10 Things You Should Never Do In Canada!

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Every country has its own way of life and it is perfect in its own right, you can’t beat that! Some countries have an affinity to one thing which might be completely alien to another. We aren’t complaining, after all, it is this variation that makes them all beautiful and worth living!

Canada for that matter is an amazing country with super cool people, the ones you won’t see causing trouble in general. But that doesn’t mean that you can get away with almost anything in Canada, darling that is definitely not the case.

We don’t mean to scare you away but here are 10 things you shouldn’t do in Canada if you want to escape trouble!

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Written by someone who's obviously never been to Canada. Here's one thing you really shouldn't do in the Great White North = don't say "aboot". This only counts as a Canadian accent on South Park.


I’m Canadian and the only thing I agree with is don’t compare us to Americans please


Where in the world did you take your information? I'm Canadian and what i saw here is just BS!
No Harry Potter? No violent comic books or movies? right! Do your research for real instead of putting Canadian's stereotypes


Wtf i live in Canada and most of the things you say are not true !


... none of this is true.... I'm Canadian. This is just.... stupid. Except the metric system, we do use that.


BS to all of this, where the heck did you find these “Facts”. I’m Canadian and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. you know I think only Canadians should be making things like this for Canada, while people from another country stick to their country for stuff like this, so you don’t offend anyone.

Sorry if I offended any of you with this comment, I’m just stating my opinion

Edit: except for the metric system, we use that well most of us I think


I live in Ottawa Canada and I will be observing these and tell you what I think of these.

10. Nobody cares if you don't like maple syrup. That's your opinion and they can do nothing about it.
They might think "That's a little strange." but nobody really cares.

9. That is true in some cases. Some Canadians really don't like to be called similar to Americans but I know a lot of people here that agree with me that Canada is just America's hat.

.Nobody I know watches much and sticks to MTV.

. Both of those shows here are not popular enough for me to say anything.

. Yes. I will say that most Canadians prefer The Bay over Macy's as there are next to no Macy's in Canada.

. Both Target and Zeller's are not available in Canada. Target was here for around a year and was gone and all of the Zeller's have closed.

. Nobody watches CFL here. Only Middle-Aged People that never seen a sports game in there life. NFL on the other hand is a lot more viewed than CFL.

. I have no clue what either of those shows or whatever are.

. Everyone here eats at Subway while Mr Sub is struggling to get any business.

8. WTF? Since when are you going to go to ANY country and try to mimic their accent? Who does that?! Nobody! You just don't go to, say, China and try to mimic a Chinese accent! That will get you beat up and lots of people offended! And in Canada, a stereotypical Canadian accent is so blatantly obvious. Canadian accents are more or less the same as American accents. The only time I heard the "Canadian Accent" is from comedy skits and other satire!

7. Yes. Harry Potter is available in Canada! That is true that Witchcraft is illegal in Canada. (Stupid law if you ask me.)

6. The Metric system is mainly used in Canada. (The exception is weight and length. Even though they want us to use Meters and Kilograms, most of us still use feet and pounds. Although for long distances, Most of us use Kilometers. It's weird.) Although a lot (not all) of us still know what the imperial system is like. ex. We now for temperature, that around 30-40 is quite cold, 50-60 is warm and 70+ is hot. We also know tsps, tbsps, pints and gallons since we are so used to American tools that use the imperial system. BTW why is the on here? America is only one of 3 countries that use the imperial system. (The other two being Myanmar and Liberia.) Especially Older People (When Canada mainly did use the Imperial Systems until c.1960's.) Still know how to use the imperial system because the grew up with it.

5. That is just one park in Toronto. I have heard people swear in public parks many times and no one got arrested. That's like the Happy Birthday thing where it is actually illegal to sing happy birthday in public areas because of copyright issues but at this point, the police doesn't really care. Besides if that WAS the case, I would not be surprise if that same swearing incident happened in another country.

4. I'm pretty sure that if your music was loud enough to disrupt your neighbours (Why is neighbors underlined? That is how you spell it in Canada.) you will be charged regardless of what country you live in. But do they mean busking? In Downtown Ottawa, Buskers are all over the place! Especially in the ByWard Market!

3. BS. I have heard that Crime Comics were illegal in Canada (Another weird law), but that is only if they are true crime comics about murder, rape etc. Superhero comics with villains doing crime is a sub-plot, like the ones he is talking about SuperMan, BatMan, SpiderMan is legal here.

2. Here's where the true stereotypes begin. Although many people watch Hockey, It isn't a thing people are obsessed with like how stereotypes portray us. If you are caught talking bad about Hockey, Nobody will care. No one will even raise an eyebrow. The Stanley Cup is not a sacred artifact here in Canada. Besides, Many people i know here prefer Basketball over anything else.

1. It is true that you will often hear the phrase "I'm Sorry' in Canada, But No one will expect an apology back from you. Both people most of the time will walk away after that. It is weird that someone says to you "sorry" and you say "sorry" back. What are you sorry for? They made the mistake not you! They might say it's okay sometimes. (Not always.)

In Conclusion, This list is just a jumble of stereotypes with only a few true facts. If the false facts won't get you annoyed enough, the repeating ukulele music in the background will.
Any foreigners traveling to Canada, Most of these "Facts" are lies.
Next time you try to make a list like this, 2 Minute Facts, study up.


I live in Canada and most of these aren't true, you can fool around with magic, I LOVE HP BTW, you can DEFINETLY busk in national parks, there is even certain spots made for buskers! Insult our maple syrup all you want, we are not forcing you to like it, the only people that have accents are people that live in Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, PEI and a little bit of a Prairie accent in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Honestly I think it is Halaroius when actors use 'Canadian accents' it cracks me up


7, 4, 3, 2, and 1 are all bullshit. Maybe he read an outdated website or something, but even the ones I didn't mention are semi made up. I would know because I am Canadian but I still own a few dc comics and every book and movie in the Hairy Potter series.


I'm Canadian and I like Harry Potter. A lot of people in Canada do in fact.


This content is entirely false. Sincerely, a Canadian


Ok, the Canadian rule of comics is that you cannot resell comic and when you are a minor, I own tons of comic books, and I've grown up watch marvel and superman and all of the super heros


Written by a non Canadian here’s a fact from an actual Canadian.on thursdays it is illegal to paint a garage door purple.ALSO do the opposite of what this guy says…I FLIPPIN HAVE A STASH OF COMIC BOOKS!!!


Oh Oh Oh you forgot to mention do not step on a House Hippo, injuring one is against the law


I'm Canadian, and none these are not true. Can you try to check your facts better please. Thanks.

(Edit: to anyone who was thinking of a vacation to Canada, and is now rethinking, because of this video. It's not true. It's not wrong to do any of these things in canada.)


Who ever made this video obviously has no clue about Canada & our cultures. Nobody will care if you don't like maple syrup. Now if you make fun of our flag that's a different thing.


This was a good attempt at a video my friend. Unfortunately just about none of it is correct. And much of the traits you're speaking of are derived from old "Tongue In Cheek" preconceptions about Canada. Sorry bout that :-)


i couldnt give less of a fuck if you like maple syrup or not but the not returning an apology thing is so accurate hahaha


Most of this stuff isn’t even true and I live in Canada


“No crime comics” excuse me, but I’m Canadian, and I own roughly 50 crime comics.
