degree or continue working. The entry barriers such as GRE, GMAT score, the time preparing for those exams and the prices of taking them really make me think that instead of spending all that much time and money just to enter a university, it's a much better use of my time and money to delve into all the different advanced topics I can learn RIGHT NOW just by accessing the internet. I'm using your videos to try to get a new job during this pandemic. I don't know if I'd get it but regardless of the result I've learned so much about statistics from your videos already. Thanks a lot Justin! Keep doing what you do, you've helped a lot of people. I already subbed to your channel. Your channel is one of the best in building up statistical intuition and you really have that edge over other channels because you have an Australian accent. I find it very pleasant listening to stuff explained with an Australian accent haha.


Where would I be without these videos! I am almost done with college and have survived by watching videos like these for studying! There is no way I would be where I am at without resources on youtube such as this. Thank you for making my many hours of studying more beneficial to me and making a clear understanding of the material. Awesome video


I think you did a very good video. it shows you are a very perfect professor. I really enjoyed.
love from Afghanistan


This series saved me from finals. Cleared up 5 weeks of material from class. Thank you!


I watch your videos every time I need to check if I have understood a standard textbook material adequately. Watching this after reading Dr. Gujarati's book.
You are doing an amazing job. I can't thank you enough.


Your videos are brilliant - I almost can't believe they're all for free!! Thank you so much, I am a Ph.D. student, and I am using your vids as a regression refresher-to sum up everything before going into more advanced courses i.e. multilevel modelling :D thanks!


I am a post graduate MBA student and i gotta say you’ve done a great job explaining this topic for me,

Thank you


Months of panic comes to and end with your videos Justin. Thank you for this wonderful explanation. You've really organised your video well. If nothing else you've been a saviour to so many folks out there.


i have just finished this regression playlist and now i feel like i can conquer any questions on my regression exam next week 😂


Unbelievable - how clear the flow of the lecture links the Topic, with examples to illustrate the solution to a Problem ! This is exactly how 'Net Global Knowledge' is increasing with such generous contribution from people like zedstatistics. Keep'em coming !


Regression assumptions explained? More like "Really, these videos are off the chain!" Thanks for putting together and sharing so much high-quality stuff.


It's hilarious how informative this video is... and all for free. Am I in grad school? Thanks a million, Justin.


I think the experiment you're talking about towards the end is Angrist (2000), where he used the conscription for the Vietnam War as a natural experiment to look at lifetime earning potential. I know this because I've gone through about 3 textbooks over the past few weeks and literally every single one of them mentions it lol.

Either way this is the greatest educational series I've had the pleasure of encountering on YouTube and I'm almost certain to come back to it again and again throughout my future professional and academic career. I thoroughly enjoyed your little quips throughout, and your subtle sense of humor. Oh, and your Spotify playlist? Fuego.

Thanks a lot Zed. You're a lifesaver. I hope you get Nobel consideration.


I obtained a Masters in Economics from the University of Maryland. I wish I had watched your videos while I was taking the courses. This video was truly excellent. Thank you. Steven Greenspan


Till now, though assumptions were covered in my class, it was pretty much theoretical stuff which I was least interested in. After watching yours video, now I could relate why are these assumptions so important for regression. Can't thank you enough for this crisp and to the point real explanation ...


best video series I came across in Youtube about statistics. thank you for the effort.


This is amazing Zedstatistics, thank you so much. Also, your presentation is really properly build, with maximum learning value!
