6 Myths & Facts about Homeopathy on World Homeopathy Day 2023 - Dr. Surekha Tiwari | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Surekha Tiwari |Phone 📞 : 088843 68700 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Homeopathic Consultant & Psychological Counsellor | Homeopathic Clinic AECS Layout , Bangalore, India
First of all I greet all my viewers on the World Homeopathy Day 10th of April which happens to be the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Personally I have been a Homeopath for the last 35 years and have absolutely marveled at this beautiful science. I've studied, I have analyzed I have seen so many successful cases with such gentle cure that it's a beautiful way of life. Try and see for yourself, try and go to Homeopathy yourself and feel what I'm trying to say. Now the first myth about Homeopathy is that Homeopathy is slow active. If you have to cover the journey from the root to the last branch of the tree it's a journey but if you just have to pluck a leaf out of the tree it's the second's job. Homeopathy deals with any ailment from its grassroot level. Right from the inception of the disease to the last manifestation of the disorder. Homeopathy can deal with all of it. Contrary to popular belief it is not a slow acting remedy it is actually a thorough acting remedy. It will make sure that whatever is eradicated is done permanently and for that you require a little more time than maybe a paracetamol will bring down your fever in two hours. If the throat problem is not addressed or if the stomach issue is not addressed the fever comes back. Homeopathy will take six hours to bring the fever down taking along with it the throat condition also and the stomach condition also so homeopathy is more thorough it is not slow acting. Often I've heard people ask me that if I am taking Homeopathy can I take the other medications that I am taking. my simple answer to this is Homeopathy works on the organism. You as an individual what you call technically as immunity your disease fighting power that is what homeopathy empowers. It is not going to fight with the bacteria or the virus we do not have an antibiotic in our science we have medicines to empower the body to make sure that the body itself can fight the bacteria infection or the viral infection. So all the medication which you are taking along with Homeopathy like for diabetes, like for blood pressure they have no contraindication to be taken with Homeopathy. This is a myth all the indicated remedies which you are taking you should but if you are taking Homeopathy for fever try not to take too many paracetamols or antibiotics otherwise because you're using two different methods for the same ailment that's where the contradiction is. So for the same ailment try not to take and the homeopaths of the new world who have been educated last few years they understand that you need to keep things under control and yet you can treat the basic cause. Both the things go hand in. When we use the word herbal with things like flowers and leaves and bark and roots herbs are only one part of the homeopathic spectra. Homeopathy draws its medicines from the animal kingdom, from the plant kingdom, from even the mineral kingdom if you can believe me the common sand under your feet is the very important medicine in Homeopathy called silica. The common salt on your table is also a medicine which known as natrum mur in Homeopathy. So Homeopathy is not herbal alone Homeopathy is anything which is from natural sources where the natural resource has been potentized a process through which the latent powers of the substance have been arisen and they are helpful in treating individuals. So herbs are only one part of homeopathic resources. An acute condition medically is described where the organism has been overpowered for the time being in which the fever is suddenly rising too high, the vomitings have been very bad, the diarrhea is immense in such cases Homeopathy works like magic. I have yet to see your diarrhea, I have yet to see a wheeze, I have yet to tear sneezing episode. To know more, watch the video.
Dr. Surekha Tiwari |Phone 📞 : 088843 68700 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Homeopathic Consultant & Psychological Counsellor | Homeopathic Clinic AECS Layout , Bangalore, India
First of all I greet all my viewers on the World Homeopathy Day 10th of April which happens to be the birthday of the founder of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Personally I have been a Homeopath for the last 35 years and have absolutely marveled at this beautiful science. I've studied, I have analyzed I have seen so many successful cases with such gentle cure that it's a beautiful way of life. Try and see for yourself, try and go to Homeopathy yourself and feel what I'm trying to say. Now the first myth about Homeopathy is that Homeopathy is slow active. If you have to cover the journey from the root to the last branch of the tree it's a journey but if you just have to pluck a leaf out of the tree it's the second's job. Homeopathy deals with any ailment from its grassroot level. Right from the inception of the disease to the last manifestation of the disorder. Homeopathy can deal with all of it. Contrary to popular belief it is not a slow acting remedy it is actually a thorough acting remedy. It will make sure that whatever is eradicated is done permanently and for that you require a little more time than maybe a paracetamol will bring down your fever in two hours. If the throat problem is not addressed or if the stomach issue is not addressed the fever comes back. Homeopathy will take six hours to bring the fever down taking along with it the throat condition also and the stomach condition also so homeopathy is more thorough it is not slow acting. Often I've heard people ask me that if I am taking Homeopathy can I take the other medications that I am taking. my simple answer to this is Homeopathy works on the organism. You as an individual what you call technically as immunity your disease fighting power that is what homeopathy empowers. It is not going to fight with the bacteria or the virus we do not have an antibiotic in our science we have medicines to empower the body to make sure that the body itself can fight the bacteria infection or the viral infection. So all the medication which you are taking along with Homeopathy like for diabetes, like for blood pressure they have no contraindication to be taken with Homeopathy. This is a myth all the indicated remedies which you are taking you should but if you are taking Homeopathy for fever try not to take too many paracetamols or antibiotics otherwise because you're using two different methods for the same ailment that's where the contradiction is. So for the same ailment try not to take and the homeopaths of the new world who have been educated last few years they understand that you need to keep things under control and yet you can treat the basic cause. Both the things go hand in. When we use the word herbal with things like flowers and leaves and bark and roots herbs are only one part of the homeopathic spectra. Homeopathy draws its medicines from the animal kingdom, from the plant kingdom, from even the mineral kingdom if you can believe me the common sand under your feet is the very important medicine in Homeopathy called silica. The common salt on your table is also a medicine which known as natrum mur in Homeopathy. So Homeopathy is not herbal alone Homeopathy is anything which is from natural sources where the natural resource has been potentized a process through which the latent powers of the substance have been arisen and they are helpful in treating individuals. So herbs are only one part of homeopathic resources. An acute condition medically is described where the organism has been overpowered for the time being in which the fever is suddenly rising too high, the vomitings have been very bad, the diarrhea is immense in such cases Homeopathy works like magic. I have yet to see your diarrhea, I have yet to see a wheeze, I have yet to tear sneezing episode. To know more, watch the video.