Debating Tips and Techniques
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In this video, I'll teach you ten great debating techniques to knock the socks off your opponent and audience. These debating tips are also great to use whether debating in school or university or even when trying to win an argument with a friend.
Specifically, the debating techniques we'll look at include:
1. Preparation of your topic
2. Stay on topic
3. Speak slowly, clearly, and charismatically
4. Be confident with your topic
5. Think about your body language and what it’s saying to your audience
6. Listen and take notes
7. Anticipate your opponent’s questions before they’re uttered
8. Tell a story or give an illustration with an example to make your point
9. Use a strong conclusion
10. Don’t take cheap shots at your opponents
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Specifically, the debating techniques we'll look at include:
1. Preparation of your topic
2. Stay on topic
3. Speak slowly, clearly, and charismatically
4. Be confident with your topic
5. Think about your body language and what it’s saying to your audience
6. Listen and take notes
7. Anticipate your opponent’s questions before they’re uttered
8. Tell a story or give an illustration with an example to make your point
9. Use a strong conclusion
10. Don’t take cheap shots at your opponents
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