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Fun fact, if you do those "hip thrusts" with the foots further apart and closer together, you train "accesory muscles" wich means muscles that their primary use is not the "back kick" but if you train them they "help" with the back kick anyway... And the one "further apart" if you have your feet far enough, they help with the side kick too n.n

Another fun fact, the back kick is the best kick to kick down a door... Well... Its not a fun fact if you are a door...


Very well done. That demo hits home with me. I was a student of karate for years. The school I attended closed and I took a break for a few years. Later I started back in a local TKD school. They didn't do a turning back kick. They said it was old school and obsolete. They did turning side kicks instead. Later I became one of the instructors and I taught all the students I had all the techniques. Back kick, turning back kick and turning side kick. The back kick with the foot perpendicular to the ground can slip in between your aponents guards. There was one more we learned in karate. We called it flying back kick. I'm sure you are familiar with it. Jump by lifting your knee like doing a basketball layup. Turn 180° in the air and throw the back kick with the opposite foot/leg. The back kick is arguably one of the most powerful kicks. I got caught by one sparring right below the sturnum. It took what seemed like forever to get my breath back. Lol
Thanks for the demo and do a video on the flying/ jump spin back kick.


I have trained with a lot of instructors over many years & seen 100's of karate videos. Sensie Jesse, I humbly suggest U R one of the best instructors I have ever seen. So glad I discovered your channel, to help show us the traditional way, with such a clear explaination, with exercises. Awesome.


Again I find that your old videos are helping me in the present. All my muscles for this kick are lacking, for the very reasons you said. But now I can strengthen my body as well as my technique. Thank you yet again


Hi, Jesse. It's always a pleasure to see your videos, not only for the aspects of the karate itself but also for the very sympathetic way you communicate with people. Really. Except karate, the most beautiful thing in you is your soul and open mind spirit...Karate has certainly brought to you a real spiritual and psichic balance and it's a real pleasure to feel the way you're full of life. When we see you, we feel the need to be your friend spontaneously !
Thanks a lot for your way of communicating life and simplicity through the things you share in your videos.
Maurice from France


Certainement l'un des cours les plus instructifs.Merci de votre générosité et de ce partage. Votre humilité vous honore.


Jesse, I've just come across your YT channel and I must say I'm so much impressed bu the amount of work you put into every video and the quality of knowledge you pass to people. Thank you!


I have been practicing martial arts for years and the back kick has been a very troubling kick for me. You have given me great clarity thank you so much


My wife approves of that warm up 😂,

It’s amazing I’ve had a few instructors back in the day say I should look under my leg when doing this kick, it was always awkward and threw me off balance, I got quite good at it but definitely lacked power and accuracy, I wonder how many others have been taught that way, thanks 🙏 Jesse Sensei


great lesson, such an under rated kick, specially in taekwondo when most fighter do a turning kick with their back foot which opens their body to your back kick to counter :D thank you again, the flexibility and tips definitely help to speed up the kicking speed


Can u do a tutorial on ushiro mawashi geri(spinning hook kick).


thankyou jesse sensai, i couldnt get my ushiro geri to work before but these exercises and techniques will help me out and improve my ushiro geri massively, thankyou


He is simply practicing Master Ken's thrust of freedom 😁


I love watching your videos on kicking. Exactly what I teach my students. Great to see someone with traditional techniques.


Jessie provides lucid and detailed explanations...very helpful.


Excellent video as usual Jesse. The bridge is way more advance than the previous exercise. I like the progressive variation you showed in order to achieve the final posture. I still struggle doing this at yoga class, and one advice I got was to first bend my neck as support and then push with the arms to extend the back. Hope this helps


Thank you Jesse sensei!
sending Love all the way from Malaysia <3


I got to say, thank you so much for this tutorial. I am a WTF Taekwondo fighter, and I love sparring. The back-kick(Dwi Chagi in Korean) is one of my favourites, but I found it difficult, so I didn’t just look at Taekwondo fighters, but every style. My Back-kick went through stages, I first thought to spin and swing it like a spin hook kick(Dwi Huryeo Chagi in Korean) but ended up doing in inaccurate spin-side kick. Then later guys like Kwonkicker and my Master told me that it was a linear kick, and to stomp it rather than swing it. Then you told me to flick my feet to turn back for the kick. Now even I think it looks a looks and feels a lot more powerful and explosive, so thank you so much!


Awesome video Sensei Jesse! Would also love to see a video of you doing a heavy bag workout with punches and kicks. Keep up the good work. Thanks.


i've seen a lot of your videos Jesse, and i think... i think this is the first time i've seen you kick something! very cool
