Amazon Games LIED About New World: Aeternum

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#newworldaeternum #letsplay #renfail
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People who skip cutscenes and skip through content are the biggest complainers 😂


Thank god I waded through all the toxic bull and found your channel this past weekend. You have given my wife and myself an honest review and we have been having a blast playing together. Fantastic game! You’ve got yourself 2 new subscribers.


Hubby and I have been playing since pc launch, 5000+ hrs a piece, just started my 5th character and still LOVING this game! 😍


I played this until it was time to put it down at 1k hours. I’m back at it. Leveling is faster, still some grinding but there is a polish to it. It’s nice to see lots of players out there.


I watched the lead up and launch of New World on PC (as a console gamer, I wasn't a participant) and I remember being bummed because I was hopeful it would be good enough to one day see a console port.

Flash-forward 3 years, and I bought NW: Aeternum day 1 on PS5. Been playing every chance I get ever since (even roped some friends into it) and am having an absolute blast.


This is not meant as negative, an attack, disparaging, or trying to hurt the game and new players.. But,
He is misleading new players by dismissing the real issues that led to New World’s player decline. ( This can be seen as him just being positive which is fine, but at the same time the constant patronizing attitude; he is behaving just like the so called haters) Mocking long-term players and calling them “Reddit trolls” ignores the fact that many players stuck around through the game’s struggles because they cared about its potential. The game’s player base dropped to just a few thousand before the latest expansion, and again before Aeternum which speaks to the problems that existed.

He claims that New World always had enough content, but veteran players' concerns centered around meaningful endgame content. For over a year, there were content droughts and broken promises that drove many away. While updates were eventually delivered, they often came too late. SteamCharts shows that dissatisfaction resulted in a steep player drop-off.
And not once did they communicate that they were working on this re-release if you will, which would have helped peek interest. Instead they left players hanging. So they were obviously bitter when what they had been told was coming was actually Aeternum. And even that, they poorly communicated to current players. The entire reveal was super confusing at the time..

He dismisses the idea that Amazon misled players, but promises about updates were often delayed or altered, particularly with regard to core features like territory control. Many long-term players felt left in the dark for months without substantial communication, and when updates arrived, they frequently didn’t meet initial expectations.

He downplays the fact that New World was left with only a few thousand players before the expansion. This sharp decline was due to content gaps, technical issues, and communication failures. Claiming that the game didn’t suffer from population problems misleads viewers into thinking the game was in better shape than it was.

He mocks the idea that veteran players don’t consider quests and dialogue content, but what these players wanted was depth. Quests alone weren’t enough to keep them engaged; they were promised a dynamic, evolving world with real progression systems. The updates provided often lacked the scope to address these expectations, leading to frustrations.
And many were waiting for the revamp of the entire PVP system which was 1/2 of the entire games content..

He claims that New World was never a PvP game, which is simply not true. The game was released with a strong PvP focus, including territory control, faction warfare, and fort battles. Much of the early population was drawn in by these PvP features. While the game also catered to PvE players, to claim it was never a PvP game is misleading. The shift away from PvP emphasis came much later, and the original design heavily relied on PvP mechanics to engage its player base. With a good system that also protected those who just wanted Pve. It was a good balance.

He repeatedly belittles veteran players as if their concerns aren’t valid. These players aren’t just "trolls"; they’re long-time supporters of the game who were frustrated by ongoing communication issues, delays, and missing content. Dismissing their frustrations as mere complaints is unfair and ignores the long-term struggles they endured.

He offers a highly selective view of New World, omitting key context about the broken promises, delays, and poor communication that alienated the game’s long-term players. His personal experiences with recent updates don’t address the larger picture of why New World saw such a sharp decline. By framing veteran players’ complaints as trolling, he misrepresents the game’s past to new players, which in itself is misleading. Instead of mocking legitimate feedback, it would be more helpful to acknowledge why so many players left in the first place.

If New World had been as consistent and problem-free as he suggests, the player base wouldn’t have dwindled to such low numbers multiple times. People came back in droves each time because its a good game.. (Btw we are not talking wow is dying stuff here.. There were literally just over 1000 players left..)

I actually like New World, like I said, it’s a good game, but there’s no denying that the team hurt the game multiple times. You point to patches like you know everything, yet you didn’t play the game the entire time(?) This feels dishonest because while you try to show their dishonesty, you’re being dishonest yourself.
If there was ever a time for the team to get things right, it’s now. We’ll see.

I only make this comment now after watching all of your videos, and the patronizing tone is in every one of them. While you might believe you’re being honest, you’re not giving the full picture or acknowledging your own incomplete understanding of the game’s history. Which you try to auto complete by pointing out patch drops lol.
It’s always two sides now—those who complain and those who mock them. What happened to fair, honest reviews without this constant division?

Its just a bit much man and you just keep going and going with this tone. Laying it on thick. I am a fan of the game but also feel burnt by them so many times, we are not all being haters or toxic. And its just you are being as annoying as the actual negative nancy's. With this. Just keep on the positives, why is there a need to keep engaging that. Because as Ive said, you are not being honest or fair yourself.. Btw you are a PC gamer yourself, what is all this "PC Player" bashing you also keep doing.. I mean you are making disparaging comments about people, attacking their grammar, how are you not yourself being toxic.

To new players, I'm not telling you don't play. It is a good game. But this misrepresenting the truth or positive spin; skirting around the truth about why the game was tanking multiple times is not honest. As I said hopefully they will get it right this time. But shame on me once, ..twice.. etc is also in play here. Its not just haters. Or blaming people for assuming? For a product they paid for because of how it was sold to them? He clearly himself has a Dev bias because he has seen it from both sides(?) Again, he is pointing out dishonest things but oblivious to how he is also being dishonest himself.


Refreshing to hear someone who understands. All I see is the troll garbage and I almost didn’t even try this game.

And then I found it for every game.

And I realized I’m listening to babies crying that they have to pay $60 for the most beautiful game that provides hundreads of hours of entertainment.

But they’ll go pay $120 at the bar that night and call it a great time.

Just out of touch cry babies.


Remember the original hunter in WOW used Mana on launch.


Fact even with the base game you are no paywalled to get ilvl 725 items as the base game includes the pvp island. The only things the DLC do not include and thats only if you did only have the base game before aeternum launch, is the story for the Rise of the Angry earth, Flail, and mounts. Which for $30 is a hell of a deal.


I found out that my new character was on the wrong server to partake in this event where you get the red transmogs.
So I deleted my lvl 47 old 2021 character and my new lvl 33 character (which was like 4 days old and had already done all sidequests and a lot of harvesting along the way ( I wasn’t rushing) and I created a new character on the server with the sun symbol.

With that one I rushed to get him to where my other lvl 33 character was and it took me a whole night of speedquesting the main story quest, skipping every dialogue and cutscene.
I didn’t look at the clock, because I seriously don’t care to much in a game that I want to play for a long time if it turns out great, but it was like 8-9 hours up to lvl 33.
So 0-65 in 9 hours isn’t possible.
I don’t know how I should have been any faster.
I could have skipped riding and the races. That would have saved maybe an hour, but I would have been slower afterwards without a mount.

So the whole claim of speedleveling in 9 hours to maxlevel is nothing but bragging and is total bs


I had lost my passion for gaming until Aeternum came along. Feels so great losing tract of time because I am enjoying a game this MUCH! I feel excited and alive again. I enjoy gaming again! TY Amazon !


Bro, i been playing since the beginning, love every bit of it. Adding console has restored the player base and gave the game a breath of fresh air


$30 is a decent price for a dlc and if you actually enjoy the game its really not much to ask to continue supprting the game


Your a breath of fresh air on my youtube feed, todays youtube just gets swallowed up by negativity these days


The REAL question is; are you having fun?


and WoW we are paying monthly to beta test for 20 years. People just dont know how to math this, NW has no subs. Best thing is i can take a break without having to worry about my subs recurring.


GW1 mentioned :D when I received the Nightfall expansion for christmas as a kid my life changed forever. Love that game


Not sure if you covered this in another video. Which performance setting are you using on PS5? I'm flipping between them trying to figure out which one is more stable lol


I had a lot of fun 'beta-testing' the game on launch (I played the actual beta for 200 hours and the launch/brimstone for 1k). And this new start feels like playing a new game again. ~120 hours so far - didn't finish msq yet, since I can't stop myself from leveling all skills, no matter that this is my 3rd time playing from start (and I refuse to skip the story, since it's relatively good and it's nice to finally have a story that doesn't end on a cliffhanger in shattered mountain). Essentially I got 2 (3?) games for the price of 1. No regrets playing on either launch.


Im a long time pc player. The developpers have been talking about a huge amount of content being added for half a year before announcing that they are going to rebrand the game and have a console release along with some minor content. The beta testing comments are about that, the game has been dry of new content since the release of the DLC more than a year ago. MMO's are long term games and that only works from the players perspective if you get some new things to do every once in a while. To me it sounds in your argument you don't get that sentiment. Im gonna download the game and make a new guy btw im not so invested in the discussions :P
