The three most commonly used knots in daily life@knottips101

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0:00 Bowline on the Bight
0:53 Butterfly knot
1:50 Bowline knot
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Knot #2 is better described as the " false" butterfly knot which distinguishes it from the "alpine" version of the butterfly knot.


you give great visual instructions. Thank You!!


Nice but you should demonstrate the purpose and a situation where the know is used. Also exactly how you go about tying it in a real situation.


This is such a useful and unique share.


Like any knot nerd I know all three of these, but every method was new to me! I hope the guy who says #2 isn't an alpine butterfly explains further (unless OP can), but with some practice it might be faster than my already quick method. I'm sure the bowline on a bight can get faster than my current method. The bowline I can tie at least three different ways already, so I'll learn this one but don't think it will win on speed. Great method for teaching though, and a nice lead in to teach the related sheet bend. Thanks for the vid, subbed!


AWESOME! I specialy love the way You're tiyng the Bowline. I agree with comments below, the Butterfly is not the Alpine exactly, but as long as We know that, it still a good easy and fast knot to know. Thank You very much for sharing. Greetings from France ^_^


Красиво показано, понятно без слов! Спасибо!


Vidio yang sangat bagus dan mengedukasi


1. *Двойной булинь* завязан с помощью узла Проводник.
2. *Австрийский проводник* иногда его называют Серединный проводник или Пчелка.
3. *Булинь* (английский классический).
Важно! Свободные ходовые концы выходящие из узла должны иметь длину не менее 10-ти диаметров верёвки. Это относится ко всем узлам, в том числе к любым контрольным.


I think the most tied knot is, at least here in portugal, the overhand. You can do literally almost anything with it, being a secure knot - but you'll need to sacrifice cordage because you'll need to cut it since once loaded with weight it's hard to untie. I spend 30 years knowing just that one knot. My cowboy cousin who has been in the business for over ten years knows only the overhand and the half hitch. These two knots are enough.
One overhand is a stopper knot. Used on two rope's ends it joins any piece of string of the same size. Tie the knot on the end of a rope, tie another overhand behind it and you have a Jam knot for tightening things. Pull the tip back through the knot to create a loop, hence an allpurpose loops for holding bales of hay. Tie two together in the right way and you have a square knot, which is very secure (same as shoelaces, but without the slipped end)

But to be honest, I changed my life, and those around me by learning the trucker's hitch. It's a self tightening knot useful for tensioning rope properly, and tying down loads. Put a toggle in the hitch and you have a marlinspike hitch, usefull for pulling rope by grabbing the toggle instead, making it far easier.

That second knot it dangerous, the Alpine butterfly is far stronger, and people should be tying that instead.


Also please demonstrate the purpose and use of knots in day to day life, otherwise it will be of no use to anyone
You will keep on making videos and we will keep on seeing.
Time will come when people will stop seeing the videos.


What part about "commonly used" don't you understand?


Deceptive and misleading title. Besides the bowline, none of the other two are in the top three most used knots. Also, the way the bowline was made makes it very dangerous. The tip is WAY too short.


The most common daily knot is a doubly slipped reef knot. You do tie your shoelaces, don't you?


Knot #2 is a false butterfly and is very dangerous to teach it as a real butterfly or alpine butterfly knot.


Hlo sir that's not butterfly knot check carefully guys fake butterfly knot you make different😢


узлы: двойной проводник, прямой проводник и булинь


The first one can be done in a less complicated manner. The second one which the author doesn't name is a "butterfly" knot and can be done much faster, differently. The last one is ok...but the remaining small tip inside the loop must be oriented in the opposite direction so as to not interfere. All knots can be done differently but some are downright made complicated.
