Meet New Team Avatar (Legend of Genji)

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Meet the new team avatar from The Legend of Genji.



All art was found on the Legend of Genji website:

#avatar #avatarthelastairbender
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"we finally have a non-bender with an ability" are you saying Sokka being a pretty solid strategist and Asami effectively being batwoman aren't abilities?


What made Sokka so great as a non bender was his ability to strategize with or without time on his side


It's so cool to see a sand-bender as the Avatar. I've always found them as a culture to be fascinating.


Luan is basically like Zuko he will clash with the avatar a few times until realizing what’s right than joins team avatar and most likely he will teach him earth bending since Genji only knows sand bending not earth.


I definitely think that Luan isn't immediately going to be allies with Genji, they're going to clash, it's only natural, one thinks he's the avatar and was brought up to think and act that way, now a dusty sandbender barges into his life and says he's the avatar, and that Luan's life is a lie? Also, I hope they explore the Fire Nation more, we didn't get anything in LOK about the fire nation, other than that temple. We have a girl from the Fire Nation, please give more lore on it!


I feel like Maya would have to be a water bender, as the team doesn't actually have one, unless they are going to have the spirit bender teach water bending theory, which might be interesting.


Maya will most likely be a skilled clay and mud bender, being able to shift earths moisture and stuff maybe even lava


Fans: Nickelodeon do something
Nickelodeon: No
Fans: Fine I will do it myself


I hope Nami has more to her than just "cute kid who likes fairy", cuz for now that's the vibe I get; Of course can't wait for her character to be developed, I actually trust the LoG team enough to make her more than 1 dimensional, and it's gonna take time, but can't wait!!


I would love more pro-bending since we really got it from S1 in Korra. Also, I'd love more non-bender characters like in the Last Airbender. In Korra, only Asami feels like a real fighter non-bender, whereas in the Last Airbender it feels like we had much more non-benders fighters that could stand as equals to benders.

EDIT: And yeah, I know there are the chi-blockers, which is all cool, but I'm talking about characters. I mean the lieutenant was cool but we don't even get his name and he was dispatched way too early in the last episode.


The Earth Avatar reincarnating as a member of the Earth Kingdom/Federation's fringe members seems to be a huge middle finger to its cultural elitism on the Avatar Spirit's part. Kyoshi was born to two criminals far from the core and Genji is born into the sandbender culture who lived a nomadic existence in the Si Wong Desert and were generally seen as inferior savages by most of the Earth continent, especially the wealthy elite of Ba Sing Se.

I suspect that Genji will have great difficulty both accepting his nature as the Avatar and being accepted as the Avatar due to his cultural origin and background. Kyoshi herself was not accepted by many at first because she did not fit the ideal model of the Avatar, namely by being of high breeding and noble birth which her fake Avatar, Yun, was and also due to her disdain for procedure and niceties, so she never fit in well with Earth Kingdom society and preferred to keep to herself when she wasn't fulfilling her Avatar duties. Genji, while not born to criminals, nevertheless still grew up disadvantaged due to the circumstances of his birth and the sandbenders have historically been treated badly by Earth Kingdom society. Add in the fact that his predecessor Korra chose to help the waterbending Foggy Swamp tribe over the sandbenders against the encroaching Earth Kingdom forces and he probably won't be very amenable towards his nature at first.


Maya was called "Of the clady and boat clans" on the official site. Mabey she is able to bend clay


I really like that there is a spirit bender among them. It may be that in some point of the show Genji may need to contact the spirits, seeing how the earth nation is that farthest from spirit bending in that they have many earthly ties. Plus having a good guy equivalent to Azula makes me wanna read this thing badly.


So reading their bios, Kalsang's mentioned that maybe he'll find someone just as passionate about his favorite show. Then in Luan's, it mentions he's a huge fan of the show Starbenders. Hmm, coincidence, I HOPE not. 🤣🤣🤣🙌


I'm really liking this project, it's really nice. One thing tho, where's his spirit animal? Luan has the cat thing (idk the hybrid name) but he isn't like the actual avatar. Shouldn't genji have his spirit animal??


nice team and I love the idea of everyone thinking luan's the Avatar and Genji being unaware that he's the one and giving humble comments on how the Avatar ( which he is ) shouldn't be treated like a god. I would like to see how surprised he would be when he finds out he's the Avatar. ooh and the idea of luan being a Villain might be true but it's too obvious. He might have a hard time believing he is not the Avatar but maybe not evil. Besides, he doesn't even like being in public and all. I think the Villain might be someone who has really been benefiting from luan's fame or a crisis at his mechanic shop.


It would be interesting to see if the White Lotus has corrupted itself as the Dai Lee. And if that happens the clash between the members of the White Lotus and the Avatar is evident.


I'm sad the legend of Genji was cancelled. It had such an interesting premise and was great quality for a fanmade story. I hope the new Earth bender series the offiicial Avatar studios makes is just as good, if not better


Love the idea of a water-tribe non-bender becoming an air acolyte


Just waiting for a panel to say "You...are the AVATAR!" Good LORD its gonna be hype
