🔥 XP DEUS II – No Fluff, No Hype… Just the Best. Here’s Why! (Merrill’s Breakdown)

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The XP DEUS II: No Gimmicks, Just Game-Changing Tech! (Merrill’s Breakdown)

“You want a detector that just goes beep beep over metal? Plenty of those out there. But XP? We don’t do fluff.” – Merrill

Let’s get real—metal detecting has its fair share of overhyped and rebranded machines. XP? We only release new models when they truly innovate. That’s why the XP DEUS II still leads the pack.

💡 So what makes the XP DEUS II different?
✅ No Annual “New” Model Nonsense – We upgrade what we have instead of making you buy twice.
✅ It’s STILL Evolving – Features like Go Terrain GPS and Extreme Hunter coils weren’t there at launch. Now? Total game-changer.
✅ Wireless for Real – No cables, no wasted power, and effortless coil switching.
✅ Audio That Tells the Story – PWM, Square, and High Square tones + a full equalizer to fine-tune exactly what YOU want to hear.
✅ Built for the Hunt – XP’s S-shaped stem keeps the coil away from your feet. Say goodbye to your boots setting off signals.
✅ Iron? No Problem. – XP DEUS II has the best iron-mitigation tools in the game.
✅ Dives Like a Pro – Down to 66 feet underwater, no extra machine needed.

XP doesn’t name detectors after cars or natural disasters. We let the tech speak for itself. And if you think another machine can match this one… let’s hear it.

📢 Think the XP DEUS II is still unmatched? Tell us in the comments!
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Рекомендации по теме

I love my deus 2 as a metal detector, but it has some flaws that you don’t mention, that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Like when is XP going to get me a charging cable that fits correctly? And why do I have to buy a 3D printed remote control holder that someone on Etsy makes, because the one XP makes keeps breaking? Come on Merrill, ask you sponsor to do something for their customers!


I have to disagree. I bought my first detector, the Nokta Legend, two years ago and found many, many gold rings with it. Later, I decided to upgrade to the DEUS 2, which I used for about a year and had no issues with—I really liked the machine. Then, about six months ago, my wife decided to join me in the hobby and took over the DEUS 2. That’s when I bought the Manticore—and wow! That machine is in a class of its own.

I honestly wouldn’t use any other detector now. It’s as quiet as a mouse, hits incredibly deep on wet sand, and its sensitivity to small jewelry is simply unmatched.

Merrill, I’ve been following your channel for a long time, and I even went back to rewatch your Manticore videos. Honestly, I’m convinced that you haven’t spent enough time with the Manticore to fairly compare it to the DEUS 2. Even the Manticore page on your website is incomplete.

To be clear, this is just my humble opinion! That said, 80% of what I know today, I’ve learned through watching your videos, and you’ll always have me as a loyal follower.😘✌


Totally Agree !! Great presentation of the Best Detector out there !! Cheers


You should write a small book on mastering the Deus 2 I believe it would do well.


Thanks Merrill as always a easy to understand education and fun video


- Something i and alot of other people would want for the Deus 2 is High Quality Wireless Boneconduction headphones for land use.
- Software tweaks, i would want to change the Frequency pairs that is contained in the multifrequency for example.
- 10 inch elliptical coil with battery in stem for better weight distribution.
- Wireless Charging could it be possible?

Thanks Merryll for all that you have done and is doing for XP!
Cant wait for the HF coil to come!


Love my D2 for sure, best in class in iron for sure with the 9” coil. For an ocean metered machine the Manticore with the M9 coil is the new gold standard and I’m in the ocean all year long in the northeast, Florida and the islands etc. What makes the Manty excel is the ability for the transmit/receive function of the coil to broadcast out to the sides of the coil vs. the D2 straight up/down. This feature has stopped me in my tracks because I’ve been alerted subtly to a target that’s just outside of my swing/coil that has affected the field of the coil/threshold. It has led to many recoveries (gold) that I would’ve otherwise missed with D2. They each do some things very well and I’m fortunate to have both. I do imagine the engineers at XP could tweak a few things for the ocean hunter (hint) true threshold, but I’m happy using both for sure. JMTCW, Happy Hunting


I am ready, I can't wait for the new HF coil. XP is by far my choice. People ask me in my video comments, do you swing anything else and I say why, it has it all in one machine. Thank you XP for making the product. Thanks Merrill for the break down. Thanks for sharing.


Good video, I don't have one, but the people I know that do have a Deus I, II or ORX love them. They are certainly innovative.


Excelente video! Muy bien explicado. Lo unico que eché de menos es comentar acerca de lo duro y resistente que es el equipo, a pesar de ser tan ligero y pequeño.
Llevo más de 11 años con mi Deus original, y al menos 3 con mi Deus 2. He viajado medio mundo con estos equipos, los he puesto en situaciones realmente complicadas y 0 problemas.

Ojalá salga pronto el plato de alta frecuencia para el Deus 2... y si saliera uno más pequeño para lidiar con los sitios con mucha roca sería increible ya.


Que bueno verte de nuevo Merrill!! 🙏 como siempre muy puntual en tus comentarios.
Muchas gracias 🙏


Merrill!!! Welcome back brother, missed you! Hope to see you again in chicago. Been waiting for the new HF coil - it will be a game changer for us old timers and hardcore detectorists - Ben


I've had mine for a year now and I love it. I especially like the bone conducting earphones. It's great to hear so well around me, I.E. alone at night. Powerful, trustworthy, and so many useful options.


Excellent video Merrill. Someday I will have the Deus 2. Love it. Well done!


Good to see you again.
I agree with you in your analysis. The 5-year-old garentie, the lightness that allows me to stay 4 hours on the beach without waking up my tendonitis. I like the deus 2


Loving my Deus 2, even more than the original Deus. Heading to the beach in a few days, can hardly wait!


I hope for a 6" coil for the deus2. As for now the 9" coil can be to big when you are hunting in rocky places on the beach so I always bring the Minelab Equinox 900 with the 6" coil on my hunts...


Just got the Deus 2. Looking forward to learning this machine and seeing what i can pull. Thanks for the tips and info.


Yes! Its a great point to have a second deus by just buying a separate coil. I have the bone conduction headphones too, there are so many configurations!


One of the things I did not hear about was the Bottle cap reject on the Xp Deus 2. I love that feature as many Parks around here are loaded with bottle caps. I love hunting in those areas as many others will stay away from bottle cap areas. I can hunt by sound listening to the bottle caps and then a high pitched sound telling me that there is a coin in there. 😃
