5 Crucial Mistakes of Bronze & Silver Players in Ranked - League of Legends

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The only mistake i've made is when i decided to install this fucking game...


John: Ahh man.... its impossible to climb from bronze....
David: But John. There are a lot of people who reaced silver, challenger.
John:They are actors David! THEY ARE ALL ACTORS!!!


The problem with pretty much all off your "advice" is that you know when not to fight, but you team doesn't so they engage even though the team is behind...


Those YTers always think like bronze/silvers are just some 3 year old kids that cant handle it to press buttons in the right order. Like me: i climbed this season from bronze to silver (still climbing) cuz i played and practised lee sin ALOT. (60% winrate now) It's not like bronzes and silvers can't put time in a champion to learn it and get gud with it. The biggest problem is that they play those champions when they DIDN'T practise these champions and therefore they don't know how to play it and perfom bad with it, but keep playing them so the general winrate goes down too. No hate, just love. :D


I had a friend who was rather kill-hungry. It was the most annoying shit in the world to see him being 6/2/4 and whine about someone else taking a kill at ANY point in time. It literally has gotten to the point where I didn't even WANT to teamfight with him because he'd whine so hard over his need for kills.
And he wonders why he's in Bronze V, chasing into enemy jungle for a kill when he could've just gotten tower.


"Top 5 reasons why foxtrop is boosted"


Great video, Foxxy! I like these educational videos a lot, they encourage people to think what they're doing and why, even better, they point out some of the mistakes a majority of low elo players make, so they don't have to find out and think too much themselves.

Anyway, thanks for the great videos you are uploading and have a good day! :)


Dude u are awesome, i like your videos and they really help me with some champions .. i am stuck in silver for a long time, i try many of this advices but in most situations when my team is behind they just rush in and die again and just flame over and over, so i lose my focus and stop trying to calm them, and in that situation we lose the game .. i wish i could somehow play with you .. wishing you all the best and good luck in the future


lmao i dont need any of these tips i can 1v9 with yasuo im just bronze V because of my trash teammates i deserve challenger i can beat faker 1v1


Love this type of video that you give a list of tips or a list of top 10 champions. Please do more of these


truer words have never been spoken my friend. love your vids and your perspective! keep up the amazing work fox


4:12 This happens to me ALL the time when I play support. I die protecting my ADC and he decides to stay and dies aswell. Like why did I just die there when you want to die aswell??


Real way to climib :
1. Don't complain, everything is your fault.
2. Mute everyone and focus and think about what you can do for the victory


league youtubers really have nothing new to say so they just recycle the same videos over and over again.


great content fox! thanks for the tips, and keep uploading great videos like this one!


I have a question for number 1:

If you do play a "hard" champion in bronze/silver but you play them well, should you still play them? I play a lot of riven, kled and camille (i play mostly top) and have at least a 1.0 kda in almost all games. A lot of the times i've lost are when another lane is snowballing and i either cant deal with them or have to give up lane advantage to deal with them.


I like how the background gameplay is from M0E's duo Q with his friend (cannot remember name) while talking about bronze/silver and they both miss easy skillshots in the towerdive vs ziggs xD


i think another big issue, and I am in bronze but it is something I have noticed is patience is key. In a team fight I and many others are very quick to use cooldowns instead of waiting for an optimal moment. A good example for me is any time I rumble ult or ori ult. Big spells that can completely turn a teamfight, and if I blow it on 1 person too early, i miss out on the potential 4 or 5 man ult that would have been way more optimal. Being patuent with CDs is number 6. :)


That Yorick comment hit me right in the feels, I've been playing him a lot and he is my highest win rate champ by a large margin. :(


i just reached silver 2 (was B5 a month ago or so. been climbing by mainly playing poppy) And all of this happens atleast every other game or so, its obvious that if youve fallen very far behind YOU SHOULDNT be trying to force fights and just farm right? nah in silver it means keep trying until trying cuz 0/7 is just 7/0 in disguise.

and me telling someone "please just farm and stop fighting" is toxic cuz after that is said most of the time i get a split pushing adc that doesnt want to group when the time for grouping comes.

This video might help some but other people in silver think they are already challenger and any advice is considered "toxic" or "useless"

Hopefully i could see my way outta there soon since im starting to learn streamers and vids like this as well
