Military medics evolving after learnings from Ukraine and Gaza conflicts

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The conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza have shown how military medicine is changing - and the idea of setting up a field hospital to treat injured personnel in a safe area behind the frontline is becoming a thing of the past.

The battlefield is transforming – and so too must Army medics.

With this in mind, the Royal Army Medical Corps is seeking a new type of reservist.

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Please don't thank me for watching! Thank you, for doing. Fantastic work.


Glad to see this happening, our military need all the help they can get when there is no field hospital. Hope more talented folk join the Reserves, we will soon be needing them. If I was younger and in shape I would join, but am sill able to make a good cuppa should the need arise.


🇬🇧I hope the JGSDF will learn from the British Army.


When I was in the Army 77/88 if you had a gunshot wound there was nobody better to treat you. I broke my ankle in 85 diagnosed as a sprain, broke it again in 86 plus 3 ribs, left to drift in and out of consciousness for three days in a field hospital. Totally useless!


Share this medical stuff with younger people in case they need to know some of it.


Terrible quote "we are excited to be joining because after seeing Afghanistan and Iraq people want to join because of the excitement of a new kind of conflict" [sic]

But, best of luck to them. They might even get to use the new £30m military hospital we built in Oman back in ~2019. It was back when we built that and reversed the decision to mothball the Challenger II that I knew something was up. I thought we were going to invade Iran but now looks like it will be in case any sailors get injuries in the Red Sea. £30m brand new military hospital in Iran during the heights of austerity.

We are planning lots of different scenarios that our government hasn't told us yet. I don't think they thought Russia would invade Ukraine. They must've known what Israel was planning though. No other reason why we would spend £30m on a brand new hospital in Oman. Think about it, and if you can come up with a different answer, I would love to hear it...
